Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 48 Extravagant life and gaming house, which one do you prefer?

Chapter 48 Extravagant life and gaming house, which one do you prefer?
"Okay. He doesn't lack women, and he doesn't lack stimulation. He's just a little worried." Felicia murmured.

Luo Yang put his arms around her shoulders to comfort her: "You heard what he said just now, he was just joking with us."

Felicia flicked his hand away and got up to get dressed.

Luo Yang froze for a moment, then began to dress and wash.

Walking into the living room, Tony was sitting on the sofa.

Seeing the sleepy Luo Yang, he asked cheaply, "Luo, did you have fun yesterday?"

"a bit tired."

Tony laughed.Luo Yang happened to see two supermodels walking out of his room.

Seeing the two beautiful models walk out, Miss "Little Pepper" Pepper Potts provided their coats for the two beauties and arranged a special car to send them off.

Miss Pepper maintained an elegant smile throughout the whole process. Compared with the two supermodels, her appearance and figure are not bad at all.

In fact, Luo Yang had some doubts before. Miss Pepper had seen Tony's flirtatious past, and she specially sent away the model last night for Tony, but she actually got together with Tony in the end.
"Is there anything to drink or eat?" Luo Yang felt his mouth dry and his blood seemed to be full of alcohol.

Tony snapped his fingers: "Jarvis!"

Jarvis in the hall echoed: "Sir, I am here."

"Have the kitchen prepare some drinks and sandwiches."

[Jarvis]: "Yes, sir."

There is such a perfect artificial intelligence system beside Tony.There is not much nonsense, and it will only remind the host of necessary and beneficial things.

Unlike in some novels, those pit ratio systems, if you fail to complete any task, you will be punished, such as eliminating several skills, such as deducting life span.Sometimes, the punishment for obliterating the host will appear unexpectedly, and I have never seen a system that really dares to successfully obliterate the host.
Luo Yang and Felicia sat on the sofa and had a big meal regardless of their image.

When Felicia finished eating, she put on her high heels and left Tony's villa with her friends.

When she went downstairs, she smiled and waved goodbye to Luo Yang.Luo Yang held the phone, which had already saved her number.

And the back view of this silver-haired beauty also attracted Tony's compliments.

Tony approached Luo Yang and whispered, "Ro, you have great vision! Pepper told me that this girl is a top student at Imperial University in New York!"

Luo Yang put on his shirt and said, "Well, I knew her before, she is an intern of the Osborne Group."

"Why are all the talents being poached by Osborne! What's going on?" Tony said jokingly, while drinking the tequila in his hand.

After a moment of thought, Tony looked at Luo Yang seriously:

"I am one of the shareholders of Origin Culture Company. I am also good friends with Emmons Calvin of Origin Company."

"—Now you are just a contracted creative screenwriter in Origin Culture Company, and I asked Emmons to promote you as a consultant representative of Origin Company. What do you think?"

Signing a contract with a creative screenwriter is actually no different from signing a contract writer with an online article.

Tony also added: "You and Calvin Jr., as well as the investment decision-making group under the Stark Group, have to come to Stark Tower for meetings regularly. Besides, your working hours are still free."

Stark's kindness is difficult, but this is the second time Tony has proposed to recruit Luo Yang, and this time Tony just used his own power to promote Luo Yang.

Luo Yang smiled lightly: "Okay. Thank you, Mr. Stark."

Luo Yang was used to Tony Stark's style, and Luo Yang knew in his heart that Tony wanted to win over talents like Peter Parker through Luo Yang.So, will Peter Parker still work for the "Daily Bugle" in the future?

Tony patted Luo Yang's butt: "Luo, a member of my investment decision-making team, would like to see your report on film investment."

"I will do a good job as a consultant representative, thank you for your help."

Tony smiled triumphantly: "Come on, Luo. In the future, I believe you can be the CEO of Yuandian Culture Company, and it should be fine."

Luo Yang didn't even think about Tony's words in his dreams.I'm an ordinary dick, not the second generation, I don't have a huge inheritance, I'm a cook, I don't know how to push a food truck, and I'm not neighbors with Tony, Peter, and Harry, how can I get to that point?
"Mr. Stark, thank you for the sandwiches and wine!" Luo Yang picked up the wine glass and expressed his thanks.

Tony, who was wearing a nightgown, walked in and made a chic gesture of a small case.

Ms. Pepper Potts smiled and said to Luo Yang: "Mr. Luo, let's have a rest. The company will sign you at Yuandian in the afternoon."

evening.Horizon base.

Last night was still a luxurious life of drunken and gold lovers, but tonight it became the time for two nerds to play online games.

Luo Yang tried to send a text message to Felicia and asked her out, but Felicia refused temporarily because she was busy with work, so Luo Yang could only give up depressingly and started fiddling with the computer.

Peter liked the new computer that Luo Yang gave him very much, the alien game notebook, could it be better?

While typing the code, Peter said: "I don't know what happened today, but the Wisdom Star Scholarship suddenly passed my project application, and it also raised the scholarship level at once. Tomorrow, the project fund of 5 US dollars will be transferred to me. on the account."

Luo Yang pretended to be surprised, and congratulated Peter on the approval of the scholarship application. He also suggested that he should go out to celebrate.

In fact, whether it is in reality or in the movie, the sudden arrival of the scholarship has something to do with a certain rich man.

Peter smiled and said, "Okay, I haven't eaten dinner yet. Let's go!"

Luo Yang turned off the computer and set off with Peter.

Before going to dinner, Peter also specially reminded Luo Yang to bring the combat uniform with him, in case something happened, he could put it on immediately.

Little Spider's combat uniform is very light, while Luo Yang's is relatively heavy, and it is troublesome to carry.So Luo Yang put on a jacket over the combat uniform to cover it up.Although it is hot, there is no better way.

Peter and Luo Yang originally wanted to go to a Chinese restaurant with a high consumption level, but Peter thought it was too expensive, and finally chose an Italian restaurant, which was very close to Peter's home, and he had eaten there once before.

After ordering the dishes, Peter's machine gun mouth kept talking, and the most he talked about was about games.

"Luo, do you know? I've been tracking that person's internet address for the past few days."

"What, who is it?" Luo Yang was suddenly confused by Peter.

"It's the wizard king in the game that killed us last time!"

It turns out that Peter was referring to the character in Age of Titans.Peter folded his hands on his chest, and his puffy look was very funny. Didn't we also get angry over a game?

"Why are you following him? Is he coming to trouble you again?"

Peter took a sip of his drink and said, "This wizard king, I tell you, pissed me off. After that, I met him at least three times. He even robbed me of the equipment I played once! I told him It's just endless!"

"Then you said the network address, have you tracked it?"

"Of course, I used a tracking software, and finally confirmed the IP address of [Wizard King]. Later, I checked the source of his IP address. Do you know where the real address of [Wizard King] is in the United States? Is it?" Peter paused, then said, "Stark Tower."

"Stark Tower? You don't think so"

Peter nodded: "I guess, the operator of the battle wizard is Tony Stark."

Luo Yang muttered and pondered: "The guards and players who ran to our territory and killed us have such high equipment levels, it really looks like Tony Stark's style."

He felt that Tony was indeed the kind of player who crushed his opponents. He preliminarily deduced that it was very likely that the battle wizard was Tony.

But since the IP address comes from Stark Tower, it may also be a member of other Stark Group, but it must be someone at the executive level, otherwise who would play large-scale online games in Stark Tower?

 Thanks Sa Chen for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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