Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 484: Playground Horror

Chapter 484: Playground Horror
Dim blue and red rays hit the surrounding cartoon background.

In the darkness, there are all kinds of cartoon characters, princes, princesses, boys, girls, peasant women, workers, hunters, warriors, dwarves, and various animals. Their eyes seem to be moving slowly, focusing on Bruce himself.

The sharp singing sounded intermittently.

Bruce turned through two long corridors and came to the core area of ​​the children's castle——

'Palace Hall'.

At the end of the line of sight, Jason Todd's body collapsed powerlessly on the throne.

"Jason!" Bruce rushed forward quickly!

Jason's blindfold was taken off.His originally youthful and handsome face was now covered with redness and bruises.

His cloak was torn into strips, and his whole body was covered with scars!

On Jason's Robin uniform. Printed with the spray paint left by the Joker!
【Ha ha ha ha!You're a joke, Batman! 】

Bruce took off his gloves, and his fingers trembled toward Jason Todd's nose.

And the final result was also what Bruce expected——

No snort whatsoever.

Jason was tortured and killed by the clown a few hours ago!

Bruce Wayne's eyes were filled with muddy tears, and everything in front of him became magical.

If Jason Todd hadn't fought with him, he wouldn't have died!

This talented young man can obviously get a better future instead of death!
The weird children's song is still being sung.

The puppets, cardboard figures, and puppet figures in the 'palace' all seem to have evil vitality. They stare at the throne, Jason and Bruce closely, and from their empty bodies, they are completely disgusted with Batman. ridicule.


Bruce knelt in front of Jason, clenched his fists, and roared!


The sound is getting faster and faster.

Bruce realizes.A bomb is planted nearby, about to explode...

Luo Yang quietly appeared behind Bruce!

He quickly pulled Jason up from the throne and threw him two meters away.

Then, he created a cube force field barrier for Bruce and Jason, enclosing them both!
At the same time as the force field emerged, the throne exploded violently!

With a loud bang, the entire 'palace' was instantly detonated by a huge amount of explosives! !
The Children's Castle was engulfed in flames in an instant.

Tens of seconds later, Luo Yang opened the way, and Bruce stepped out of the flames of the castle with Jason Todd's body in his arms.

The violent joy has achieved a violent ending.

The Joker sets up a mess, and he is only a hair away from killing Batman and Robin together
At the same time, Harvey Bullock of GCPD issued a notice from the police channel: "The clown gang rescued the clown from the police station, and now they are driving to the east!!"

Batman handed Jason's body to Royan.

"This time, let me bring him back myself." Bruce Wayne said firmly, not allowing Royan to question him.


Before Luo Yang continued to complain, Batman had already rushed towards the location Harvey Bullock said!

Royan returned to the center of the playground and placed Jason's body beside Barbara and Gordon.

Deadpool couldn't help asking curiously: "Is this... little Batman dead?"

Jason Todd has been dead for a long time and has entered a state of brain death.Even if Luo Yang used the life extension artifact, he couldn't save him.

"Yes." Luo Yang replied, "Please keep an eye on them and wait for the Gotham police to arrive."

Luo Yang also pointed to the comatose Gordon father and daughter, as well as the homeless man.

"where are you going?"

A cold light flashed in his eyes: "I can't let the clown escape Gotham again."

Deadpool Wade leaned against the railing next to him, and sat down slumped: "Okay. I really can't run anymore."

Luo Yang also left the playground, chasing Batman's whereabouts.

After about 20 minutes.

The fire brigade arrived ahead of time, rushed into the children's castle, and started to put out the fire.

The playground became a little noisy.

A man in a windbreaker, with a lighter in his left hand and a card in his right, came to the center of the playground.

"Excuse me, can I borrow a lighter? I have used up all the gas."

The blond man in a green windbreaker came to Deadpool and asked with his hands outstretched.

He wore a rumpled shirt underneath, and he had brilliantly tousled blond hair and a slightly stubbled beard.

This blond guy looks like a charlatan.
Deadpool also noticed that there was a striking metal cross pinned to the blond man's waist.

Deadpool took out a lighter from his trouser leg pocket and threw it to the blond man.


The blond man calmly took out a cigarette and lit it with Deadpool's lighter.

"Very nice zippo!" He rubbed the Deadpool logo on the lighter and said with a frown.

"Is there anything else? Handsome guy?" Jianjian looked at the blond man vigilantly.

"Yes." The man said calmly, "I have to take someone away."

"Sorry, the captain asked me to watch these four guys, although one of them is dead."

"What I'm looking for is the dead one. Jason or something."

"Little Batman, Jason Todd?" Deadpool asked.

"Yes, Jason Todd."

Deadpool was a little puzzled: "But he was killed by the clown."

"I know. Some things, I told you, but you don't understand." The blond man puffed out smoke rings, "Since he's dead, you won't stop me from taking him away, will you?"

After thinking for a few seconds, Deadpool nodded and said, "You can take him away."

It had nothing to do with him anyway.

The blond man came to Jason Todd's side and whispered helplessly: "Why did Dr. Fate choose you?"

A pile of magic runes emerged from the left hand of the blond man.
The black runes gradually shone with golden light!

"Wow~Magic~" Deadpool watched from the sidelines, excitedly admiring the operation of the blond man.

Five seconds later, a circle of runes appeared beside the man
He snapped his fingers easily, and together with Jason Todd's body, disappeared into the air
Only a few sparks remained.

Deadpool had to be amazed.There are many guys who play magic in this world, right? !

Half an hour after leaving the playground.

Royan stood on the top of the bridge, looking down at the Joker and Batman below.

After a lot of hard work, Batman finally intercepted the Joker.

After a fight to the death, the Joker is overpowered by Batman on Gotham's Bay Bridge.

Now, he was pinned down on the bridge by Bruce.

"Why did you kill Robin! Why!?" roared Batman!
"Hahahaha." The clown's teeth were broken by Batman, but he was still grinning wildly.


"Because of you." The clown's smile froze and he said calmly.

"No!!!" Bruce was so angry that he punched the clown's face, chest and abdomen with a heavy punch!
But even that couldn't save young Jason.

A few minutes later, Deadpool told Luo Yang on the communication channel that Jason Todd's body had been picked up.

According to Deadpool's description, the guy who picked up the corpse - blonde, windbreaker, smoking, proficient in magic...
Definitely DC's world famous hell detective, John Constantine.

"Wade, I'll tell Bruce. The problem is, you didn't even watch Jason's body." Luo Yang said calmly, "Don't show your head these two days, maybe Batman will take his anger out on you. "

"I have a question," Deadpool asked, "The man in the windbreaker brought his corpse, so does he have a way to revive him?"


(End of this chapter)

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