Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 445 Shadow Knight vs Dark Knight

Chapter 445 Shadow Knight vs Dark Knight

The figure staying on the platform near the building started to walk.

Sombra's skills are extremely strong, his parkour ability is top-notch, he is also good at using hooks and ropes, and he can shuttle freely between the roofs!

He moved quickly towards the south, the lower district of Gotham City!
In a few seconds, he was able to pass through several buildings with a hook!
Luo Yang's speed is not slower than him.

With the help of the black sky's acceleration, the distance to the shadow gradually shortened.

500 meters, 300 meters, 100 meters. A few seconds later, the black shadow was in front of us.

A slim figure.

This heroine is wearing a black tights. The sexy tights set off all the lines of her body, whether it is long legs, thin waist, hips, and beautiful breasts.The tights even made her figure even more alluring.

She wears black night vision goggles and cat ears on top of her head

The woman who has the deepest bond with Batman!

Luo Yang can be sure that the figure of the catwoman in front of him is definitely Anne Hathaway's version of Selena Kyle
Only Anne Hathaway's version of Selena has such a superb figure.

Recalling that when Luo Yang was still a rookie, it was extremely difficult to catch up with a black cat, Felicia.

The black cat, Felicia, can only be regarded as a pirated version of Catwoman. (Marvel cartoonists obviously plagiarized DC settings. And the black cat is also set as Spider-Man's confidante.)
[Voice of the Void: You say you, a protagonist who has been trained with the system for a long time, can't catch up with a female college student! 】

Now, Luo Yang only used [-]% of his acceleration ability to easily approach Catwoman!

He stretched out his hand, and used spiritual energy to control Catwoman's legs from behind!

Catwoman lost her balance and fell on the top platform of a shopping mall!

She fell to the ground, twisted her body in pain, turned around and glanced at Luo Yang viciously.

Such an embarrassing and twisting movement. It seems familiar, very similar to a certain secret investigator series in Japan? ?
"Xie Te." She looked at Luo Yang fiercely, "Who?"

Luo Yang put aside those redundant images in his mind, he stepped forward, ready to help Catwoman.
Three bat darts stabbed from the left and hit Luo Yang's shield!

"I know who he is." Batman's magnetic voice sounded, "Those who threatened to purify Gotham."

Batman descended from the night onto the top platform.

Wearing Kevlar armor, bat belt, chest bat mark, bat cape, bat helmet.

The dashing dark knight.

Batman walked towards Luo Yang with light steps.

He stopped ten meters away, waiting for Luo Yang to make a move!

Walking in Gotham, confronting Batman is inevitable.

It's just that he didn't expect that his appearance was actually a hero who appeared to save the beauty!

Catwoman in the middle of the two, caressing her injured calf, tried her best to sit aside and began to appreciate the duel between the two men in black.

She was very excited, this kind of advanced scene was actually enjoyed exclusively by my catwoman!

Luo Yang has at least 100 ways to easily kill Batman. Strictly speaking, there may be countless ways to arrange and combine skills.

It's just that he doesn't know how much preparation Batman has made to face himself.

Batman wants to beat himself, or, just wants to talk to himself?

"The Dark Knight, Gotham's justice enforcer, and the guardian of Gotham's people." Luo Yang said calmly. "I finally saw you."

Huh. While talking, I used the villain's lines again.

However, if you make trouble in Batman's territory, you can play the role of the villain now.

"Purifier. I can't find any information about you." Batman raised his hand, pointing at Royan's mask, "Which city are you from?!"

"Batman, no one knows your identity." Luo Yang retorted.

"Uh..." Batman really has no choice but to meet such a hero who looks like himself.

Luo Yang was very relaxed. He walked around and said with a calm smile: "You know, in the city I used to stay in, people still called me the 'Shadow Knight'." He looked at the night sky, "And you, again The most famous knight in Gotham and America - the Dark Knight."

The dark knight became more and more nervous, and he was ready to do it directly in the next second.

"If I stop standing up, you're going to keep breaking the rules here."

Luo Yang smiled and said, "Rules? Is that your ridiculous no-kill principle?"

Batman's no-kill principle is, in some respects, great.In such an environment, he was able to maintain his principle of never being stained with blood, which is commendable.

However, countless problems are also caused by the principle of not killing.His principles have also been attacked by countless people (readers).

(In the comics, Jason Todd once questioned Batman after his resurrection, why didn't he avenge him?!
Even though Batman was in all kinds of pain and anger, he could only tell Jason, why didn't he want to kill the Joker?
It's just that once I start the killing ring, once I experience the pleasure of controlling other people's life and death, it's like taking drugs, and I can't turn back. )
Luo Yang mentioned the "ridiculous principle of not killing". This also instantly ignited Batman's anger! !
Batman pressed the button on his waist, and all the lights within 300 meters were turned off!
Enter the dark state Batman is most accustomed to.

Catwoman grew even more excited, bellowing in an almost climactic cry:

"The Dark Knight, against his most powerful opponent in history, the mysterious Purifier!"

"Two warriors! Let's go!"

At the same time, Catwoman took out a small bag of potato chips from her chest and gnawed them gracefully
"Why do you still have potato chips?" Luo Yang looked at Catwoman.

"It was taken from the security guard of the building." Catwoman blinked.


"Then what Shadow Knight, look at me." Batman greeted Luo Yang.

He pulls a shotgun-like weapon from his back
There was a beeping sound.
That gun is a strong light gun with a blinding effect!

In an instant, the strong light swept Luo Yang
In the line of sight, there is only white light left in an instant.

Throw the flash bomb first?
After eating a flash, the Purifier still stood where he was, motionless.

I'd like to see what other tricks you Bruce have?
call out.
Taking advantage of Luo Yangzhong's blinding effect, Batman threw a cluster current interference bomb! !

The interference bomb is attached to the surface of Royan's plasma shield, releasing a huge reverse current, forcibly tearing the indestructible plasma shield
Sure enough, Batman has two brushes.

After all, it is a big draw in the DC universe, who can destroy the entire Justice League mortals with their own minds and technology!
Luo Yang is ready to use [Flash]!
But the cluster current interference bomb magnetically attracted Royan's armor, forming a interference force field around him, which made him unable to use flash!

Blink and Plasma Shield are disabled
Batman, who came prepared, fixed Luo Yang's strongest displacement and strongest defense.

Immediately afterwards, Batman threw the bat-headed hook and hooked Luo Yang's legs!

However, when he tried to pull his opponent... no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake Luo Yang! !
Luo Yang pulled his left leg hard, pulling the alloy bat rope away!

Afterwards, Luo Yang poured all his strength into his feet and performed a backflip!

Bateman, who was holding a bat rope, was pulled by a strange force from Luo Yang, and he was forced to jump forward and fell to the ground in embarrassment!

With a pull of both hands, Luo Yang pulled the opponent on the other end of the bat rope to him.

Before Batman had time to respond, Luo Yang had already aimed his palm at him.


The white ice storm enveloped Batman in an instant.

An enhanced storm similar to the Cone of Ice technique roared past, freezing Batman's body, and also freezing his cloak, armor and ropes!

In an instant, Batman was frozen in place, unable to move.

Luo Yang stepped forward and pushed Batman to the ground with a light push.

There was a bang. The ice layer on the surface of the Kevlar armor shattered, and the ground was a mess.

Luo Yang stepped on Batman's right hand: "The principle of no killing you made, the rules you made, you abide by yourself. I am not a member of your Bat family."

"The principle of not killing is my bottom line!"

Batman was stomped and couldn't fight back.Although he was embarrassed, he still roared with all his might.

"You're killing every criminal you see right now, killing them on the spot. That's a crime for Gotham and me too!"

Royan responded: "I didn't kill every criminal I saw. I only killed Jervistage and Kid Diego, and a few other unknown criminals."

Luo Yang also has a bottom line, he is different from the Punisher.

If it was the Punisher, when he faced the Mad Hatter and Black Mask, he would definitely kill all the younger brothers of these villains!
"Stop your killing behavior."

"Then, follow you? Follow your rules?"

"That's right! If you want to deal with this city's problems, you must follow my rules, otherwise, get out of my city!"

Luo Yang paused for a few seconds before responding coldly: "Actually, I have more arduous and complicated missions and tasks. Maybe within a few months, I have to leave Gotham, or even leave the United States."

"Then please leave early!"

"But it's not your city. It's not just your Batman's responsibility to clean up the crime." Luo Yang said coldly.

Batman roared: "No! The crimes in Gotham should be ended by me!"

"Bat, do you really think this city belongs to you?" Luo Yang asked back.

 Second more.

(End of this chapter)

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