Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 597 Ultron and the Mind Stone

Chapter 597 Ultron and the Mind Stone
"So, why did Ultron spend so much time looking for the Soul Gem?" Tony didn't bother to complain about Nick Fury, but instead thought about Ultron's purpose.

Luo Yang remembers that in "Avengers 2 Age of Ultron", Ultron used mind gems and vibrating gold to create a stronger body.In other words, create your own 'offspring'.

"Speaking of the relationship between Ultron and the Mind Stone, I have discovered something." Bruce Banner looked at his laptop screen and said quietly, "I searched the visitor records of the 'Black Box' base for two years. I found a strange name .”

Bruce Banner projected the screen onto the big holographic screen——

On the visitor list for the black box base, he highlighted one of the names: Simon Douglas.

"Simon Douglas—a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent with level-[-] authority. He disappeared during the S.H.I.E.L.D. incident." Bruce Banner said, "This Simon was probably killed by Hydra. But he actually A year ago, it appeared at the black box base with the highest authority level."

"And judging from the surveillance video, this Simon Douglas is Hank Pym!" Bruce Banner, with a thin face, said in an unquestionable tone.

"Even if Hank Pym entered the black box base, so what?" Tony spread his hands.But after a breather, Tony realized the connection.His expression became slightly nervous, "Wait a minute. Hank Pym, the old guy, ran to the black box base to get in touch with the Mind Stone?"

The genius Dr. Banner adjusted his glasses and continued his logical reasoning.

"I know that Dr. Pym has been working on research in the quantum field, and he encountered a research bottleneck a long time ago. Obviously, he wants to use the energy or secrets of the Mind Stone to solve quantum research problems. After he and the Mind Stone During the contact process, he was affected by the Infinity Gem. Similarly, the AI ​​Ultron created by his brain wave pattern was also distorted by the Mind Gem."

"Dr. Banner, do you think that such a radical Ultron appeared because of the Mind Stone?!" Luo Yang slapped the table and asked.

"Yes. I think it was the Mind Stone that created this disaster." Banner continued to analyze, "The appearance of Ultron is by no means accidental. It is very likely that the Mind Stone has been playing this game for a long time. They probably have their own will .We, the Kree, the Chitauri, even Loki, Ronan, became pawns and puppets of this stone."

Now that the mind stone was mentioned, Doctor Strange leaned on the cloak and got up from his seat with ease.

He created an illusion of the five Infinity Stones in front of him and opened the Eye of Agomodo.

"The Mind Stone is one of the Infinity Stones."

".At the beginning of the formation of the universe, there were six singularities. After the Big Bang, the remains of these six singularities were condensed and fused into entities, and became six energy gemstones with various powers. They are power , space, reality, mind, soul and time gems."

"...The Mind Gem that Ronan the Accuser took from Loki's Scepter is one of them. The Cosmic Cube is another one - the Space Gem. And the Eye of Agomodo on my chest is the Time Gem .”

".You must be very curious about where the other three gems are. As far as I know, the gem of reality - the ether particle, was taken away by Ares in the last battle of Asgard. The gem of power and the soul Gems, lost in the realms of outer space."

After the science popularization, Strange put away the illusion of the five gems, and said calmly: "Just one Mind Gem has caused so many disasters. Moreover, what we must know is that this Infinity Gem originally belonged to the Tyrant Thanos, a cosmic conqueror."

"Thanos...?" Tony opened his mouth slightly, a little surprised by the name.

"Thanos, nicknamed the Mad Titan. Thanos has created countless planetary massacres in the universe." Strange created a huge illusion of the shadow of Thanos, "Some races in outer space, called Thanos Destroyer. This is where the name of Thanos comes from." He pointed to the illusion of Thanos and said leisurely, "He once owned the Infinity Gem, and he has been collecting these six Infinity Gemstones."

After all, Doctor Strange flicked his fingers, and the phantom of Thanos gradually disintegrated into a faint black mist.

"We must take care of the Infinity Stones. The cosmic energy they possess far exceeds our understanding." Dr. Banner added.

Doctor Strange realizes that there is something in Banner's words.He responded with a smile: "The time gemstone I keep has always been safe. The Eye of Agomodo outside the time gemstone has a spell, and no one except the supreme mage can lift it."

Tony crossed his arms and paced back and forth around the conference table with an anxious expression on his face.

"Now, this scary robot has obtained the Mind Stone. His strength is increasing every minute. Not only can we not sleep well, but we can't find a good way to deal with this guy." After thinking for a while, Tony Gritting his teeth, he said angrily.

While the Avengers and the mysterious defenders were discussing, Ultron was still expanding its influence exponentially.

This point is really scary.

"Artificial intelligence doesn't need sleep and rest at all. But our energy is limited." Nick Fury's face became darker, and the next step was probably volatile.

"How long can we last? 24 hours, 48 ​​hours?" Nick Fury said excitedly, "After the Pentagon was hacked, the U.S. government used all its resources to protect important servers and ensure that the financial system does not collapse. White House secrets are not exposed”

"To be precise, so far, Ultron has planned 56 large-scale events around the world. Some are purposeful, and sometimes, it seems that he just thinks it's fun and wants to see human jokes." Tony stopped, "We have no way out now, but to persevere until a solution is found."

Luo Yang tapped the keyboard in front of him, making the mimicry of the Shrike system appear on the screen. "Ultra is also constantly attacking our firewall, trying to control our internal servers and computers. Fortunately, the [Srike] from the horizon can temporarily block Ultron from the wall."

"Without the defense of artificial intelligence, I'm afraid we would have to hide in the cave long ago." Tony concluded.

That is to say, in the online battlefield that cannot be seen by human naked eyes, Jarvis and Shrike, the artificial intelligences controlled by humans, are constantly "fighting" with Ultron.Their battles may be far more intense than real wars.

In 1 minute, there may be hundreds of thousands of collisions and confrontations between [Shrike] and [Ultra].

Not only artificial intelligence, but the top hackers of various governments, the hackers of Horizon, Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. are all trying to complete this impossible task-[Delete Ultron completely].

To defeat Ultron, one must stop him from backing up.In "Age of Ultron" - Ultron was originally impossible to be defeated. But unfortunately, he insisted on making dual cores himself.The 'baby' Vision created by Boot was hacked by the Avengers
In the final decisive battle, the Vision just stuck to the body and suppressed Ultron's ability to replicate.Ultron has become a plague chicken from being omnipotent.

In the words of book friends, it is definitely a highly poisonous and wise plot, and the poison is fatal.

So, how can Ultron, the ultimate version of this universe, defeat him?
(End of this chapter)

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