Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 46 Stark's Extravagant Life

Chapter 46 Stark's Extravagant Life
Luo Yang flipped through the records and read out the wizard ID of the hostile camp: [King of Wizard].

"What, return the wizard king? Who does he think he is! Once I see this wizard king in the future, I will kill him once!" Peter was furious when he saw it.

Luo Yang said with a smile: "We have tried it. You should not go alone. At least the two of us must be together and fully prepared to win!"

"I want krypton gold! I'm going to the auction house to buy better equipment and get two floating cannons!" Peter shouted.

Luo Yang quickly said: "Peter, if you are going to spend money, you might as well upgrade your computer first, so that it doesn't crash in the middle of the call."

"That's true." Peter clenched his fists tightly, as if making up his mind.

Luo Yang suddenly remembered the $20 Tony gave him, and he told Peter about the money he had received.

Peter was a little crazy: "I also want Tony's sponsorship, but I don't want to expose Spider-Man's identity."

Luo Yang came up with a plan: "In this case, can I help you buy a new computer?"

Peter asked: "Luo, you live in New York alone, aren't you also short of money?"

"I still have the money to buy a laptop, don't worry."

Peter's frown gradually unfolded: "Thank you so much! Luo!"

In fact, Luo Yang has another plan, he is going to let Tony and Peter get to know each other earlier.

The Friday of the next week, which Luo Yang had been looking forward to, finally arrived.

The party hosted by Tony is located in his own mansion by the sea.

I remember that when watching movies, anyone is very yearning to own such a perfect mansion.

What's more, there are beautiful women in this mansion.

Going to Tony's mansion, the means of transportation Luo Yang chose was a rented Cadillac CTS.

However, coming to the parking lot outside Stark's villa still put a lot of pressure on Luo Yang.

At a glance, there are all kinds of brightly colored sports cars.

Maserati, Lamborghini, etc., as long as it is a famous sports car, you can basically see different styles
Among the sports cars was an out-of-place black military Chevrolet SUV.

This is probably Colonel Rhodes' car.

After passing Habi's inspection, Luo Yang entered Stark's luxury villa and went to the third floor.

The party here has already started.

On today's occasion, Luo Yang wore a light-colored shirt, black slacks and leather shoes.

The people at Tony's party were either in suits and leather shoes, or in fancy makeup.He seems to be dressed too casually.

On this lively floor, Tony Stark was sitting on the luxurious sofa at the 3 o'clock position.

Tony Stark is one of the most impressive characters in the Marvel universe.

His protagonist has a strong aura.

Tony Stark, surrounded by many celebrities and supermodels, was the most conspicuous presence tonight.

However, if you put Iron Man, Master, Captain America, and Wolverine together, whose protagonist has the strongest aura?
I feel that Tony is still relatively restrained today. There are only two top supermodels around him. They all look familiar, at least they have been on the cover of Playboy, or they are supermodels who have walked through the Victoria's Secret show.

Two top supermodels were by Tony's side, and sitting across from him was Tony's business friend, chatting casually.

Luo Yang walked to the corner of the party and looked at the details here.

Among the crowd, you can see Miss Pepper Potts, Tony's trusted assistant, and Tony's good friend, Colonel Rhodes.

In fact, Luo Yang really likes the pair of Pepper and Tony, but I always feel that Tony, who has already seen countless women, how can he only focus on one woman in the end?

At least Luo Yang can't experience it now, because he hasn't experienced Tony's countless loves.

When you come to the world of Marvel, you can't move when you see a woman. That's a [-]% mentality of being diabolical.
It also shows that the traverser was really a super horny otaku before.

But here to be Liu Xiahui, not tempted by any beautiful women?
That seemed even more unlikely, both emotionally and physically.

Watching Tony drinking while hugging a supermodel, this extravagant life is really fascinating!

After Tony got up, Luo Yang took the wine glass and greeted today's protagonist.

Tony had already drank some wine and was a little dizzy. It took him a few seconds to recognize Luo Yang.

"It's you! The Purifier! I remembered!"

Luo Yang said softly: "Mr. Tony, don't reveal my title"

"How about it, Luo, are you having fun?"

Luo Yang took a step closer: "Tony, there is something I want to talk to you about."

Before Tony was completely drunk, Royan wanted to talk about Peter.

So Tony and Luo Yang came to a relatively quiet room, which was filled with famous paintings collected by Tony, and there was a piano worth millions.

A long-haired beauty with bright eyes and bright teeth, wearing an elegant white dress, plays soothing piano music in this collection room.

This place is perfect for Luo Yang who wants to talk about serious matters.

"Tony. Remember what I said last time, I didn't save more than 30 citizens by myself."

"Well, that's right. Did you bring me another hero? For the Bullocks, I have to pay a lot of money."

"Well, that's it."

Royan told Tony about the little spider.At the same time, Luo Yang hoped that in the name of the scholarship program, a sum of money could be provided to the little spider, but not too much.If it was too much, Peter would absolutely refuse to take it.

Tony admired the young geek very much.

When he heard that he was the well-known Spider-Man in New York City, Mr. Stark was even more full of praise: "Okay, Luo. Just do as you say. I hope he can come to the Stark Group to participate in our Its research projects."

Luo Yang smiled and said, "He's already an intern at the Osborne Group, Tony, you have to hurry up."

"Our Stark Group must accept a talent like him! I'm sorry to trouble you, for being able to think so carefully."

Tony patted Royan on the shoulder lightly.

Then Tony said to Luo Yang: "Let me introduce you to some girls, Luo. A handsome boy like you will be very popular with girls here!"

Luo Yang didn't think so, he found that those beautiful girls were surrounded by celebrities and businessmen
"How about this one who plays the piano?" Tony pointed to the girl who was playing the famous piece.

At first glance, the girl seemed very temperamental, and she was indeed very beautiful.When Luo Yang was looking at her, Tony pulled Luo Yang's shirt and said, "I'm just joking with you. I paid for this girl from the Art Department of Imperial University. You'd better not disturb her."

"Come, come, come outside, I'll ask Christina to introduce you a few." Tony strode out.

(End of this chapter)

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