Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 348 The Fate of Abandoned Pawns

Chapter 348 The Fate of Abandoned Pawns

To tell the story of the fragments of the final scepter, as well as the Ten Commandments, the Devil's Eye, and the Black Sky, is really tiring.

He then challenged the Red Skull: "Even if you owned the Cosmic Cube and the Ring of Doom before, you still lost these things. In the future, those things cannot belong to you."

"Boy. You don't understand them at all. You don't know the power behind those things." Red Skull suppressed his anger and responded, "I will beat any competitor, including you, kid!"

"That's not up to you, Red Skull." Luo Yang immediately fought back.

"Hmph" just as the Red Skull was about to continue speaking, a blue figure suddenly appeared from the other side of the tarmac.

Steve Rogers, desperately relying on the thrusters installed on his boots, finally arrived!
The thrusters on the boots, having exhausted most of their power, started flashing red.

But he couldn't miss the chance to make up the Red Skull with his own hands.

After finally jumping onto the tarmac, Steve stood on the other side of Royan and Tony, forming a corner.

"Is it finally here? The three hosts of the masquerade party?" Red Skull mocked.

"Minister Pierce." Steve clenched his gloves, "and my old friend - Schmidt."

He continued: "Mr. Pierce, we were still interviewing in your office a few hours ago. Unexpectedly, you are also a member of Hydra, and you are also one of the snake heads."

"There are many things that you didn't expect, Captain Rogers." Pierce smiled.

"Yes, I thought that in this era, such an ancient name as Hydra would never be heard." Steve said.

He put the shield behind him and crossed his hands on his chest: "Today, although S.H.I.E.L.D. is down, a new Avengers will fight Hydra to the end."

Captain Rogers arrived, and he also brought a team to round up the Red Skull.

From behind Steve Rogers, five Quinjet fighter jets rose, all machine guns aimed at the Red Skull.

At the same time, Storm floated from the sky carrying a lightning storm.
Iceman Bobby, relying on the ice channel he made, flew to the tarmac in a gliding attitude! !
In the air, a blue modified helicopter also arrived above the apron.

Daredevil's voice came from the Mystic Defenders battle channel:
"Captain Roy, the mysterious defender is reporting to you."

He arrives at the battlefield with Psylocke, Bug, and Jessica Jones!

The X-Men, the Avengers, and the Mysterious Defender join forces, and the S.H.I.E.L.D.
The scene is on fire!

"Red Skull, Avengers will not lock you in a cold storage. The best place for you is hell." Steve said coldly.

"Hell? It's not like I haven't been there." Red Skull roared, "Hell is very similar to the current S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters."

Luo Yang felt a little bad, but the Red Skull remained calm, wondering what he was planning?
"I think, you must ask us how Minister Pierce and I escaped." Red Skull said hysterically, "There are so many superheroes, X-Men, Avengers... It really seems that there is nowhere to escape! "

"—If I kill Alexander Pierce, will your sinners let me escape?" Red Skull suddenly asked.

In full view. The Red Skull aimed the ring of his right index finger at Pierce.

Alexander Pierce couldn't believe what Red Skull said just now. He turned his head tremblingly and stared at his supreme leader: "Leader. Let's hurry up."

What the former minister wanted to say should be "Leave", but under the intense fear, he only moved his mouth, but he couldn't make a sound.
The flame ray of Red Skull's right index finger shot out brazenly.

The orange high-temperature flame passed through Pierce's upper body, blasting his whole body into a scorched corpse, it was too horrible to look at! !
Pierce's body collapsed, leaving only ashes and charred bones on his upper body.

The minister of the World Security Council, who once held great power and had a very high status, ended up being resolved by his own boss himself!

Whether it was Captain America, Tony, Royan, Iceman Bobby, or Orolo, they were all shocked.

The Red Skull crossed the river and demolished the bridge, without any hesitation!
For the Red Skull, former Minister Pierce is worthless.

If Pierce is in his position, he can also bring benefits to the Red Skull and Hydra.As for now, after the disintegration of S.H.I.E.L.D., Pierce is completely redundant.

The confident Red Skull doesn't need Pierce as his brain trust either.

After killing Pierce with his own hands, the Red Skull became even more crazy.

He glanced at the US team and Tony:
"Are you satisfied??"

Steve, who was still in surprise, couldn't even speak: "Schmidt, what the hell are you?"

"Um, captain, watch your words." Tony still didn't forget to complain.

In the astonishment of everyone, Red Skull pointed at the mysterious man in the suit behind him, and said with an evil smile: "Purifier of Metropolis, I have more surprises for you."

As soon as the Red Skull finished speaking, the other man in the suit began to take off his disguise.

A layer of golden light flashed, and the skin color, figure and clothes of the man in the suit changed completely in an instant.

The man under the magic disguise had a dark African-American complexion, was dressed in a dark green robe, and had a sword and a short stick behind his back.

This short-haired black man has well-defined features, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his eyes are like torches!

Most of the people present did not know the mysterious person next to the Red Skull.
Only Royan knew his name.

Steve and Tony turned their heads at the same time, watching Royan's reaction.Tony also said softly: "This black man seems a little familiar."

The person walking with the Red Skull is the former top mage of Kama Taj, the eldest disciple of the supreme mage Gu Yi, and the senior brother of the current supreme mage Strange——

Karl Modo! ! !

Why can the Red Skull really bring so many "surprises"?
Baron Mordo and Red Skull Schmidt join forces? !These two big bosses in the Marvel world have actually reached an alliance! !
Modu didn't even bother to speak, he stood where he was, and drew a portal in the air.

The portal leads to an unknown forest!
Modu strode into the portal, while the Red Skull followed him coolly and got into the circle.


Luo Yang's psychic storm, Storm's lightning, and Iceman's freezing breath were all blocked by the shield of the Ten Commandments!

After the Red Skull stepped into the portal, he didn't forget to turn back and put a taunting skill:
"The good show has just begun. Take your time."

The show just started? ? ?
Avengers doesn't understand the situation, but the X-Men understand the meaning of this sentence.

Red Skull also left a time bomb here.

That's Scarlet Witch! !

(End of this chapter)

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