Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 572 Loki: True Fragrance Warning

Chapter 572 Loki: True Fragrance Warning


Loki spat out the liquor from his mouth and laughed exaggeratedly.
"Isn't it my original wish? Hahahaha! An earthling, a boy who has only lived for more than 20 years, thinks that he has some power and can surpass me?" He snapped, "Boy, don't you Arrogant self-confidence is over the top."

Loki denied Royan's speculation, and he was going to go bad all the way to the end.

But Royan understands that Loki is not just 'bad'.Between Loki and Thor, the thousand-year brotherhood is indelible.My brother abused me thousands of times, and I treated my brother like first love.Thor embraced him like selective amnesia, including the sinful, stubborn and sinister Oudodo.

Similarly, the deep father-son bond between him and God King Odin is unimaginable to others.

Luo Yang's azure blue pupils looked straight at the evil god Loki's elegant blue pupils that were flickering and flickering.

"Loki, Odin was killed by Ares, and Thor was devastated by Ares. Witnessing the suffering of the Asir people, and seeing the devastation of Asgard, how can you sit idly by and watch?? "

"No. I am the son of Laufey, born in Jotunheim." Loki became excited, "Ares has the ability to destroy Asgard, even if I resist the Olympus Protoss, I can't stop it at all! "

"Aris is not unstoppable!" Royan responded, "In my opinion, you have always been the son of Odin."

Loki was stunned. In fact, he wanted to be called the son of Odin in his heart.

"Does the title "Son of Laufey" mean anything to you? Maybe you are from Jotunheim, but you are undoubtedly the son of Odin, Prince of Asgard!" Luo Yang added, "Think carefully Come to think of it, Thor and his parents, how have you been treated? "

Hearing what Luo Yang said, Loki felt that it made sense.

Even if Loki made a big mistake, Thor and Frigga still regard themselves as relatives.As for Odin, as the father of the gods, it is helpless for him to put on airs and treat the war criminal Loki indifferently.

Loki recalled, recalling the time spent with Odin during the millennium.This one-eyed king cared for himself in his own way.In all honesty, Odin rarely favors his own son and adopted son.

During the battle when Ares attacked Asgard, the old man Odin, who was already old and frail and his power was weakening, was in a weak state because of fighting Malekith. He was attacked by Ares despicably and forcibly beheaded. kill.

Not only that, Asgard warrior Hogan was killed, and Fandral, Vostagg, and Heimdall were all seriously injured.

Loki recalled all the tragedies and scenes of purgatory that day, and couldn't help feeling sad.

He clenched his fists and said nothing for several minutes.

Loki finally raised his head after a moment: "Thor, is it really missing?"

"The supreme mage of the earth told me. Thor has been going out to fight alone, oh no, fighting alone. It is said that he has not appeared in Asgard for more than 3 months."

After hearing this, Loki looked disgusted, and his handsome face was full of disdain and helplessness for "my stupid Nissan".

He lowered his head and said in a very soft voice: "Perhaps, it's time for me to return to Asgard and lead the poor people of Asgard."

Zhenxiang may be late, but she will never be absent!

Odin's son Loki, who claimed ten minutes ago that he would never return to Asgard to fight the fire, now, like Zeus' son Ares, has also achieved the [True Fragrance Warning] achievement.

After promising to return to God's Domain, Loki grabbed Luo Yang and led him to an uninhabited corner of the North Hall leisure area.

He suppressed his voice and said, "How can you take me back to Asgard?"

Luo Yang took out the red Karl spirit stone that can be used to contact the doctor from the portable space. "The Supreme Mage will lead us out of Elysium."

"I got it"

"If I'm ready, I'm ready to contact the Supreme Mage now."

"Wait." Loki hesitated.

"What's wrong?!"

"I can't go now."

"Why?!" Luo Yang asked.

Loki said in a rough voice: "In Hades's ice prison, there are still a large number of capable people imprisoned. I want to take a few of them away."

Luo Yang said in relief: "I understand. You want to plunder a group of talents from Hades' prison to help you protect Asgard?"

"That's right. That's it."

In other words, now Loki is going to bring Luo Yang into trouble
It seems that the battle with Hades is inevitable? !
"You lead the way." Luo Yang showed no fear.

After calming down, Loki was a little scared about his decision.Panting heavily, he pointed outside the temple.The two quickened their pace and left the temple quickly.

Just after Loki and Royan left, Radamandis stepped out of the shadows.
He whispered to the followers behind him:
"I just said that the bald man can't be trusted. Now, go and inform my king that Loki has absconded. Their goal is the ice purgatory."

Among all the temple palaces of Hades, there is a temple named [Exile]. This temple is also the entrance to the major purgatory.

The glacier prison mentioned by Loki is exactly the ice purgatory outside the realm of bliss! !
Luo Yang and Luo Ji knocked down the black-armored 'Hell Fighter' who was guarding the gate of the Temple of Exile, and the two quickly broke through the guard and entered it.

In the Temple of Exile, there are countless mirror-like portals. Without much effort, Luo Yang found the portal of the Ice Purgatory.

"The number of guards in Ice Purgatory will never be small." Loki said abruptly before entering the portal.

"I know." Luo Yang strode into the portal.

Ice Purgatory is a huge glacier.On the glacier, in the condensed thick ice layer, countless bodies are frozen.Among these icy bodies, there are living bodies that still have the breath of life.

Those who can survive in the freezing hell are at least demigods of Olympus, or warriors with self-healing ability!
Walking on the weird glacier, Loki looked back and forth, looking for the warrior he wanted to take away.

The ice storm blew past, and dozens of figures loomed from the opposite side.

A leader in black robes, leading a number of underworld warriors in full armor and purple armor behind him, walked towards Luo Yang and Loki.

"Stop, intruder!"

Loki showed his daggers in both hands, and Luo Yang also gathered elemental power, ready to face a battle.


The black robe shouted loudly!
Those underworld warriors stepped aside from behind them, and hundreds of hell beasts in the size of Tibetan mastiffs came out.
Wait, these things look like the gluttonous monsters that the Mandarin once summoned in New York!

But now, it is too easy for Luo Yang to solve this kind of thing.

He laid a green magic circle at the designated position in front of him
One second later, when the Hellbeast reaches

The magic circle erupted into the sky, and the intense flames illuminated the dim ice hell in an instant!


Countless hell beasts passed through the magic circle of the flame storm like moths to the flame, and were directly burned into fragrant barbecue.

More hell beasts came in front of Luo Yang, Loki swung his dagger and started close combat!
But Luo Yang was much more relaxed, he didn't even bother to take out his weapon, he just used fireballs and flame rays to clean up the hell beast in front of him!

After a wave of closing the door and letting the dogs go was ineffective, the leader in the black robe panicked a little. He shouted on the spot: "Hurry up and tell my king, and tell Lord Death!"

 December 10st, the first update.

(End of this chapter)

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