Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 380 The Witch's Game

Chapter 380 The Witch's Game
"Guess what? Am I sent by your beloved brother?" Amora responded.

Thor took a step forward: "Tell me quickly, Amo La!"

"Tsk, I remember when I served you with Lorelai, you always called me Amo." Amora's words startled the crowd.
The gay men are of course envious - Thor, this guy, is really a blessing!
Witch sister flower. It is the so-called blessing of Qi people. (For a god who has lived for thousands of years, it may not be a big deal.)
This kind of Asgardian witch, probably only people like Thor and Da Chao can satisfy them.

The female compatriots covered their mouths, and they were so surprised that they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear. Originally on the earth, Thor was devoted to Jane Foster, and he was definitely a perfect and invincible image of a male god.

But now, the tall image that Thor worked so hard to build collapsed in an instant.

Just like a tower of building blocks in a board game, a piece of the bottom was pulled out violently, and the whole thing collapsed.

"Stop it, Amora."

"You can do it, but I'm not allowed to say it?" Amora raised her eyebrows.

Thor stepped forward, intending to grab Amora's green robe, but he reached out to touch it, only to find an illusion.Afterwards, Amora's phantom gradually disappeared, and after a second, Amora reappeared behind Thor.

"Loki has been imprisoned in the dungeon, and now neither you nor Lorelei need to help him accomplish anything."

"It's true that Loki asked me to stay here." Amora smiled and said, "I can give you that thing, but we have to play a game first."

"what game?"

"Why don't I tell you all the rules of the game."

Amora floated above the altar, then pointed to the bottom and said leisurely:
"This altar is the shaman altar of the Vanaheim Holy Wood Tribe. What you want is hidden under the altar. Look carefully, there are nine stones around the altar, and they correspond to the nine kingdoms of the world tree."

"—There are exactly nine of you. Then all you have to do is stand on these nine stones in the correct order, and then the stone in the center of the altar will automatically rise, and what you want will be revealed .”

After Amora finished speaking, she became invisible and disappeared instantly in the air.

This shaman altar is made of bronze-colored stones, carved and piled up.The overall shape of the altar is like a huge eye. In the central part, there is a circle composed of nine large stone blocks.

On each stone, there are unidentifiable strange runes printed on it.

Goddess Sif walked to the altar, and she pondered: "As long as you can identify the country corresponding to the above runes, it will be very simple."

"Because the Nine Kingdoms are originally ordered from high to low." Luo Yang added.

Sif: "That's right. Then we should hurry up and analyze the nine kingdoms that these symbols correspond to."

Steve nodded, and led the Winter Soldier, Psylocke and others to study the runes on the stone.

"First of all, who can help me popularize science, what are the nine kingdoms?"

Deadpool spread his hands and froze in place.

Goddess Sif turned around, put the shield on her back chicly, twitched her ponytail, and started a brief introduction:

"The nine kingdoms are the nine kingdoms connected by the tree of the world."

"Asgard, the divine domain of Father Odin. The residence of the Asir Protoss."

"Vanaheim, the homeland of the Vanir Protoss. It is also the world we are in now."

"Alfheim, the kingdom of the elves of light."

"Nidaville, the kingdom of dwarves, they are best at making weapons and utensils."

"Midgard, your blue star."

"Jortunheim, the frozen kingdom of the frost giants."

"Walter Alheim, the kingdom of the dark elves."

"Underworld (Hale Hel), commonly known as the place of hell."

"Muspelheim, the kingdom of the giants of fire."

When Sif introduced the nine kingdoms, she followed the most standard order of the nine kingdoms.Muspelheim, the Land of Fire with the harshest conditions and the most savage natives, was indeed ranked last.And the number one is still Asgard.

As for the earth—Midgard, it happens to be in the middle of the nine kingdoms.

"Then this thing that looks like a flame must refer to this Kingdom of Fire!" Spirit Butterfly found a rune that fits the characteristics of a flame just above the area of ​​the circular altar.

After Sif and Thor looked carefully, they confirmed it was correct: "That's right. It is indeed Muspelheim."

But this is just the simplest rune imprint.

Immediately afterwards, everyone found the frost rune corresponding to [Jortunheim], the sun rune corresponding to the kingdom of light [Yalfheim], the skull corresponding to [Underworld], and the [Nidaville] rune. 】 Craftsman utensils and weapons.

When Luo Yang saw the rune of Nidaville, he suddenly felt a little strange.

Why does this rune mark look like a hammer and sickle? ? ?

Red flags are planted all over the Nine Realms?Insert all over the universe?

A cold notification sounded next to my ear: "Host, if you continue to complain, a 404 event will be triggered."

"Understood. Thanks for the reminder, Number 7."

Can't stand the crab beast, labor and management don't continue to complain!
【Muspelheim】, 【Jortunheim】, 【Alfheim】, 【Underworld】, 【Nidaville】

The rune imprints of these five countries will be determined soon.

The four most difficult ones are left, Earth, Asgard, Vanaheim, and the kingdom of the dark elves.

"What does this triangular rune represent?" Wanda looked at the stone in front of her and asked doubtfully.

Luo Yang jumped to Wanda's side, and he greeted Thor again: "Look, is this Asgard?"

Thor stared at the triangle for a long time, then slapped his thigh hard: "Yes! It's in the shape of Odin's Golden Palace!"

"This black hole-like rune should represent the kingdom of the dark elves." Sif managed to find the corresponding kingdom among the remaining three stones.

Only two stones remained.

The most difficult ones are saved for the end, and the problems are easily solved.

The rune mark of [Wanaheim] is a circle with a hexagon embedded in the middle.This rune is said to represent the highest sanctuary of Vanaheim.

The rune imprint of the earth is a tree.This may be the understanding of the shaman in Vanaheim.

After the determination of the nine kingdoms, it is time to activate the nine stones in order.

According to Amora, the nine heroes must stand on the stone in the correct order to open the organ in the center of the altar.

Sif repeated the order of the nine kingdoms she remembered.

That is, from Muspelheim, the Kingdom of Fire, to Asgard.

(End of this chapter)

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