Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 614 Stardust Jessica Rowling

Chapter 614 Stardust Jessica Rowling

After a while.

Rand Building.The office floor of Titan Films.

Jessica Jones is chatting with CEO Calvin at the desk.In the afternoon, most of the people in the office were doing finishing work in a leisurely manner.

Suddenly, a group of employees noticed——

In the center of the office area, some sparks inexplicably appeared in the air, and there was a slight crackling sound.

"What's that?" Calvin asked suspiciously.

Jessica Jones swung the swivel chair and turned to look.

"Well, I guess, there will be a guy in a long robe appearing in this office soon." Her expression remained calm.


After two heartbeats, the sparks made a complete circle in the air, and the portal made by Master Karma Taj was fully revealed. Opposite the portal, was the interior of the Holy of Holies.

A yellow-skinned Chinese woman with flowing black hair and a delicate face stepped out of the portal.

Mr. Calvin, the CEO of Titan Films, walked towards Stardust, trembling slightly. "Alcoa. Oh no, miss, did you go through the wrong place?"

Stardust looked around, but couldn't find Luo Yang. She asked Calvin, "Is this the office of Titan Films?"

"That's right. This is Titan Films." Calvin asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"She's looking for Mr. Luo." Jessica stood up and pointed to an office on the far left. "He's in that room."

"Thank you, Miss Jones."

A bunch of idlers in the office stood up, followed behind Xingchen, and went to Director Luo's office.

Including Royan's sister Caroline.

Stardust pushed the door directly into the office of the executive director of Titan Corporation
Luo Yang, who was sitting on a swivel chair, was enjoying the original film of "The Frozen Throne" that had just been released over and over again, but was startled by the sudden intrusion of star dust.

"Why didn't you knock on the door? He's a new kid again, so he doesn't know the rules?" Luo Yang frowned and turned his head to look, only to see the shy-faced Xingchen lightly pushing away the hair on both sides of his forehead. blue silk.

"Stardust?" Luo Yang put away his disdainful expression, got up and walked to the door immediately, "Why are you here?"

Stardust sat gently on the sofa. "The Supreme Master invites you to the New York Temple."

"Oh." Luo Yang looked at Calvin, Caroline and others outside the door, and whispered, "Go away, go away, you guys have nothing to do, right?"

Caroline Evans asked winkingly: "Brother, you actually talked about a girlfriend from time travel?"

"What's going on?" Calvin also looked at Luo Yang in surprise.

"I'll tell you about the mess later." Luo Yang quickly closed the door.

"By the way, Xingchen, did you just say that Strange asked me to come over now?" Luo Yang asked standing beside Xingchen.

"Yes. Ms. Sif and Loki visited the temple, saying that they have important news to convey."

"I understand that since they are all here, there must be clues to Thor's whereabouts." A cold light flashed in Luo Yang's eyes, "In order to solve Ares, we must find Thor and fight side by side with him."

However, poor Thor, every time he was beaten by Ares' Chaos Blade, he lost his temper.Perhaps, to solve Ares, we still need Lord Kui, the real godslayer!
"I went to see your company's movie with Wanda, that "Warcraft: The Frozen Throne". I remember I watched a Chinese movie "The Devil: The Frozen Man" before, and the name feels very similar." Stardust mused road.

Luo Yang almost spat out a mouthful of blood.Isn't the Frozen Man played by Donnie Yen and Wang Baoqiang?The plot, setting, picture, and special effects are all domestic fantasy movies made indiscriminately.

"Coincidence. A disgusting coincidence. These two films, of course, are not the same." Luo Yang responded.

He then asked seriously, "What do you think of this movie?"

"Not bad." Stardust smiled brightly, "At least I remember the character of Arthas. He decided to massacre the city and purify Stratholme. But Jaina couldn't accept it. She cried and said goodbye to Arthas. See In the end, it touched my heart. Arthas was right, Jaina was right, it was the world that was wrong."

"Thank you for your evaluation, Miss Su." Luo Yang smiled.

"How's the box office?"

"Exceeded expectations, but it wasn't very popular." Luo Yang sighed, "It can only be said that it was a small profit and barely paid back."

"The second and third part of the Frozen Throne will continue, right?"

"That's right. The plans for the follow-up shooting are all set."

"I'm looking forward to the development of this story." Xingchen smiled while resting his chin in his jade hand.

"I can tell you the ending in advance."

"No, that's boring." Xingchen resolutely rejected Luo Yang. "You know I'm not curious either."

"Yes, Miss Su, the second and third volumes of the Frozen Throne will definitely not let you down."

After all, Luo Yang turned off the giant LCD TV in the office, and said frankly: "It's almost time, let's go."

Stardust nodded and opened the portal.

After Luo Yang and Xingchen left through the portal, the group of people who eavesdropped at the door burst into an uproar
Calvin stood in the center, surrounded by a group of old employees.

"That woman opened a portal and took Luo Dong away? No wonder Luo Dong often disappears from the world."

"Director Luo is not only familiar with the Avengers, but also knows the Supreme Mage?"

"Who the hell is Mistro??"

Jessica Jones, who was behind everyone, cleared her throat and walked up and down.

"You want to know Mystro's secret?"

Caroline looked at Jessica eagerly: "Miss Jones, I know you know my brother very well, can you tell me what happened just now?"

Jessica opened the door of Luo Yang's office, sat comfortably on the guest's swivel chair, and said, "I know his identity. Mr. Calvin, Miss Caroline, and old friends, I can tell you that Luo Yang Another identity of Dong, but don't talk about it later."

After closing the door and a moment of silence, Jessica turned on her IPAD, found the picture of the Purifier and introduced it in a serious manner.

"This is Mr. Luo wearing a mask and mask, Luo Yang."

The old friend Calvin stared at the photo on the IPAD in surprise. Two seconds later, he patted his thigh and said, "I think this man in black looks familiar! No wonder! Is it Director Luo?"

The younger sister Caroline smiled and said, "I guessed it a long time ago. He is surrounded by superheroes and mutants. I guessed it a long time ago!"

The office door was suddenly opened without warning
"I remember it was locked just now!" Caroline exclaimed.

Standing outside the door was Luo Yang who had left through the portal just now. He folded his hands on his chest and stared at Jessica and Calvin.

Jessica Jones opened her mouth slightly, as if seeing a ghost, and said in surprise, "You're playing guerrilla warfare, Director Luo, you didn't leave?"

"I asked Stardust to take me upstairs to the warehouse room to organize things." Luo Yang put away his poker face and walked towards Jessica calmly, "I see you are very excited when you say that, Jessica."

Jessica rolled her eyes, looking unhappy about being caught.

Luo Yang patted Jessica's arm and said with a smile: "Just kidding with you, I really have to go to the Holy of Holies later, and the company will be handed over to you and Calvin."

Calvin stared at Luo Yang and asked, "Are you that guy in black? Why do you avoid answering every time I ask you?"

"Because I'm not strong enough to protect everyone." Luo Yang said calmly, "Don't say it, old friends, Calvin, and Rowling."

Caroline nodded. "How long will you be away this time?"

"It's not certain." Luo Yang said quietly, "The Asgardians probably brought news about Thor, and I will leave Earth for a while no matter what."

"Brother Yang." Caroline stepped forward and threw herself into Luo Yang's arms.

Luo Yang did not expect Caroline's move, and was at a loss for a while. "Xiao Lin."

"I know you are the leader of the mysterious defenders. You have defeated many enemies, but brother, you should be more careful." Caroline whispered in Royan's ear.Her clear eyes were fixed on Luo Yang's face, and her eyes were full of worry.

"Don't worry. I'll be back." Luo Yang said softly, stroking Caroline's long golden-brown hair.


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(End of this chapter)

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