Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 461 A New Riddle

Chapter 461 A New Riddle
The next day.

Riddler event countdown: 3 days.

Gotham Central, Green Street.

The master cooperated with Gordon to secretly surround the "little black house" that was suspected to be the Riddler's stronghold.

What Harley Quinn refers to as a "little black house" fits best with an old black villa on Green Street.

Witnesses nearby said that they saw a tall and thin man similar in stature to Edward Nigma entering and exiting the villa.

At this time, Luo Yang was enjoying the expensive seafood barbecue in the night market in Chinatown.Luo Yang did not participate in the arrest of Edward Nygma at all.He just followed the progress through the police communication channel.

A tall and thin man in a brown windbreaker and glasses hurried to Green Street.He opened the door of the black villa and slipped into the room.

As soon as the Edward Nygma suit appeared, Gordon and Bruce also acted!

Together with three GCPD special police officers, the two sneaked into the villa from the windows on the first floor!

The thermal imaging of the bat eyepiece showed that Edward Nygma was in the large room on the second floor.

The master asked Gordon to lead the people to stay where they were, and arranged for the GCPD police to pay attention to every window and small door.

Without making a sound, he jumped upstairs.

When he came outside the door, the master picked up the anesthesia gun and quietly stepped into the room.

Edward Nygma had three old-fashioned computer screens in front of him. On the screens, real-time images of several major landmarks in Gotham City were displayed.

"Safe." (Clear.)

After confirming that the room was safe, Batman motioned for Gordon to bring someone up.

Gordon and the SWAT officers approached Edward Nygma with guns in hand.

Nigma did not turn his head, looking at the scene of Gotham city.Almost the whole person is intoxicated by the dim gas light.

"I'm curious." Nygma said softly, "Do the sheriff and the Gotham vigilantes have the right to break into private houses?"

Gordon aimed his gun at Nygma.

"Riddler. You're under arrest."

"What does capturing the Riddler have to do with my Nygma?" Edward Nygma said calmly.

[Voice of the Void: What does arresting Zhou Shuren have to do with Lu Xun? ? ? 】

"Don't move around, put your hands up!" Gordon stepped forward, holding the back of Nygma's head with the muzzle of a gun.

"Tell me to turn around, don't shoot." Nygma's voice was a little frightened.

The old and moldy swivel chair made a strange mechanical sound when it was turned.

The man on the swivel chair raised his hands above his head and turned around.

The special police turned on the light equipped with the assault rifle to illuminate his face.

A thin white face.Stubble, glasses, chiseled features.

Much like the Riddler, but not him.

Batman can tell at a glance that this is definitely not the guy with the purple blindfold.

He pushed Gordon away, picked up "Nigma" on the swivel chair, and smashed it heavily on the table!

"Where is Edward Nygma?" the master roared angrily!
"I have no idea."


The double of Nygma was silent.

Batman punched him hard in the chest!
"tell me!!"

Gordon reached out to stop Batman: "It seems that he may really not know."

The stand-in man trembled and said, "I really don't know where he is. However, the real Mr. Nigma... still has a riddle I want to give to Mr. Bateman."

"A riddle for batman??" Gordon asked doubtfully.

Batman let go of the stand-in man: "Say."

Nygma's stand-in, muttering softly: "What is yours, but others use it more than you?"

Two seconds later, Batman had the answer. "name."

"Well, that's all I have to say."

Gordon said angrily: "Take him away, and bring everything here back to the police station." Then he came to Batman, "What does this riddle mean?"

"He wanted us to focus on names."

Batman scanned the room.

And a few books in front of the computer attracted his attention.

Those books are "The Wizard of Oz", "Alice in Wonderland" and "The Little Princess".Three famous children's literature works.

Gordon and Master came to another empty room with 3 books.

"Besides the riddle, the three books left by the Riddler are another riddle." The master said coldly.

After Gordon studied the three books carefully, he analyzed: 'These three books all have one thing in common.A full-length children's literature with a girl as the main character. "

"Dorothy, Alice, and Sarah Crewe." The master analyzed, "Should we pay attention to the names of these three protagonists?"

Gordon shrugged helplessly: "In Gotham City, there are too many Dorothy and Alice. Maybe only Sarah with the surname Crewe can find them."

"Give it a try, in the whole of Gotham, maybe we can find Sarah Crewe."

Gordon recalled: "The Mad Hatter once kidnapped a girl named Alice. Those girls have records in GCPD, and I can invite them all to the police station for protection."

"Okay. We'd rather spend more effort than let the Riddler succeed." The master said in a deep voice.

Gordon lowered his head: "What a price we have to spend for this guy."

Batman patted Gordon on the shoulder: "I will continue to track him down."

Two days later, at night.

Riddler event countdown: 1 days.

Chinatown.The top of Xingrong Building.

Luo Yang, wearing the armor of the Purifier, came to the platform.This time it was Batman who arrived first.

"How's the investigation going? Have you found Nygma?" Royan asked.

Bruce responded, "Nigma the Riddler hasn't been found yet."

"What about 'Prettiest Girl', any clues?"

"Impossible, looking for a needle in a haystack."

"That is to say, you have nothing now. Contact me, what's the matter?" Luo Yang was stunned.

Bruce said a little proudly: "Tomorrow is the day when the Riddler will do it. I have to ask you to be there."

"The tallest building in Gotham City, have you figured out this puzzle?"


Batman turned around and quietly stuffed a bat dart into Royan's hand.

On the dart, a location in Gotham City is engraved.

"Are you sure it's here?"

"Definitely. Tomorrow I will reveal the mystery in front of the Riddler." Batman said, patting the railing.

Luo Yang asked thoughtfully: "Those three books correspond to three names, Dorothy, Alice, and Sarah. Do you think the Riddler will target girls with these names?"

"It's not very likely. The Riddler will also set off smoke bombs." Batman sighed, "He is indeed very smart. He is the smartest of my opponents. He is a Gotham himself, and he has an incomparable understanding of this city. Familiar. I'm afraid, the clown is not as good as his layout in Gotham."

"It seems that the day before yesterday he deliberately exposed his feet, let Harley Quinn tell us the clues, and then buried clues in the clues." Luo Yang included the bat darts in his collection, and said indifferently, "Tomorrow, we will End it all."

 First more.

(End of this chapter)

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