Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 570 Death God Empress Loki

Chapter 570 Death God Empress Loki
After crossing the small lake beside the theater, Luo Yang came to another temple.

The stone pillars of the temple are all made of black basalt. The overall style is completely different from other temples, and it stands out among many temples.

The timeless and melodious music came from the depths of the temple, and the elegant music echoed throughout the temple, lingering.

Curious, Luo Yang followed the music and stepped up the steps to the entrance of the Black Temple.

At the end of the line of sight, a tall man in a white robe was playing the harp in the center of the temple.Beside him, three maids were sitting on the ground, hugging the tall man's legs and tugging at his robe.

Silver gorgeous long hair, a harp shining with golden waves, a fairy-like white maid
Luo Yang almost thought that he ran to the wrong set. Could it be that he came to the set of Saint Seiya Underworld chapter? ?He vaguely remembered that before the final battle of the Underworld chapter, when Seiya first arrived in the Pure Land of Bliss, the first thing he saw was one of the twin gods of death and sleep.

In front of him, is this white robe immersed in the elegant performance, the god of death or the god of sleep?

After a while, the man in white robe finally noticed Luo Yang standing outside the temple gate.He stood up and carefully pushed away the maid who was hugging him.

Holding the harp in his arms, he walked quickly to Luo Yang.

The hair of the white-robed man was gorgeous silver-gray.In his silver pupils, there is still a purple light dancing.

"The intruder." The white robe quickly understood Luo Yang's identity.

Luo Yang, who was confirmed as an outsider, cut straight to the point: "I came to see Loki in the Realm of Elysium, where is he?"

"He is in the realm of bliss, but idlers are not allowed to approach the distinguished guests of Hades." The white robe responded quickly.

When Luo Yang was about to say goodbye to Bai Pao, the other party showed a jumping knife, oh no, he took out a silver compass and flashed it in front of Luo Yang.

"The intruder, Shadow Knight Luo Yang!" He yelled sharply, "You think you can sneak into Hades' holy place, but no one knows?!"

"I came here for Loki. As for Hades' permission, I really don't have it, because I haven't seen Hades himself at all."

"You still dare to call your lord's name as an intruder, you are quite brave!" The white robe held up the compass in his hand, and the golden pointer in the compass spun quickly, "Besides, Loki is now the lord's guest, he doesn't It is allowed to leave the realm of bliss for half a step."

"I understand." Luo Yang maintained an neither humble nor overbearing attitude and performance, and continued to say indifferently, "If he is a distinguished guest, then I can always see him, right? Even a prisoner has the right to be visited."

Luo Yang didn't come to assassinate Hades, and he wasn't the little king Xingya, so he wouldn't start fighting with the other party because of a disagreement.

Bai Pao suppressed his anger, he raised his voice and said, "I suggest——abandon your futile efforts and leave here."

"Tana." Behind her, on the steps of the temple, a soft female voice sounded.
A tall, brown-skinned woman in a cheongsam with slits (?!) came behind Luo Yang at some unknown time.

She is wearing gorgeous blue earrings, necklaces and bracelets all over her body, and she is wearing a silver cheongsam.Her figure looks even hotter and more attractive under the tight cheongsam.Her beauty is even more astonishing, almost unforgettable.

It seems that her skin color is similar to that of Latin people, but she has both the wild beauty of Latin people and the delicate face of white women.To put it simply, she has the fullness of Kim Kardashian, the beauty of Jessica Alba, and the perfect slender waist of an envious woman.

She walked up the steps with a calm and unrestrained catwalk.The beautiful tui of a hyperbolic curve is fully revealed
"Master Hades." The white robe responded.

This dark-skinned beauty is the only wife of Hades, the king of the underworld, the most beautiful Persephone!

"Thanatos, what happened?" Minghou came to the side of the white robe, stroking Thanatos' arm with her jade hand.

Thanatos Royan recalled that this name should correspond to the god of death.

Having said that, the names of these Greek gods are too difficult to remember!Not only myths, Greek names for various ghosts and animals, such as Papadopoulos, Takhtsidis, Papastathopoulos, Antetokounmpo. Football and basketball commentators are the most What I am afraid of is explaining the game of the Greek team. After a game, the tongue will be tied.

The silver-haired Thanatos changed his anger and responded to the Empress with a smile: "This is an intruder, the Shadow Knight Purifier from Blue Star. He claimed to have something to see Loki. But you know that Loki Now"

The queen of the underworld interrupted Thanatos with a wave: "I see. It's not that Loki doesn't want to see him. I allow this Mr. Knight to see Loki."

Naturally, Luo Yang would not let go of the opportunity to meet such a great beauty. He smiled and bowed slightly to the Empress Dowager, and then introduced himself softly.

Persephone, Queen of the Underworld, is not a cold and pure old woman, she looked at Luo Yang's whole body with her charming and touching brown eyes. "Young man, hurry up, he is in the cross-shaped temple to the left of the Hades statue."

After Royan thanked Persephone, he strode away from the black temple of Thanatos.Although Thanatos, the god of death, looked unhappy, but he had to listen to the words of the queen of the underworld, and could only watch Luo Yang go away.

The Empress of Hades let herself go with a wave of her hand, and gave herself permission to meet Loki.So far, things seem to be going a little too smoothly?
However, Royan is going to bring Loki back to Asgard. The Cthulhu is a tough nut to crack.

After walking for a while, he came to the cross-shaped temple mentioned by the queen of the underworld.This is the North Hall, where all Hades' guests will be arranged to rest.Some of the 'guests' were even placed under house arrest.

Walking into the temple, the spacious central area is the area where the guests of Pluto drink and have fun.Sunlight shines down from the transparent top, illuminating the entire leisure area thoroughly.

Loki is happily enjoying his hell life in the leisure area.

He was lying on a large sofa seat, holding a wine in his left hand, and hugging a beautiful dancer with long red hair in his right hand.Opposite him was the blond-haired black-robed judge of hell—Radamandis.With their arms around their girlfriends, the two were having a good time drinking and talking.

Loki described what he had seen and heard with embellishment. He boasted about his combat experience, boasting that he had a good chat with Thanos, Ares, Ronan the Accuser, etc. After getting the approval of the beautiful dancer, he also Don't forget to wipe their oil hard.

Luo Yang held back his laughter, stepped out of the shadows, and came to his table.

He noticed that although Loki's face was still handsome, his precarious hairline looked even more terrifying under the sunlight.His face was full of oil, making him look like a middle-aged greasy man in crisis.

"My brother Thor is a complete idiot. When I was a child, I turned into a snake and scared him half to death."

Radamandis gave him a helpless look: "I've heard you tell this story, Loki."

"Really? I don't remember." Loki took a sip of his wine to cover up his embarrassment.

"You can tell me the story, Loki." Royan folded his hands on his chest, and said next to Loki, "I have never heard the story about your transformation into a snake."

Loki glanced at Luo Yang: "You think you are qualified to listen to my story? Go away"

Halfway through his speech, he turned his head again and looked at Luo Yang as if he saw a ghost.

'Gudu', he swallowed his wine slowly, and whispered in surprise:

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(End of this chapter)

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