Chapter 654
After sending Shantil away, Luo Yang returned to the wine table alone.

With a flick of the black sky, he lifted the wine glass and rum on Thor's table over.

Sit down, place a glass, open a bottle, and pour wine, all in one go.

Just as he was about to continue drinking, a few slender figures suddenly appeared beside him
"and many more."

A huge palm grabbed his wrist.

Captain America held Royan's hand: "Roy, do you have to drink so much?" He said with a wry smile.

"Don't worry about me, it's okay to drink more." Luo Yang shook off Steve's palm.

"No, I think your face is a bit abnormal." Diana appeared on the other side, staring at Luo Yang coldly.

Luo Yang had a dark face.
How do you feel that after playing Thanos, you have traveled to a domestic family drama?

Steve and Diana, one playing the mature big brother and the other playing the intimate old sister?

"How is it possible?" Luo Yang sighed and put down his glass helplessly.

"You drank alone. Why don't you talk to us?" Steve said, leaning against the table.

He and Diana both wear Xandarian sci-fi-style civilian clothes.The two of them lost their uniforms, as if they were completely different people.

"What bothers me is Thanos' next plan." He sighed.

In fact, on the surface, Luo Yang already had some countermeasures in his mind.

The whereabouts of the Soul Stone and the Space Stone are unknown, but it is possible to prevent Thanos from obtaining the Time Stone.This stone is in the hands of Strange, and Royan can guard the Eye of Agomodo with him.

After a supreme battle, Luo Yang faced the future with a little pressure.At present, I rely on drinking to numb my nerves and relieve my tense and complicated mood.

After all, he is also a mortal body, and he is not a cosmic god-level figure.

He also doesn't want to be a god of the universe.

Royan and Steve began to 'chat' about the story of the Mad Titan.

They understand that whether it is Yondu, Star-Lord or Thor, these people don't know the real plan of Thanos.And Gamora, who knew Thanos, has disappeared.

While thinking, a name suddenly jumped into Luo Yang's mind.

"We can contact Ronan." Luo Yang patted the table.

"That's right." Steve clenched his fists, "Ronan can help."

Royan: "We're going to contact the accusers now."

Steve: "Where are you going?"

"The bridge."

After the teleportation, Royan, Steve, and Thor came to the bridge of Hyperion.

On the bridge, only a few operators on duty were playing games by themselves.

Thor was not polite, and sat down on Royan's captain's seat.

"This seat is not as comfortable as my throne," he sighed.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Captain Luo and the Avengers, several operators, including Skye, were quite frightened.
"Captain Luo, aren't you guys partying? Why?" Skye asked.

Luo Yang came to Skye's side: "Now, quickly contact me with the dark asterisk number of Ronan the Accuser."

After a few minutes-

Skye shouted loudly: "The Dark Star has responded, and the contact is successful."

"Play the picture on the big screen." Luo Yang directed.

Ronan's face covered in black Shi-shaped oil paint emerged on the holographic screen.

"Hyperion, what's the matter?"

"Ronan, where are you now?"

"I'm in the satellite orbit of the highest star. Here is my base."

"During the time you worked for Thanos, did you understand the purpose of his collection of infinite gems?" Luo Yang held his chin and leaned forward slightly.

"Of course." Ronan moved his lips slightly and said, "That's what Thanos wants."

".Destroy half of the life in the universe. If he collects all six infinity stones, he only needs a thought and a snap of his fingers to do it."

"Eliminate half of the life in the universe?" Steve asked in surprise.

"That's right. That's it. If you have six Infinity Stones, then Thanos can achieve his plan."

"Why?" Luo Yang asked, "I heard that Thanos has been slaughtering one planet after another. Why doesn't he just wipe out all life except him?"

"Who knows." Ronan responded, "But I can tell you that when Thanos executes the massacre on each planet, he basically kills half and keeps the other half. Sometimes if he is in a bad mood, he may also destroy a civilization. Genocide, but that rarely happens."

Ronan went on to say: "There is a plan about Thanos, that's all I know. Let's keep in touch. Goodbye, Purifier."

Ronan took the initiative to shut down the communication.

Luo Yang, Steve and Thor were relatively speechless.
"If the Infinity Gauntlet can do something so horrible," Steve analyzed, "we have to stop him before he collects six gems."

"First of all, that's the Cosmic Cube he's been looking for." Luo Yang said calmly, "Space Gem."

"Thor, we may have to go back to Asgard and see if we can find the spider silk that exists in the Cosmic Cube"

Luo Yang was just halfway through when he suddenly felt his world spinning
The entire Hyperion bridge is blurred from view
I could only hear Steve shouting: "Hurry up and send your captain to the medical center!"

hours later.

In the ear is the mechanical sound of indifferent medical equipment.


Luo Yang managed to open his eyes and finally woke up from the coma.

In front of Luo Yang was a fair and beautiful face
Exquisite facial features, clear blue eyes. Slightly curly blonde bangs cover half of the forehead.
"You're finally awake, Captain Luo."

Luo Yang smiled and said, "Doctor Ziegler."

Miss Angel threw the jacket and a set of tights at Luo Yang: "Put it on quickly."

Luo Yang looked down at his body, except for a piece of cloth on key parts, the rest of his body was completely exposed.On top of a body of strong and perfect muscles, there is still a little sweat and opaque liquid.

Luo Yang blushed slightly, and quickly put on his clothes.

And Miss Angel walked away and got busy at the console: "Don't be shy, Captain Luo. I've seen more naked men than you have seen naked women."

Luo Yang frowned, thinking to himself: This is not necessarily true. Before he crossed over, did the naked woman hidden in the hard drive count?
Although Sister Angel looked like no one else was around, Luo Yang put on all the clothes nervously.

Because facing the goddess angel sister, his little Roy reacted helplessly.

Luo Yang, who has seen everything in the world, is now ashamed to be a big boy in American Pie.

He dressed anxiously and frantically to hide his awkward reaction.

"Your body has long been at the critical point, Captain Luo." The angel looked at the holographic screen and analyzed.

She didn't seem to see Captain Luo who was in a state of embarrassment. Instead, she focused on her work.

"What do you mean?"

"I can speculate that your body has been in contact with and using powerful energy, which has caused your body to be in a state of hyperactivity." Angel smiled wryly, "You can't go on like this anymore, you can't overdraw yourself and overwork yourself .”

Miss Angel pointed to Luo Yang's pair of black sky wristbands and said: "This high-energy object must have brought a lot of burden to your body."

Luo Yang caressed the black space in his hands, recalling his operations these days
He did use too many different scepter fragment artifacts. These fragment artifacts are somewhat close to the power of the infinite stones. Contacting these artifacts brought a lot of burden to Luo Yang.

At the same time, the consumption of the battle against Ares was extremely high. The combination of various reasons led to abnormalities in his body.

However, even so, Luo Yang had no choice but to persevere.

He wants to use all the power he has to knock down one of the ultimate bosses in this universe - Thanos!
Royan and Dr. Ziegler continued to chat about the body for a while.Luo Yang humbly accepted Sister Angel's prompts one by one.

"Thank you doctor." Luo Yang put on the leather jacket smartly, put it on, and walked towards the door of the treatment room.

Sister Angel turned her head, smiled at Luo Yang who had left the treatment room, and said, "Also, Captain Luo, your physical reaction just now was not quite right. A normal man would not behave like this."

Luo Yang wanted to know, how many men begged for your little videos and notebooks in the original world?This is not an abnormal reaction of labor and capital.

Facing Sister Angel's suspicious gaze, he could only respond with an embarrassed wry smile: "Doctor, I'm sorry. I saw you. Oh no, I didn't mean to."

"Of course, I can also understand." Sister Angel smiled, "From your body data, your male hormones are also over-secreted. In addition, you drank too much Xandar liqueur."

"Okay, Doctor Angel Ziegler, you have worked hard, I have to go to the bridge."

The angel waved: "Remember what I said, Captain."

"Understood." Luo Yang came to the automatic door, and walked out quickly after the door Kazi opened.

 ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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