Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 475 The Struggle Between Roy and Bruce

Chapter 475 The Struggle Between Roy and Bruce

That night.

The top of the GCPD building.

Beside the Bat Light, Batman, James Gordon, and Harvey Dent discussed strategies to deal with the Joker.

As soon as he returned to Gotham, he created a sensational farce.Gotham City must also be on the first level of alarm because of the clown.

"Mr. Dante, I think the clown is mainly targeting you and Miss Rachel." Batman said in a deep voice, "You and her must be more careful recently."

Harvey Dan nodded: "Of course."

Bruce: "I believe that the Gotham Police Department will also specially equip you with police protection."

Gordon nodded and confirmed, "During this period, whether you are traveling or at home, our police will be responsible for protection 24 hours a day."

"That is to say." Harvey Dante stroked the coin in his hand.During the next period of time, I basically had no personal space. "

Then he laughed dryly to himself, "Hehe, just kidding. I agree with this arrangement."

Batman pulled a playing card from his waist and handed it to James Gordon: "Check what's wrong with this playing card. It's what the Joker left on the scene."

On the playing cards, the clown draws a weird smiling face on the JOKER pattern.

Harvey: "Where did you find it?"

"Just by the ledge where he jumped off."

"I really want to toss a coin." Harvey said indifferently, "If it's the side of the head, it means that we can successfully catch the clown, and this time he won't turn over."

"Does that make sense?" Gordon snorted. "There's no magic in your coin."

Harvey Dent tossed the coin and took it in his hand. "Mr. Gordon, I believe in luck, not in magic."

In his hands, the result of tossing a coin can only be the side of the head.

But to Gordon and Bruce's surprise, this side was painted green by the clown
"Actually, the clown didn't steal my coin. He found an identical coin and painted one side of it green."

Bruce thought, what does the clown want to express with the coin?
During the discussion between the three, Luo Yang floated down from the air and came to Batman's side.

"This is the clown's psychological hint, Prosecutor Dante." Luo Yang said indifferently.

"What do you mean?" Harvey asked.

Luo Yang shook his head.

This is a "secret" that cannot be broken.

——Is it necessary for labor and management to tell you the ugly grandson Harvey here, that you have become a double-faced person in most of the other DC parallel universes?

I have to admire the clown, and only the clown can see the dark part of Harvey's heart.

Although Harvey is full of a sense of justice, he is eager for quick success and quick success, and he is also prone to impulsive actions that cross the line.

"In short, Prosecutor Dante, Batman is right. These days, please be careful." Luo Yang replied.

Luo Yang then asked: "I want to chat with the bat for a while. Is that okay? There are some important issues that need to be communicated with him."

Gordon flicked away the ash in his hand, and said flatly: "What's the matter? You two have to communicate alone?"

"Hmm." Luo Yang thought of a word, "philosophy♂."

"What?" Harvey was puzzled, "What philosophy? The clown's philosophy?"

Royan put his palm on Batman's breastplate.

He forcibly pushed Batman to the edge of the roof, then pulled Batman's heavy body and flew up.
Seconds later, Royan took Batman with him and disappeared from sight of the Gotham District Attorney and Police Chief.

1 minute later.

He threw Batman viciously on top of Xingrong Building!

Batman was hit badly, and the Kevlar armor hit the ground hard, causing pain in his hips and waist.

"Is it necessary? Do you have to throw me here?"

Royan folded his hands on his chest, looking down at Bruce Wayne on the ground.

"There is a saying in China, which is to open the skylight and speak brightly." Luo Yang said coldly, "Dark Knight, you should know who I am."

Batman stood up, shaking the dust off his cape.

"You are Roy Snow!" Bruce said coldly, "I have investigated your identity, and your identity has many loopholes. Combined with what you said, what is the more important task? Perhaps, this identity is also yours camouflage."

"Sure enough. Your investigation is very clear." Luo Yang said indifferently, "I am Chinese, and my Chinese name is Luo Yang. And Roy is my English name."

Luo Yang added: "I mentioned Diana and Paradise Island to you, and my goal is to find Diana. All of this is very complicated, and I will explain it to you later when I have time."

"I see."

A cold light flashed in Luo Yang's eyes: "Then, we don't have to wear such a heavy mask to talk, Mr. Wayne."

Wearing a mask face to face, making it like a gay.

Bruce Wayne breathed a sigh of relief.He said, "Sure enough, you also know my identity."

He was not surprised, but rather calm.

Just like what Gu Long said, when someone threatens to put a piece of ice into the back of your neck, you will feel scared; but once he puts ice into your neck, you will not be afraid at all, but very Relax.Disaster has come, and there is no need to fear.

"So, Mr. Luo, what happened to bring me here?" Bruce asked in a deep voice.

Royan took off his helmet.

He turned around, and when he was about to continue speaking, another unexpected visitor came to the top of Xingrong Building.

"Roy Snow and Bruce Wayne! Wow!"

Luo Yang turned around and looked around.A young man in Robin's uniform came around the corner.

Evidently, he had been listening quietly for a while.

"This is Jason." Bruce said, pointing to the young second-generation Robin.

Luo Yang looked at Jason: "Your new assistant?"

"That's right. I'm training him recently." Bruce replied, "He's very talented and has learned some fighting. He can be our right-hand man."

"But clowns are dangerous," Royan said.

"I know," Jason Todd said hurriedly, "I saw Mr. Purifier dragging you to this building, so I quickly followed."

Luo Yang raised his hand politely: "Hello, the new generation of Robin."

Jason also greeted Luo Yang with a smile: "Mr. Purifier of Gotham, I admire you too!"

Bruce pointed to the corner and ordered, "You wait for me over there. Wait until I finish talking with Mr. Roy."

Royan grabbed Batman's cloak and forcibly dragged him in the opposite direction from Jason.

Bruce said helplessly, "What's the matter?"

"Tonight, our friends were all affected by the actions of the clown," Luo Yang said angrily, "Your woman, Caroline, was killed!"

Luo Yang questioned: "Why don't you let me kill the clown directly? Why?"

 Second more.

(End of this chapter)

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