Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 439 Snow Company - Xnow.Co

Chapter 439 Snow Company - Xnow.Co
Everything went according to Luo Yang's plan.

Everything is unfolding in full swing.

In the next two weeks, Wade Anderson took care of everything that Royan told him.

First of all, 2350 million was firmly in Anderson's hands. Although it was 300 million less than he expected, it did so without leaving any traces. The original Ventura brothers of the Bone Gang didn't notice it.

Anderson took care of the new identity and the establishment of Snow Company one by one.

After the discussion, Luo Yang made a quick move and bought an emerging technology company in the United States.

In order to complete the transaction more securely, Wade Anderson also obtained a 3000 million loan from other sources.

The purpose is to let Luo Yang's Snow Company have 5000 million disks.

After completing the transaction, Anderson immediately paid off the interest and returned the loan.

This newly bought small technology company has branches in Metropolitan City and Gotham City.

Royan also renamed the company Snow Corporation.

Snow's S was replaced by X.


If it is really called Snow Company, you must know that such terms as snow and avalanche are very taboo for investors.Changing to Xnow is also more technological.

In two weeks, Luo Yang also transformed from an unknown person into Roy Snow, a young director of a new technology company.

What the hell. Sure enough, money is everything.

Money can create Roy Snow's identity out of thin air, and it can also turn a person who has just come into this world into a young and promising leader.

Luo Yang and Anderson also successfully moved into the Xnow building in the west of the metropolis and had their own offices.

While the deal was going on, Royan started building a private floor in Snow's building and bought the latest servers.

He started casting a net on the Internet.

Luo Yang worked with several programmers to build the new website.The main title of this news website is Avengers and Nick Fury, and an obvious slogan is displayed on this news page: Nick Fury and Avengers.

At the bottom of the page, there is contact information - email address.

As soon as Luo Yang's website was launched, Anderson put down his work, went to the private server area, and found his boss, Roy Snow.

Anderson stared at the webpage on the big screen, wondering: "What Nick Fury, what Avengers.?"

"I told you about the Avengers last time, but you are so forgetful, you have already forgotten about it."

"Oh yes. Finding the Avengers! Is that why you formed the company?"

Luo Yang nodded: "Yes, I want to find my friends."

"I look forward to hearing your story at dinner today, Mr. Snow." Anderson clapped his hands lightly, "I have to continue interviewing employees."

"Thank you, CEO."

Luo Yang also imagined whether to give out the phone number on the webpage, but there will definitely be many sbs who will make boring harassing calls
"I know Nick Fury! He's the old man downstairs from my house!"

"My dad's name is Nick Ford, are you looking for him?"

"I like the name Avengers, is it a villain criminal organization?"


All kinds of calls come in, it must be too much trouble.

But now, the work of sorting out emails is also very difficult.

Tony will emerge in this society with his wisdom and charm, and Peter will find Royan with his network skills and cleverness.But for others, Uncle Wolf, Frank, etc., it is not easy to find them in this world.

Originally, Luo Yang planned to buy a billboard in the metropolis, but after much consideration, it still fell through.

Buying billboards is really too low. Just like rural entrepreneurs.

Moreover, unnecessary troubles will also be added.

In addition to setting up a webpage, Luo Yang also monitors news from all over the world, trying to find clues to his partners.

Luo Yang arranged two teams of programmers, one with seven people, responsible for collecting information about the members of the Earth Expedition.Each program ape corresponds to the search for news clues of the US team, Tony, and Peter.

The three members of the other team were in charge of collecting information about Overwatch's intruders.

According to D.Va's appearance in Seoul, South Korea, Luo Yang infers that all Overwatch characters will appear in his own base.

For example, McCree should appear in the western part of Lighthouse, and Genji should appear in Neon.

Xiaomei will appear in the North Pole, or Huaxia.

The problem is that Luo Yang has never drawn Xiaomei's card, so he is not sure whether Xiaomei will mess into this world.

After days of searching, no news of the members of the Earth Expedition has been found.

Luo Yang began to worry a little, did Eris play tricks on it?

If the Goddess of Dispute harmed any of her teammates, Luo Yang would definitely kill them, like Lord Kui, directly to their High Palace, the Temple of Olympus.

Not only was there no news about his teammates, but there was also no news about Wonder Woman Diana and Paradise Island on the Internet.

Wonder Woman just mixed in the Sanctuary of Olympus and Paradise Island, did not come to this world?
The only news that has anything to do with Diana Prince is the report from the Oklahoma state media——

In Memory of Steve Trevor, Oklahoma Hero.

A worthy mortal hero.

This Steve, unlike in the movie, died during World War II.

three weeks later.

Anderson bought Royan a 2011 dark blue Ford Mustang.

Luo Yang handed over the task of finding his teammates to his programmer, and left Metropolis alone for Gotham.

Xnow's branch in Gotham, located in the north of Gotham.

As the boss, this is the first time Luo Yang has traveled to Gotham.

Next, he will personally sit in the Snow Company branch.

In fact, he really didn't go to Gotham for the purpose of making money or running a company. He had long wanted to visit the most famous city in American comics.

This city will always live in the shadow of Batman and crime.

It has created countless classic crime stories, detective stories and superhero epics.

When it comes to the DC Universe, Gotham is the first stop for many traversers.

Maybe the Batman in Gotham City is just a mortal, maybe all the criminals are just vicious and intelligent mortals.

But these guys have a combination of various qualities.

Terrorists, psychopaths, lunatics, vengefuls, cross-dressers, and more can be found in these guys.

Some sanctimonious criminals meet all the criteria for a qualified villain; some criminals seem to have walked out of horror movies and detective films; into this crazy melting pot
Luo Yang, very curious about this city.

I want to meet the master of Gotham, Bateman.

Gotham here I come.
 First more.

(End of this chapter)

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