Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 400: Nation Convergence, Beginning!

Chapter 400: Nation Convergence, Beginning!
Equipped with the Cosmic Cube and the Winter Treasure Box on the left and right, and holding the Gramer Excalibur, Luo Yang turned back from the treasure house and entered the main hall of the Odin Golden Palace.

In the celebration hall of Odin's Golden Palace, the Asgardian guards are fighting the dark elves!
The sound of shouting and killing in the bloody battle was deafening.The echo of weapons colliding filled the space.

Luo Yang scanned the entire battle situation——

I have to admit that the dark elves with guns really crushed the Asgardian guards.

Why should low-level melee units with cold weapons fight against other high-tech units?Can it still rely on willpower?

These guards in golden armor don't have a strong defense either.The dark elf soldier just fired a single shot and fell down clutching his wound.

The texture of the armor looks like metal, but it's actually similar to the plastic Stormtrooper armor from Star Wars, right?
Asgardian guards vs dark elves, it is simply taking the basic human swordsman in Warcraft 3 and going to the slightly weaker armored StarCraft Tyrannosaurus Ma Run machine gunner.
That's not what hanging is.
Asgard's soldiers fell powerlessly in the face of the powerful and surging red pulse gun fire.Seriously wounded and dead soldiers in golden armor almost extended from the throne of the celebration hall to the gate of the hall!
The digital heroes have entered the formation of the dark elves!
Luo Yang saw the goddess Sif and Psylocke.

The double-edged sword of the goddess Sif, shuttles across the enemy lines!

And Spirit Butterfly's energy blade, with her manipulation, stretched to two meters, chopping these dark elves was like chopping vegetables.

Facing these dark elves, Lingdie also put on armor similar to that of the goddess Sif to protect her fragile body.

After the battle of Jason Stryker, Psylocke also began to train her mind-reading ability with the help of Scarlet Witch and Doctor Strange. Now, she can also rely on her gradually growing mind control ability to deal with the dark elf soldiers around her!
In addition to these two women, in the corner of the battlefield, the injured American team is also there!

What the hell, before Luo Yang remembered that his back hurt so badly that he couldn't stand up, why is he so brave now that he's nothing to worry about?The US team is so big that it is back online in seconds.
Although Steve joined the fierce battle in the hall, it was strange that the Winter Soldier was nowhere to be seen.

Above the weapon in Luo Yang's hand, spiritual energy began to hover and condense.

He rushed forward with [Storm Coming]!
Straight into the heart of the Dark Elves' formations!


Luo Yang easily overturned and killed countless dark elves!

And Sif was ten meters away from Royan's landing point.She quickly ran towards Luo Yang's position, and with a sliding shovel, she cut open the two dark elves beside her with a sword!
"Where is Odin?" "Father of the gods"

Royan and Sif spoke almost at the same time!
Sif continued: "Father of the gods, Odin, he is outside, chasing Malekith!"

"Understood, after solving here, I will go to see the situation over there."

When Luo Yang was about to make a move, Sif pressed Luo Yang's arm: "The gathering of celestial bodies has begun, and the nine kingdoms will return to darkness."

When Sif spoke, she blocked a pulse bomb with her shield. "Go directly outside. We are here." She was panting, but her tone was unquestionable and extremely firm.

Luo Yang did not hesitate, and immediately agreed to Sif's request.Thor is not here, Heimdall has fallen, he has to support Odin to prevent the current situation from getting worse!

over Asgard.

In the dark and hazy sky, several dazzling lights emerged faintly

The celestial convergence begins.

Malekith made a surprise attack at this point in time precisely because of the celestial bodies of the Nine Kingdoms.

The nine countries are obviously nine extremely distant planets (quasars).

But because of the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard and the connection of the World Tree, the 'distance' between the nine kingdoms is unusually and strangely short in terms of dimensions.

The celestial convergence that Malekith was waiting for was, to be precise, a dimensional convergence.

Luo Yang speculated that the ultimate reason for the aggregation must be related to the reincarnation of the World Tree.

But what kind of thing is the World Tree of the Marvel Universe?What exactly is a 'tree'?A dimension, or even a higher will?
Not long after, 8 huge wormholes appeared in the gray sky, almost connected in a line.

Flame, frost, light, and darkness, these four are the most recognizable kingdoms, corresponding to fire, ice, light, darkness, and four kingdoms.

It was followed by Rain and Mist (London), Star Forge (Nidaville), Hell (Hale's Underworld), and Forest (Wanaheim).The eight major countries other than Asgard loomed one by one.

Not far away, Malekith used ether particles to float into the air and got close to the wormhole in the air. He had already started to use ether particles to absorb dark energy.

Just when Malekith was absorbing energy and was so excited to fly, Odin stood on an Asgard airship, and the golden light of the Eternal Spear burst out!Aim for the Dark Elf King!


A defensive force field is automatically formed around Malekith, blocking the blast from the Spear of Eternity!

But soon, Malekith was penetrated by Odin's Fury Strike!

He was severely injured in an instant, and a terrifying bloody mouth was directly stabbed in the middle of his body!
However, in just a moment, Malekith's body began to reshape. It was filled with ether particles.

Malekith in ether form, confronts the father of the gods in Asgard, a star-destroying battle!

Before Royan had time to intervene in the battle, Malekith's men surged even more frantically, and dark elf fighters came from the dark elf kingdom through the wormhole! !
Originally, Luo Yang felt that the scenes he had experienced before were too big.

First, the Battle of the Imperial University brought by the Mandarin,

Furthermore, it cooperates with Magneto to promote the re-engineering meeting,

Afterwards, the Chitauri Legion led by Ronan the Accuser invaded New York and fought against the Infinity Stones with their psychic limits.

Facing the mutant crowd, with one enemy N, the Shadow Knight became famous in one battle.

Every game is a tough battle, and the combat level and opponents are inflated again and again.

How should I put it, the Marvel Universe is full of disasters, and the endless crisis of the earth cannot be avoided. (Big moldy profiteer helplessly looking up at the sky, why do you keep messing with me??)

The prelude to the twilight of the gods was sung by Malekith with ether particles.

Luo Yang was a little puzzled. Looking at the posture of the dark elf, is this too much foreplay?

From the fighter plane group of the dark elves, four or five dagger-shaped fighter planes rushed to London!

There is Greenwich, the correction point for the prime meridian.

Luo Yang used the black space to accelerate and quickly drilled into the wormhole leading to London.

While the Shadow Knight was leaving, a red figure carrying flames escaped from the wormhole in Muspelheim and returned to Asgard! !
 Thanks for the 500 tip from Oriental White!

(End of this chapter)

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