Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 32 Escorting Erica

Chapter 32 Escorting Erica

Professor Tang En flipped through the electronic tablet in his hand, bowed his head and said, "Okay, Otto. We will contact you later for details. Today I have to complete the task assigned to me by the boss."

Octavius ​​smiled: "I am very much looking forward to working with you, Professor."

After reaching the 28th floor, Gwen followed Professor Tang En out slowly.Whether Royan, Peter or Felicia watched Gwen Stacy get out of the elevator.

The elevator closed slowly and went to the 37th floor.

After arriving on the 37th floor, the doctor quickly brought Luo Yang and Peter to an empty conference room.

After sitting down, Felicia was responsible for pouring water, while Dr. Octavius ​​checked the information in his hand.

Luo Yang quietly approached Peter's ear: "Gwen is beautiful, or the intern Felicia?"

"Of course Gwen is beautiful!"

Luo Yang doesn't think so: "Felicia has a kind of maturity that doesn't match her age. I think they are both beautiful and different."

Dr. Octavius ​​took a cup of coffee from Felicia, and then the doctor motioned for Felicia to leave the meeting room and take a rest.

Then Dr. Octavius ​​began to ask questions: "Mr. Luo is our client, I must understand your problem. Please introduce the situation."

Luo Yang was taken aback by the doctor's question.

Become a customer of the Osborn Group?

Luo Yang introduced: "A friend of mine got into an accident after being kidnapped by gangsters. Now I just want to ask the Osborne Group to help us."

"I heard it was controlled by the mind?" Dr. Octavius ​​asked.


Dr. Octavius ​​said with a smile: "First of all, we call mechanical mind and thought control, commonly known as brainwashing, and all research and experiments related to this technology are illegal, do you know?"


"So, you can't tell anyone about any details about this matter! Clear?"

Luo Yang and Peter nodded, neither of them had ever nodded so seriously in class.Luo Yang knew in his heart that if this matter leaked out, it would not be the Osborne Group that would suffer, but he would bear all the blame, and even be targeted by the S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Tell me, what organization did this kind of thing?"

Luo Yang paused for a few seconds before saying: "... Japanese."


Dr. Octavius ​​pondered.Looking at his face, Luo Yang slowly recalled, the scientist in front of him, with his face, isn't he the future Doctor Octopus?
"Do you know which country is the most enthusiastic about brainwashing technology?"

"The former Soviet Union?"

Royan just thought of the poor Bucky who was brainwashed by the red house in the former Soviet Union. This random guess also surprised Dr. Octavius: "How do you know?"

"I've heard of it." Luo Yang shrugged.

The future Doctor Octopus looked at Luo Yang seriously:

"Let's get down to business. I've already said the first point, the mechanical mind and thought control, please keep it absolutely secret."

"—Secondly, our Osborne Group is not sure of successfully solving the problem. Because there is no precedent before. All the information is not public. I asked my assistant to search, but found nothing."

"Thanks to Dr. Octavius, we understand."

The next day, it was finally time to send Erica to the Osborn Group's research laboratory.

During these four or five days, the female killer Erica was managed by Matthew Murdoch.

Daredevil knew many cronies in New York, and he transferred Erica to his "tailor" master Melvin. With the help of Melvin, he imprisoned the female killer Erica.

Erica will resist at first, will toss.In the next few days, she also gradually accepted the reality.What worries Matthew is that Erica is more and more sluggish, her eyes are empty, and Matthew looks at her haggard face, feeling distressed.

To drive Erica to the Osborne Building, Royan hired a spacious van.

Matthew and Luo Yang were responsible for taking Erica there.

As for Peter Parker?He's already done his internship at Osborne House.Peter and Gwen were assigned under the same project and practiced with Professor Tang En, which was also a good thing that Peter could only wish for.

On the way to Osborne House, things went smoothly.

Soon the commercial vehicle came to the underground garage of the Osborne Building.

Go to the passage entrance on the basement level 1 of Osborne.Felicia and two researchers in white were waiting for Luo Yang and the others to arrive.

Luo Yang got out of the co-pilot first, greeted Felicia, and signaled that everything was ready.

Before Luo Yang came to Felicia's side, he discovered the problem.
From the passage door behind Felicia, two Japanese gang members in suits rushed out, pointed their guns at Luo Yang and his party!


Luo Yang stepped forward ahead of time and pulled Felicia away!And the two scientific researchers in white clothes were shot several times and fell dead on the spot.
Luo Yang took Felicia's hand and led her to the back of the commercial vehicle to avoid bullets!

Felicia was panting delicately, out of breath, she stroked her silvery hair at the temples to calm herself down.If Luo Yang hadn't acted decisively, Felicia would probably have been beaten to death by two gangsters!

These Japanese!Really haunted.
Next to the parking lot, gang members dressed in black also came out, all of them were thugs of Japanese origin, at least seven or eight of them, some with katana and short sticks, and some with guns, surrounded Luo Yang and his party in the middle!

"Get in the car first!" Luo Yang shouted.Luo Yang sent Felicia into the car.

In the hail of bullets, Felicia looked at Luo Yang with concern, not knowing what he would do next.

While hiding beside the commercial vehicle, Luo Yang added a layer of ice protection to himself!
At this time, Matthew in the car also put on a black turban and opened the door: "Luo Yang, let's do it."

The Purifier and Daredevil confront nearly 10 Japanese gangsters.
Daredevil himself has seen this posture a lot.

The legendary fearless man has no fear at all.He only had a billy stick in his hand, and he was wearing a non-bulletproof suit and a black turban that covered half of his face.

Daredevil threw out his billy stick, knocked out the nearest gunman, and then began to move quickly, preventing the opponent from aiming his gun at him and forcing the opponent to fight himself.

Daredevil's shots are extremely fast. Even if the members of these Japanese gangsters have martial arts skills, they can't see-saw with Matthew, who has MAX fighting skills. Basically, it only takes four or five back and forth, and Matthew can stun an opponent.

Luo Yang is also ready to go all out!He holds a short knife in his left hand, and gathers secret energy in his right hand, ready to fight!

First of all, Luo Yang released [Scorching Speed].

He adjusted his position with quick footwork, and fired back at the Yakuza members!
Arcane energy shot out from Luo Yang's palm!
Become a human cannon~

The Jidao member who was the first to be hit by it was blown away several meters in an instant!Hit directly into the big car behind!
Although the arcane energy impact cannot directly kill the opponent, it can split the battle situation, allowing Luo Yang and Matthew to calmly deal with these Japanese gang members.

(End of this chapter)

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