Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 488 Steve and Diana

Chapter 488 Steve and Diana

After Steve finished his relaxing bath break, he put on his shirt, army pants, and leather jacket again and stepped out of the well.

Not long after, Diana's guards rushed over and took Steve to Diana's residence on Paradise Island.

At the same time, Diana's bodyguard also brought the sword of Gramer that Steve left on the fishing boat.

Steve Rogers, the only male, entered the daughter country of Paradise Island.

For ordinary men, this place probably really counts as 'paradise'.

All the female fighters in Paradise Island have a standard and fit body, and they are all supermodels with long legs.

The appearance of most female fighters is above 6 points.

Appearance + muscle + figure can only be regarded as racial talent.

(In the Wonder Woman movies, Paradise Island's female warriors, and every actress on the island, is at least a senior model.)
All the Amazon fighters who were training and standing guard outside quietly looked at Steve from the corner of their eyes.

When some female fighters saw Steve, a handsome man with a beautiful face, huge breasts and a burly figure, their legs were not close together immediately.

Not all Amazon women are as frigid as the captain of the guard.

But no matter how hungry these girls were, there was nothing they could do. Out of respect for Princess Diana, no one dared to tease the man she wanted.

After crossing a small half of the island, passing through rows of old Greek-style buildings, passing the sea breeze, and stepping on the road paved with huge square stones, the US team finally came to the small building where Princess Diana lived.

Enter the small building and go straight up to the top floor.At the railing of the platform, Diana was waiting for herself.

Wonder Woman, still wearing the short-sleeved casual clothes of ordinary Amazon warriors inside, and a black hooded cape on the outside.

Steve came to her side, also admiring the beautiful sea view.

Looking into the distance, the eyes are full of blue, the freshest blue.

Seabirds skimmed over the gently rising waves.

Shua. Shua.
The waves hit the pale golden sand, leaving some white and gentle marks.

"Paradise Island, it really is a fairyland outside the world."

If it was in Huaxia, this kind of Hainan's top sea view room would be fired to more than 5 square meters.

"Everyone who comes to Paradise Island will say that." Diana laughed.

Steve turned around, and just as he was about to ask a question, Diana asked him, "How did you get here? And, where's your shield?"

"It's a very complicated story."

Steve briefly talked about the process of getting here.

His 'place of birth' is in Huaxia.

After coming to this world, he soon understood that this was not the original world.

No one in this world knows his own name.Of course, there are also Stark Industries, Osborn Group, etc., all of which have disappeared.What Lex Group is the most powerful and powerful company in the world.

This world is somewhat similar to the world he was in before.

Originally people worshiped the Avengers, worshiped themselves, Stark and Thor.

Now, people worship Batman, Superman, Flashman, etc. who don't have names but only titles.

He didn't go looking for Roy Snow.It's clear that Royan the Purifier is enjoying his life in Gotham, and Steve doesn't want to go to the trouble of finding him.

He wants to complete the most important task for everyone and find Diana first.

Relying on their own efforts, the US team first found the superhero leader of China.

This superhero leader is not a new generation of Kryptonian-Kong Kenan.

It was August General in Iron.

[Iron Mask General: His real name is Fang Zhifu, a member of the Ten Heroes and the International Justice League, and a soldier from Lanzhou.By implanting alien race genes, their own skin has become hard biometal.Use a power rod as a weapon. 】

Steve and Iron Face went to Mongolia, seeking to find one of DC's "ancient gods", Vandal Savage.

After searching and waiting in Savage's territory for many days, Steve finally got the chance to video call with Savage.The efforts of Steve and Iron Face paid off, and they learned the location of Diana's Paradise Island!
Knowing the Iron Masked General and the Ten Heroes, meeting the elder of this world - Savage, and finally finding the hidden Wonder Woman, the experience of the US team living in the DC world is definitely a good story.

([Voice of the Void]: If you don’t say much, you can get 5 chapters or 10 chapters~)

After many twists and turns, wind and rain, Steve finally came to the island successfully.

After hearing this, Diana sighed: "So it was Savage who told you."

"I'm going to the sanctuary. There are still many tasks that must be completed by me."

"Just now you told me that in order to get that fishing boat, you also redeemed the only valuable shield in your hand?"

"That's right." Steve shrugged, "Shields can be rebuilt."

"I have a way to help you get the shield back." Diana smiled, "I just need someone's help."

"To get the shield back, I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money."

"Don't worry." Diana smiled brightly, "If you have any questions, just ask, Steve."

Steve looked into Diana's eyes seriously: "What is the connection between this world and our original world? Why did the goddess of fortune in Olympus send us here?"

Diana exclaimed:

"Your original world is called the red world. Here, it is the black world. Both of our worlds can reach the sanctuary of Olympus."

".For unknown reasons, the distance between the red world plane and the black world plane is surprisingly close. Just like the distance between the earth and Mars in the universe."

".Originally, the red world also had the gods of Olympus corresponding to the plane, and the sanctuary of Olympus. Kronos devoured another Kronos, so only one Olympus remained Pease."

Steve nodded, letting Diana continue.

"The Goddess of Doom is nothing more than sinister intentions. She wants the most powerful heroes in the red world to confront the superpowers in the black world."

Steve paused, and then said:

"According to my understanding, most of our Avengers are not your opponents. You, Superman, Green Lantern, and The Flash are all far superior to our Avengers in strength."

"...Of course, the purifiers who are getting stronger and stronger, as well as Thor, the god of thunder, may be able to fight you."

These bosses of the Justice League of the DC universe.

Steve looked into the distance: "In the end, Goddess of Fortune's game is just a waste of our time. The goal of me and the Avengers is still Ares." His voice trembled slightly: "Ares is now Are you imprisoned on Mount Olympus?"

Diana turned around.

"Steve, I'm very sorry. The trial of Ares is a complete joke." Diana looked sullen. "It's infuriating to think about it."

Wonder Woman then added word by word: "The end of Ares is actually exile, and he was not deprived of his divine power!"

"Where was Ares exiled?"

"The Land of No Man. In the red world plane, 300 light-years away from the earth." Diana said indifferently, "Zeus used the power of divine punishment and exiled him there. The power of divine punishment lasts at least 300 years. In other words, within [-] years, Ares will be fixed in that ghost place."

[Borderless Land], [-] light-years away, sounds far away.

But the Marvel universe has unimaginable top space jumping technology, and magic methods are emerging in endlessly.

Once Zeus' divine power of punishment is cracked, it will be a matter of minutes for Ares to leave the land of no man.
But Steve didn't think about it that much, and all he cared about now was Bucky's safety.

"My friends Bucky and Spirit Butterfly, there is a high probability that they will be imprisoned in the Olympus Sanctuary." Steve asked, "From Paradise Island, can we find the way back to the Sanctuary?"

"It turned out to be possible."

"What do you mean?"

"Last month, I was going to use the mother box to go to the sanctuary again. But the sanctuary did not respond, and the Gaia channel was not opened." Diana said, "I would like to add by the way that the mother box was left on the top of the earth. An energy artifact. Like those gemstones from the red world."

"Infinity Gems."

"That's right. The mother box of Paradise Island is one of the three mother boxes in this world."

"Even you can't reach the sanctuary." Steve's tone was slightly lost, "Is it because of the goddess of fortune??"

"I don't know who is in the middle." Diana shrugged. "If you want to return to the red universe or go to the sanctuary, you have to use other methods."

Steve thought for a long time. "Understood. Next, I will contact all teammates."

 First more.

  Diana and Steve, two righteous souls, spoke too closely.

  If I have time, I have to study their movies and comics again.

(End of this chapter)

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