Chapter 373 Obelisk?

The Ripper's armor swirled through the air and landed on the sand.
"Good job, Frank." Luo Yang breathed a sigh of relief.Finally, there is no need for labor and capital to go up to the sky to chase.

"Small." Frank replied softly.

The Punisher's sniper easily solved the problem.

In the team, you need a good teammate at a critical moment, a sharp shooter!
The right arm of the fallen mecha was indeed holding a silver artifact - the obelisk.

Luo Yang flashed forward and was about to take back the obelisk, Wanda pointed behind him: "Red Skull"

Wanda used red energy to easily solve a Ripper armor that was filling in from the side!
And the Red Skull, who appeared at the entrance of the base, fully activated the ten rings with both hands, and shot two strange rays from a distance, one black and one white, stabbing at Luo Yang.

Luo turned his back and raised his right hand, blocking it with one hand!

The black and white rays hit the plasma barrier, and the waves splashed in all directions, making a buzzing noise!
In order to get the obelisk, the game between Luo Yang and the Red Skull is still going on.
Perhaps, it's not considered a game, but more like a plunder that uses all its strength to tear apart its restraint.

"You guard the obelisk. Wanda."


After bulldozing the base of the Reconstruction Society, it has been a long time since he fought head-to-head with the Red Skull.

Luo Yang and Wanda took the initiative to fight, and started fighting with Red Skull and his guard mage.

And Gambit, relying on energy, accelerated out of the base to support Luo Yang and Wanda!
A few seconds later, Iron Fist, Spirit Butterfly, and Daredevil also rushed out of the base after Gambit!However, both Lingdie and Daredevil seemed to be injured, and their actions were obviously not as agile as usual.

The chaos begins!
Lingdie, Gambit and other mysterious defenders also fought with all their might!

After repelling a Red Skull guard, Gambit quickly came behind Wanda and used playing cards to support every corner of the battlefield!
Behind Gambit is the obelisk, the most important item!
"Roy, I can take this thing away." Gambit flipped back and squatted next to the fallen mech, ready to take away the artifact.

"Don't touch!"

Seeing that Gambit reached out to take it, Luo Yang turned around and roared angrily!

Why do you have such short memories?
But Remy Lebeau had completely ignored Luo Yang's prompt.

He grabbed the obelisk and held it in his hand!

In the next second, his arm will be affected by the obelisk and start to condense into ashes!
Luo Yang used Cone of Ice to temporarily freeze the Red Skull and his guards, and then he flashed to the location where Gambit was, ready to save him in time!

Until Luo Yang came to him, Gambit still held the obelisk tightly.His arm was unharmed.

This is impossible!Gambit is not an Inhuman race, how could he act like a normal person while holding the obelisk? ?

On the other side, the Red Skull used one of the ten rings to defuse the ice, and he walked with his men.

The Red Skull is all too familiar with the Obelisk.

He understands the consequences of ordinary people touching the obelisk.

Back then, he arranged for Whitehall to study this thing, which consumed countless resources, and Whitehall's men also died because of the obelisk!
Seeing Gambit holding the obelisk, Red Skull was also very surprised.

There are very few people who can hold the obelisk safe and sound.

He aimed the ring at Psylocke and Iron Fist. "Give me the obelisk, or all your friends will die."

"Red Skull, stop first." Luo Yang pointed at Red Skull with one hand.

"What's the matter? Purifier, do you want to make a deal?" Red Skull sneered.

Luo Yang simply ignored the Red Skull's nonsense, and he snatched the obelisk from Gambit.

Everyone present, including Wanda, the mysterious defender, and everyone from the Reconstruction Society, all looked at the artifact in the purifier's hand.

The obelisk gradually began to change color.

From the original dark silver, it turned into pale gold, whitish, and even slightly colorful light.

"What. This." Red Skull murmured.

Luo Yang frowned, and continued to study the changes in the obelisk.

"I think you'd better put that thing down, captain." Lingdie whispered on the communication channel.

"I think so too." Gambit's gaze was fixed on the obelisk that was emitting a strange light.

After a few seconds, the obelisk in his hand began to disintegrate.

The surface of the obelisk gradually peeled off, first rolled up and fell off piece by piece, and then all shattered into fine sand.
In front of both sides, just like that, the artifact turned into ashes out of thin air.

Luo Yang turned around, and the red skull on the opposite side opened its bloody mouth, and a pair of deep-set blood eyes stared round.

"What's going on??" Red Skull spread his hands helplessly, "The obelisk is gone?"

"After a long time, we snatched a fake artifact?" Luo Yang said half-jokingly.

"Ugh, it's embarrassing. We're like a bunch of idiots." Lingdie sat down.

However, her buttocks were almost bare, and she was hurt by the stones on the ground, and she moaned.

It's okay to be embarrassed, what kind of sao are you selling at this time?
On the side, Iron Fist and Daredevil looked confused.Iron Fist Danny also stepped forward and confirmed the grains of sand left in Luo Yang's hand: "The obelisk itself will turn into sand? Isn't this artifact too amazing?"

In an instant, the originally bloody and passionate battlefield became extremely embarrassing.It's not much different from the scene where Xingjue danced to save the universe.

"It seems that we have all failed." Red Skull lowered his head and clenched his fists.

Just when the two sides hadn't recovered from their senses, a slender figure came from the desert.

The mysterious man walked lightly, and soon came to the gate of the sandbox base.

"You guys..." The mysterious man's magnetic voice was extremely penetrating, echoing throughout the valley, "... just realized the failure."


The mysterious man stopped ten meters in front of Luo Yang.

He is wearing a gorgeous blue embroidered gold robe, and he has an extraordinary bearing!

Elegant beard, beautiful brown curly hair, and exquisite face.

In appearance, he was a handsome human being.

The only thing that is special is that this human being is over 1.9 meters tall, and his skeleton is slightly wide
Luo Yang noticed that on the waist of the blue robe, there was still a machete inlaid with pure gold and diamonds.The necklaces and headbands he wears are all inlaid with crystal clear lavender gemstones.

Who the hell is this? ? ?
Luo Yang kept searching his past memories of Marvel.What the hell, let alone movies and comics, I haven't even seen this character in fan fiction! !
This guy is from a fantasy world?Or from Asgard?

"Owner of two shards."

His cold eyes swept over Luo Yang and the Red Skull, sharp and fierce.

Red Skull stepped forward, followed by two red-robed guards. "I have a little impression of you." He stared at the man in the blue robe, "Guards?"

The man in the blue vintage robe replied with a calm smile:

"My name is Odysseus."

 Thank you kite sama for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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