Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 687 Mage? Borderlands

Chapter 687
Luo Yang temporarily put down the knife.

"You have wasted countless energy, sacrificing your subordinates, your adopted daughter, just to collect all these infinite gems." Luo Yang leaned against a boulder, "For what?"

"Tell me, you may not believe it." Thanos said calmly, "This is a complicated story."

After a moment of silence, Luo Yang said: "Finish your story. I'm listening, Thanos."

Thanos moved his lips slightly and sighed:
"I will erase the lives of half the people in this universe. After a snap of the fingers, they will disappear, and they will disappear without pain. This is the desire of death, and this is a necessary action for this universe to continue to develop."

"—Resources are limited, but the life and development of any life cannot be separated from the consumption of resources. Before long, more planets will enter a state of resource depletion and then be destroyed."

Luo Yang frowned slightly: "You Thanos, the crazy titan who kills people without blinking an eye, bloodbathed the galaxies, but beautifies his own massacre into the practice of a great ideal??"

"Anyway, I've been sticking to this ideal." Thanos swung his fingers, activating the Reality Gem on the Infinity Gauntlet.

Under the influence of the Reality Gem, the entire maelstrom and its surrounding area gradually transformed into its original prosperous period.

In the maelstrom, crystal ore resources are almost inexhaustible.

Countless excavators are mining these crystals day and night.

On the surface of the land without owner, there are countless giant pillars, which cooperate with the plasma isolation net to form an artificial atmosphere, so that all human beings in the universe can live here.

Not far from the maelstrom is a small town, and it is quite a lively town.

Countless aliens come and go in the town, and the population density is almost equal to that of a big city.

After showing the original appearance of the maelstrom, Thanos also showed the whole process of his home star, Titan, from its heyday to its decline to its demise.

It's good to preach and brainwash.

Luo Yang listened patiently to Thanos' introduction of his ideas, but he couldn't agree with the action of destroying half of life at all.

He shook his head and said: "I already understand, Thanos. The excessive development of any civilization will lead to its own destruction. But eliminating the population is not the only way."

"No, only this is the most effective way." Thanos said indifferently, "and we have also discussed this topic."

"Purifier, if you disagree with my decision, it's normal. You care about everything around you." Thanos said.

"What if, after you snapped your fingers, you were the one who was eliminated?"

"It seems unlikely because I control the Infinity Stone itself. But I would give anything, even my life."

Luo Yang stood up: "Thanos, you don't need to continue to flaunt yourself. If you still decide to do this, then my only choice is to stop you."

Thanos remained silent, just looking down at the side of the maelstrom.

A few seconds later, not far away, in the space, sparks suddenly flashed.

Just 15 meters away from Thanos' side, Kama Taj's portal gradually appeared.

Luo Yang looked at the sparks of the portal in surprise.
Could it be Strange? ?

Big Horse Monkey, you took the initiative to send the Time Stone here at this critical moment?
After two breaths, the portal takes shape!

Stepping out of the portal was Strange wearing a red cloak and a blue robe!

He walked steadily, with a stern face and firm eyes.
He also held an open spell book in his hand.

It seems that he came here with a clear purpose.

"Doctor Strange." Luo Yang said immediately.

He held the Holy Blade in his left hand, and rested his right hand on the scepter at his waist, looking at Strange warily.

"Roy." Strange waved generously at Luo Yang, and came to Luo Yang's side.

After he approached, Luo Yang noticed that the Eye of Agomodo, which was originally hanging on the mage's chest, had been taken off.

And around Strange's neck and chin, there was a golden spell energy ring.

The atmospheric environment maintenance system that used to operate in Borderlands has long been scrapped, and the air here is very thin, so Strange needs to put on a 'ring' to help him breathe.

"I'm here to help you, Roy." Doctor Strange said proudly with his hands crossed on his chest.

"Doctor." Luo Yang was still puzzled by his appearance.

"We were."

When Strange was halfway through speaking, Luo Yang took a sudden step and clenched the weapon in his hand!


He suddenly stabbed forward with a flash.

The tip of the Holy Blade of Purification was inserted from Strange's back and exited from his chest!

"Roy??" Strange looked at his chest in surprise.

On his chest, bright red blood oozes out, and the blue robe is also rendered brown!
A burst of black mist surrounded Strange.

A few seconds later, Strange's body appeared five meters away.
And the blood on his chest gradually retracted and disappeared.

At the same time, the face of 'Strange' gradually faded.

The face under the camouflage. Dark complexion, eyes like torches.

Carl Modu, who used to be Luo Yang's 'senior brother', fought side by side!

After the Red Skull fell and Doctor Doom left the earth, Baron Mordo can be regarded as the strongest threat among the villains on the earth!
However, he was once also a famous mage of Karma Taj and a beloved disciple of Ancient One.Of course, he is also a close friend of Strange and Royan.
Thinking of the past, Luo Yang couldn't help but sigh!

After showing his true face, Modu's robe also began to change shape, turning green.On his chest, he wore a black crystal necklace. At the same time, the main body of the crystal necklace changed shape continuously, and black mist continued to leap out from within.

This should be Mordo's artifact, the key to him defeating Strange.

"It's been a long time, Luo Yang." Modu looked up. "You actually saw my disguise?"

"You have too many flaws." Luo Yang said indifferently, "Your expression, your walking posture, and your cloak. Have you forgotten that Strange's magic cloak swings according to his own will. "

Modu patted his forehead with his right hand and smiled awkwardly: "I actually forgot about this."

Then he returned to normal, and smiled slyly: "I thought you would let your guard down."

"You shouldn't be here at all." Luo Yang glared at Modu fiercely, "Don't tell me you want to be a member of the Dark Order?"

"After I defeated Strange, I managed to get this trophy." Modu spread his left hand flat, and in the palm of his hand, he transformed into a bright green gemstone.

The Time Gem in the Eye of Agamado!

"I brought the time gem here, not to join some dark sect." Modu continued to smile.

"Infinite gems? Transport?"

Luo Yang's anger soared and he was furious.Fuck you nature movers!
He chewed on Modu's words...

Not only has the Infinity Stone fallen into his hands, but Strange has been defeated, and his life or death is uncertain!
 Thanks to SweatDrewm for the tip!
(End of this chapter)

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