Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 433 Journey to the Sanctuary: Final Chapter

Chapter 433 Journey to the Sanctuary: Final Chapter

"The king of the gods. It was Ares who made the mistake first, otherwise how could they have come to the sanctuary. If they, the intruders of the earth, are judged and punished again, it will be our big mistake again " Diana said coldly.

Zeus' complexion gradually became peaceful. "Diana, my wisest daughter. Maybe you're right."

Diana pushed him back: "No, I admit that I am not as smart as Athena."

"You're as smart as you are."

It seems that the baby girl is more important.He was still angry one second ago, and Zeus was already comforting his beloved long-legged daughter the next second.

Boom. Hiss.
Thundercloud continued to churn.However, there was no trace of anger on Zeus's face.

Now that Diana said so, Zeus walked down the steps, and he put away the lightning gun in an instant.

"There is nothing to discuss, young man. Here, the king of the gods has the final say." Zeus said blankly, "I will bring Ares back to Mount Olympus, and he will be judged and punished."

"I request to witness the trial of Ares." Diana said, looking at Zeus.

"My daughter Diana, and Odin's son, follow me to Olympus."

Luo Yang took a step forward and argued: "No! Ares should be tried in Asgard!"

The king of gods glanced at Luo Yang, and waved his hand to summon the goddess of strife! "Eris!"

"King of the gods, I am here." Eris walked forward with cat steps.Her voice was soft, with an unpredictable smile on her face.

This woman looks a bit like Hella, the god of death.

"Ready to send our guests away." Zeus nodded affirmatively.

Eris waved his hands lightly. The bodies of Peter Parker and Frank Castor were torn out of the space by the Goddess of Dispute and fell to the edge of the pool of blood!

Eris hid the two heroes of the Earth expedition by his side
What is her purpose?
Tony immediately stepped forward and hugged Xiao Chong who was still in a coma. "Peter!" he called to the bug, trying to wake him up!
Frank also fell into a dizziness, and he still held the light sniper tightly in his hand.
"I will send you back to the original world." Eris smiled slyly, "In terms of location, I will send you to the three Kama Taj temples on the earth. These are also the three space points that are easiest to find on the earth .”

Zeus added: "Besides my wife Hera, the only ones who can send you back to Earth safely are Eris and Hermes. Today, I will ask Eris to do the work and send you back."

Luo Yang glared at Zeus: "If Ares is not sentenced to death, it proves that Olympus is also corrupt."

After hearing this, Zeus clenched his fists, but suppressed his anger forcibly.

"Okay, handsome boy, don't get excited." Eris smiled sweetly, "I'd better send you back early, you are also tired."

She pinched her fingers, and the black teleportation singularity surrounded Peter, Tony and Frank in front of them!
Eris started teleporting directly!
The first is Frank, who disappeared instantly in the black teleportation singularity!

Tony and Peter were also sent away by her one by one with the teleportation singularity!

Luo Yang glared at Eris: "Later, I hope to find them in Kama Taj's temple."

The Goddess of Dispute raised her left hand and twisted her waist, showing a charming figure. "Don't worry, boy. All the earthlings who strayed into the sanctuary, I sent them back."

The three teammates were sent away by her in an instant.

Then, there are Wanda, Captain America, Uncle Wolf and Deadpool.

In the end, only Luo Yang was left.

Reduced to a lonely family, he stood by the wine pool and stared at the goddess of strife in front of him.

The wine pool next to him, perhaps to be precise, is currently considered a pool of blood.

The Goddess of Dispute is really unpredictable.There seemed to be countless layers of meaning hidden in her evil smile.

She is one of Ares' partners again.

Sitting on the stone, Zeus waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, Thor will recover soon, and the chaos caused by Ares will end. Hurry up and join your partner."

There was a trace of disdain in Zeus' eyes.After all, he looks down on mortals.

Luo Yang turned his back.

On the side of the arena, Kratos held two swords and was looking at everything beside the blood pool.

Luo Yang nodded slightly to Master Kui.
Afterwards, he was also engulfed by the black space singularity of the Goddess of Dispute, and left the sanctuary.

After the Goddess of Dispute sent away the eight members of the Earth Expedition Team, Diana came to several goddesses: "The son of Odin is in a bad condition, can't you treat him first?"

With a doting look, Zeus smiled and said, "Listen to Princess Diana and treat him quickly."

Diana folded her hands on her chest and said bluntly: "Even if the death penalty is not imposed, our Mr. God of War should be sent to Asgard."

God of War raised his head: "Diana, do you still dare to blow wind in the ear of the father of the gods?"

Zeus stared at Ares: "You brat, it's never important to follow me back to Olympus!"

In Zeus' mind, he already had principles and methods for dealing with problems.

A moment later, Zeus opened the Gaia channel and brought all the gods and warriors, Diana, Thor, and Ares back to Mount Olympus.

After the gods left, Odysseus was in charge of cleaning up the wine pool and the arena area.

He caressed his painful waist and the scratches on his legs, limped step by step, and walked to the edge of the pool of blood with difficulty.

Kratos, also under his call, rushed to the pool of blood.

Odysseus barely straightened up, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up: "An excellent slave warrior. You have proved yourself. Lord Ares said that he will recruit you into the Guards."

"Thank you, Lord Odysseus!"

Odysseus spat, "Hey, he is indeed a slave. You should thank our God of War!"

Kratos lowered his head and hurriedly replied: "Yes, I understand. Thank you Lord Ares."

"it is good."

Odysseus quickly ended the conversation, turned and left, preparing to go to the high platform to rest and experience the seat of the gods.

While walking, he said without looking back: "By the way, Kratos! Help the guards and deal with the bodies of all soldiers and civilians."


After Odysseus left, the vicinity of the 'Blood Pool' gradually became quiet.

The remaining three low-ranking soldiers of the Guards dragged the corpses of their colleagues vigorously, although they were already exhausted.

Lord Kui stood by the pool.

The blood on the surface of the wine pool gradually faded away.

The bloody water, the process of dispersing and diluting the wine pool to restore its clarity is quite beautiful.

At the bottom of the pool, a pair of black bladed weapons lay quietly.

A dagger with a long handle and wide blade, the Blade of Exile!
Kratos' eyes finally fell on the two weapons at the bottom of the pool.

This will be the weapon that belongs to Kui Ye!
 Second more.

  The final chapter of the sixth volume [Mysterious Fragments].

(End of this chapter)

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