Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 690 Infinity: Final Battle

Chapter 690 Infinity: Final Battle

The battle between the Purifiers and the Titans escalated.

This infinite battle not only shattered the land of no man, but also destroyed all nearby planets and satellites!
After dozens of rounds of confrontation between the two ultimate artifacts, the scepter and the glove.
Thanos chose to retreat temporarily and teleported away from the Borderlands star field!

But no matter where Thanos teleports, Luo Yang can always follow suit, arrive in place in an instant, and continue to chase and kill Thanos! !
Both the Infinity Gauntlet and the Final Scepter have a strange connection similar to quantum entanglement.

From the broken land of no man, to the star of Titan, to the land of nothingness, to the solar system.
The battle between Luo Yang and Thanos is no longer limited to the current world.
During the teleportation, the plane even tended to be ruined by Luo Yang and Thanos.

After multiple transmissions, the transmission destinations of the two began to change in various ways, and even flashbacks occurred.

It can probably be seen as entering the 'six paths of reincarnation'.

past and future.

Red world and black world.

There are even many planes that Luo Yang has never been to.

During these countless teleportations, the scene around him changed crazily again and again.

World Tree Nine Kingdoms Unknown Plane Hell Paradise
And all kinds of different Marvel universes.
Perhaps, there are 616 universes, the ultimate universe and MCU among them.

Familiar faces once only seen in comics, those gods and 'beyonders', also pass by.
Life Court, Gao Tianzun, Swallowing Star, Silver Surfer, Universe Champion, Observer, Michael, Metron, Troublemaker, Monitor and Anti-Monitor, Barbatos, and even Daxai from Apocalypse Germany.

Even these god-level figures just stared at the collapsed battle between Luo Yang and Thanos, and did not intervene.

During the time travel, an endless war continued between Thanos and Luo Yang.

Thanos' blade collided with the gun of courage, and the power of the glove collided with the scepter
The confrontation between the two ultimate artifacts caused space and time to fall into chaos, and the flow of time and space were mixed together in chaos.

Luo Yang was even thinking about whether the original plane would collapse?
After I don't know how many times I have crossed.
The two came to a new area-the Crimson Universe.

Everything is dyed red in the void.

Here, the original laws of physics completely fail.

Seratok, the master of the Crimson Universe.

In his own territory, facing Thanos and Luo Yang who came through time, he shivered with fright and quickly hid.He let Luo Yang and Thanos fight here.

In the final scepter, countless knowledge and a huge amount of information also flooded into Luo Yang's mind during this process.

Thanos floated in the red space, hissing and roaring:

"—Why would someone as troublesome as you interfere with me!?"

"—If this world continues to develop like this, there is no hope at all!"

"No, your plan will destroy the hope of the living!" Luo Yang roared, "In any case, you have no right to decide the life and death of everyone!"

"Of course I have no right to decide, all of this is decided by fate!"

Luo Yang held the spear of courage tightly in his hand, and spiritual energy hovered all over his body.
And Imperius' high-level power of heaven was also liberated from Solarion, the spear of courage!
The golden-orange power of heaven gradually merges with the blue-white purification power.

"Purification · Thorn of Heaven!"

Luo Yang, who had fully activated his second soul, suddenly accelerated and stabbed forward, stabbing Thanos with a single shot!
Thanos raises a knife to block
boom! ! !
The two weapons collided, and the energy continued to collide and move randomly.
Within half a second, cracks gradually appeared on the left half of Thanos' Blade and then completely shattered!

Tom!Suddenly, a huge shock wave exploded!
The crimson universe around him also began to collapse!
Thanos and Luo Yang started teleporting together.
Half a second later, the two appeared in a golden city.
The space-time channel area of ​​Sowerin's capital planet.Moreover, during this time travel, Luo Yang and Thanos returned to the original timeline!

Thanos and Luo Yang landed on one of the platforms with an area of ​​1000 square meters.

This platform is much larger than the area in "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" where the Galaxy Doubi Tiantuan fought.

Here, colorful lightning clouds flow and rush in the sky.The space-time rift will open at any time
Luo Yang floated up, swung the spear of courage around, and then flashed forward!
Beside Thanos, Luo Yang once again used the power of the scepter, breaking out a storm of time!
After the storm of time swept away, Luo Yang concentrated all the scepter energy on Thanos' gloves with a thought!

A burst of dark energy surrounded Thanos' gloves.
Shadow Erosion!

The original gorgeous Infinity Gauntlet lost its original brilliance under the erosion of this wave of shadows.

However, the release of this wave of shadow erosion also made the final scepter consume a lot, making it temporarily unusable!

Thanos looked at Luo Yang viciously
"What do you want to do, brat?"

After blocking part of the abilities of the Infinity Gauntlet, Luo Yang attacked again, and Luo Yang threw the spear of courage at Thanos viciously
Purification · Thorn of Wrath!
At the same time, a wave of spiritual energy gushed out, immobilizing Thanos' feet!

"Tips for carving insects!"

Thanos suddenly stretched out his left hand, and used the Infinity Gauntlet to catch the incoming spear of courage!
An astonishing amount of energy burst out from the Infinity Gauntlet, and Thanos directly crushed the front end of the Gun of Courage!

However, you have to fight for the number of weapons. Thanos, you are not an opponent of labor and capital.

Luo Yang threw away the heroic spear, took a step back, and took out the Ashbringer from the portable space!
The golden long knife is even more eye-catching in the crimson universe!
"Purification·Rage Slash!" Luo Yang shouted, "Turn into ashes!"

Luo Yang's left hand was able to stabilize Thanos' body, and his right hand slashed down!

This time, Thanos didn't dare to slack off, and tried his best to get out of the way.

Thanos picked up the half knife, used the Reality Gem to restore his weapon to its original full form, and started a close fight with Luo Yang! !
After a few rounds of confrontation, Luo Yang speeded up, raised the Ashbringer and slashed down with a knife! "Ho!!"

Thanos can only be picked up with gloves.
A burst of energy spread out!

咵 la la.
The metal on the entire surface of the platform is shaken off by the impact
Even, hundreds of meters away, the Sovereign guards on other platforms were also affected. They were sent flying several meters away and were seriously injured on the spot!
Luo Yang squeezed the handle of the Ashbringer and roared, "Burn to ashes!"

Ashbringer suddenly burst out with a blast of flames, scorching Thanos' left arm and left half of his body to black!
"Wow" Thanos was completely unexpected and retreated backwards
While backing away, the soul gem in Thanos' glove radiated an orange light, piercing Luo Yang's forehead!
In an instant, Luo Yang was affected by the soul gem, and the image of the sea of ​​consciousness switched from the golden city of Sovereign to the orange soul world!

After a moment, everything around was quiet.

There is no noise whatsoever.

Under the feet, there is a pool that does not reach the knees.

The pool has no end at all, and only some simple pavilion-style buildings can be barely seen in sight.

Here, Luo Yang recalled the scene when he saw Uther Lightbringer, that plane of consciousness.

Luo Yang focused his attention on the scepter.
The energy of the scepter entered his conscious control.

At the same time, his willpower exploded.
Luo Yang used his willpower to try to break through the blockade of the soul gem!

After several minutes of hard work, the water surface of the entire soul world gradually began to melt into ripples.

And gradually stir up!
In a few seconds, the water surface boiled, and the entire orange soul world began to collapse!
The world of soul gems is helplessly broken!

Thanos' plan to use the soul gem to block Luo Yang's consciousness has also become a delusion!
Back to reality
Just a few seconds passed!
Thanos took the opportunity to sneak attack on the blade of Luo Yang's Thanos Blade, and slashed on the plasma shield!
Luo Yang quickly pushed Thanos away with ion shock!

"Titan, you can't succeed!" Luo Yang roared.

"I will...kill you and step over your corpse!" Thanos was still struggling, his tone not small.
Next, it was another tough fight.
After dozens of rounds of confrontation and energy confrontation
With a twist of Luo Yang's wrist, a change of move lightly removes Thanos' weapon!

The blade of Thanos fell to the side and slid several meters away.

Ashbringer cut from the left again!
Thanos was dying, catching the sword with his bare hands, and holding Royan's Ashbringer with both hands.

Luo Yang's left-handed psionic blade popped out.

The faint blue war blade with the same color as Luo Yang's pupils instantly illuminated Thanos' purple face.
Luo Yang quickly withdrew his left hand and changed to holding the knife with his right hand.

Immediately afterwards, he thrust quickly, stabbing the spirit blade into Thanos' chest!
Thanos looked stern, just looked down at Luo Yang's left hand.

The Spirit Blade cannot cause fatal damage to Thanos.In other words, Thanos' physique is no weaker than that of Kryptonians!
Luo Yang drew back the spiritual blade in his left hand slightly, and transformed the blue spiritual blade into a solar energy spiritual blade.

A golden impact blasted out from the Sun Spirit Blade, cutting through Thanos' skin and piercing through that huge body!

The bruised and bruised Thanos finally fell down!


Thanos' huge body hit the metal ground, making a shallow hole in the ground.

Luo Yang left Ashbringer and stretched out his right palm.

From the palm of his hand, a burst of ice storm burst out, sealing Thanos' body within half a second.

Only his head and left hand were not frozen.

"Thanos, that's it." Luo Yang took off the Infinity Gauntlet from Thanos' hand and stood in front of him.

"Unfortunately, you didn't succeed," he sighed.

 The first update on November 1th.

(End of this chapter)

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