Chapter 58
Luo Yang originally thought that what Coulson said was reasonable, but Coulson's anxious look made Luo Yang feel bad: he was afraid that Anna would become their research material again.

He took Anna to leave directly, but Phil Coulson held out his hand and stopped Royan: "You can't take her away. She is a very dangerous mutant."

Luo Yang stopped: "No, she must follow me."
Melinda brought out a S.H.I.E.L.D. information tablet.What kind of trick is this going to use?
This cool information tablet has a transparent body, clearly displaying Anna Marie's information on the information screen.

Luo Yang took the tablet and glanced at it.

On this information tablet, it is displayed:

【Anna Marie (Rakshasa). 21 years old. 】

[Dangerous level: Level 4. 】

[Special ability: Through physical contact, absorb all the special abilities of the target object, and make the target object fall into a weak state. 】

[Remarks: It has been proven that Anna can obtain the ability of a mutant. 】

Her danger level is defined as level 4.And the highest level of danger is only level 5!
No wonder Luo Yang finally understood that Anna was ROGUE.

Of course, she was also called a little rascal.

(Little Naughty’s translation is not convincing at all! Rogue itself means villain, hooligan, or grand thief, but Naughty Naughty is making a fuss.)
The Rakshasa girl Anna doesn't seem to have any superpowers. It can also be seen from the battle just now that she can't emit any energy, and she doesn't have the ability to fly or sense.But she has a very powerful potential, because she can absorb and copy the abilities of any mutant, even a superhuman.

She can possess superpowers through skin contact, and the original superpower user will fall into a dizzy state due to contact and temporarily lose all superpowers.

Just imagine, you are soloing with a hero in DOTA or lol, and the hero on the opposite side can get all your skills, including the ultimate move, as long as the hero touches you, and then your own blue bar disappears, the skill bar is all black, and the movement speed is reduced by 80 %, is it scary?
She is like a replica in the X-Men, and she can often have unexpected miraculous effects in the plot.

Coulson waited for Luo Yang to read the message before he said, "Now, do you still think that Anna should be taken away?"

"Let me ask Anna a few more questions, okay?" Luo Yang said after hesitating for a few seconds.

Melinda frowned, telling Coulson not to agree to Luo Yang's request.

On the other hand, Coulson looked confident, and he raised his hand to let Luo Yang go downstairs: "Okay, let's go downstairs together."

Luo Yang, Coulson, and Melinda took another intact elevator and went downstairs together.

While taking the elevator, Coulson also asked insincerely: "Mr. Luo, there is no information about you in the mutant file. I am very curious about your natural ability."

The iron-clad Coulson, the protagonist of running water, the model worker Coulson is always fighting on the front line of the field, dealing with various protagonists.

Regarding Coulson's question, Luo Yang is very helpless... how can I explain it to you.

My natural ability...

Do you want to say that after I played the game and traveled through, I still occupied a body with a dead soul, and then Uther Silver Hand stuffed a system called Believer No. 7 into my brain, which was not too tricky, and then I got it through training. Ability?

"This is very complicated to say." Luo Yang whispered.

Luo Yang played Tai Chi with two smart guys from S.H.I.E.L.D. Blabla talked for a long time, but Coulson and Melinda were at a loss. Anyway, Coulson became more and more curious.

The elevator finally reached the first floor.

And Anna, accompanied by Dempsey Wood, was waiting at the door of the Geneva Hotel.She sat in Dempsey's police car and looked out.

"Detective Dempsey. We'll take over from now on."

Phil Coulson put on his gloves, then walked into Dempsey's police car, and personally picked up the Rakshasa girl Anna.

In fact, Anna Marie also wears gloves and long sleeves. For the time being, she will not use her X-gene ability to deal with ordinary policemen and secret agents around her.

Phil Coulson motioned for Royan to come forward and ask questions.

After Luo Yang pretended to ask a few insignificant questions, he grabbed Anna's arm violently!

"Anna, come with me!"

Seeing that Luo Yang was about to forcibly take the Rakshasa girl away, Melinda and two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents immediately stopped at the door!

"Mr. Luo, you can't take Anna away!" Melinda shouted.

"It's not negotiable." Luo Yang stood still with a calm expression on his face.

Phil Coulson took out his gun: "I'm sorry. Mr. Luo, I ask you to let go of this mutant girl immediately."

Luo Yang whispered to Anna: "Follow me!"

Anna was a little nervous, but nodded very firmly at this moment: "I understand."

Luo Yang expected that Coulson would not dare to shoot and kill the Rakshasa girl, and he had already used [Ice Shield] to protect his whole body.

The secret energy slowly gathers in Luo Yang's palm
【Flame Shock】!
A wave of flames suddenly shot out from Luo Yang's palm, and Melinda and the two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents hurriedly dodged!

Luo Yang immediately dragged Anna out the door!

Coulson shot two shots and hit Luo Yang's shoulder accurately!The bullet penetrated the battle suit and was blocked by the ice armor on the surface of Luo Yang's skin!
Melinda outside the door got up from the ground, quickly picked up the anti-riot electric baton around the waist of the policeman with agility, and attacked Luo Yang!

Luo Yang pushed Anna away, pulled out the Tang knife from behind, turned around and met Melinda's electric baton!

Luo Yang is also tired, why am I being surrounded and beaten by you spies?First Zero from the Reconstruction Society, and now Iron Knight from S.H.I.E.L.D. and all Asians!
As for Melinda May, a Chinese-American agent, I feel that she is the most impressive SHIELD agent in the American drama of SHIELD agents, and sometimes her sense of presence is even stronger than Skye.

Melinda continued to make quick shots, allowing him to release his skills without a break!
Luo Yang can only deal with her with close-range weaponry!

Now Royan has to wrestle with Melinda.Even if he defeated the iron cavalry of SHIELD, now he was fighting alone, there was no guarantee that he and Anna would be able to escape unscathed.Felicia's shot is the key to success.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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