Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 312 Chaos S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 312 Chaos S.H.I.E.L.D.

Jarvis didn't stop working while Tony was gone.Using a microchip placed on the bridge, Tony allowed Jarvis to hack into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s systems.

Nick Fury discovered Tony's little tricks, and he strode to Tony Stark's laboratory.This is where Bruce Banner was supposed to work.
Tony is in the laboratory, chatting with Luo Yang and the widow.

The sudden intrusion of Nick Fury surprised everyone.

"Mr. Stark, what are you doing?" Nick Fury asked angrily.

Tony quickly understood the purpose of Nick Fury: "What am I doing? I just want to ask you, what is the second stage?"

"The second stage is that S.H.I.E.L.D. uses the Cosmic Cube to make weapons."

As the US team walked in from the door, he threw the Cosmic Cube energy weapon on the table.


"I found it on another Quin-jet fighter. It seems that you are going to let the soldiers of S.H.I.E.L.D. use this weapon to fight Hulk?"

Nick Fury: "It's just in case."

Steve stared at the one-eyed boss: "I can tell at a glance that this weapon is made of a cosmic cube."

"What's the matter, now you two want to try me instead? You don't have permission to touch these confidential documents and this weapon." Nick Fury was a little upset.

Tony Stark walked towards Fury: "No wonder SHIELD is desperately looking for the Cosmic Cube? Use the Cosmic Cube to create weapons, and then, what are they used for? Increase influence in the Middle East, or invade North Korea?"

The one-eyed boss stood upright in front of Tony, with his hands on his hips: "I am looking for the Cosmic Cube, not to continue making weapons, but to prevent Loki from using the Cosmic Cube to destroy the world!"

"The last person who used the Cosmic Cube to make weapons was the Red Skull." Captain Rogers also confronted, "Why do you use the Cosmic Cube to make weapons?"

Nick Fury raised his voice: "Why? The reason is simple."

He remembered that Fury had originally dumped the blame on Thor.Fury pointed at Thor and said, "It's because of him!"

But now, Thor is not here, let's see how you smooth things over?

Fury said angrily:

"Haven't you experienced the catastrophe brought by the Mandarin? Those monsters, like the creatures of the earth? And haven't you seen Loki and his Destroyer armor?

".There are too many powerful alien forces that we didn't expect, watching the earth from outer space. If we are not prepared, when these alien terrorist forces invade the earth, how can we fight against them with our mob?"

The US team responded immediately: "But, using the Cosmic Cube to develop weapons, you are joking about the safety of the earth! You have no idea how huge the energy of the Cosmic Cube is."

"We are very careful not to over-exploit at all. The arrival of Rocky this time has no direct relationship with our experiment." The one-eyed boss glanced at the US team.

"That's not necessarily true." Captain America said coldly.

"Captain, as far as I know, the Cosmic Cube automatically enters the state of energy circulation," said the widow, arguing for S.H.I.E.L.D., "Loki came to Earth not because S.H.I.E.L.D. He needs the Cosmic Cube."

After all, Natasha pointed to the spiritual scepter behind her: "This scepter contains the same energy as the Cosmic Cube. If it weren't for the scepter, Loki would not have come to Earth."

"Don't explain it for him, and I don't need an explanation from the King of Agents." Captain America said bluntly.

"I'm his follower, yes." Natasha said coldly, "but now it's obvious that you shouldn't target S.H.I.E.L.D."

Tony laughed and said, "Although S.H.I.E.L.D. has indeed done some things that are beneficial to the safety of the earth, it's a bit too much to use the Cosmic Cube to make weapons."

Natasha said impatiently: "Now is not the time to talk about that."

Nick Fury roared: "Okay! Stop making noise." He said eagerly: "Now, we just wait for tomorrow to recover the Cosmic Cube. I have sent someone to wait at Imperial University, and Doctor Strange in New York And Thor will be there to help us."

"Director Fury, there is one more thing. Now I have to tell you in person." Royan said, "I saw the Red Skull get the Ten Commandments with my own eyes. I don't know if you have heard of it?"

Nick Fury was slightly surprised: "I haven't received any relevant reports yet."

Natasha spread her hands helplessly: "The Purifier told me, but you have been busy all the time, so you don't have time to talk to you about such an important issue."

"The Ten Commandments locked in the safe will be stolen." Nick Fury couldn't believe it.

"Director, should you pay attention to the problems in S.H.I.E.L.D." Luo Yang said coldly.

Nick Fury whispered: "I also think... there is indeed a big problem. But now I'm all overwhelmed."

The one-eyed boss continued: "I understand the Purifier. I will definitely investigate this matter to the end."

"Be careful Director Alexander Pierce Fury." Luo Yang approached Fury and said.

Fury nodded, and he left with a full stomach full of doubts.

After the Hulk crisis was resolved, the members of the Avengers began to relax.

Tony even pulled Coulson and Natasha from S.H.I.E.L.D. and started drinking and having fun.
Luo Yang, on the other hand, watched with cold eyes.

He was very speechless.Tony, we didn't meet the Chitauri army at all this time!

Compared with the gluttonous group summoned by the Mandarin last time, the Chitauri Legion is more well-trained and bigger!

If there really was a Chitauri invasion of New York, Tony, would you still be laughing?

Perhaps, sometimes, people need hardships to discover the real reality and find their true self.

the next day.

Helicarrier, conference room.

The members of the Avengers were on standby in the meeting room early in the morning, waiting for news about the Cosmic Cube.

A suspicious cargo truck drove into Imperial University in the morning!
After the truck stopped, the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. immediately surrounded the truck!
Those in charge of supervising the scene are Melinda May and Ward!At the same time, Thor and Doctor Strange are also on standby upstairs nearby.

Melinda took several agents, after scanning, opened the back door of the truck's cargo compartment, and aimed the gun inside!

She looks inside the truck bed, wondering
"Director, there is indeed Professor Selvig in the cargo compartment." Melinda said on the private communication channel, "but he was shot and fell to the floor!"

"What's the matter, the truck compartment has been ransacked?" Nick Fury's eyes became fierce, "Quickly confirm the Cosmic Cube!"

Melinda jumped into the truck bed and reported: "Here is a S.H.I.E.L.D. box that was supposed to hold the Cosmic Cube. Now, it's empty."

"Empty???" Fury was anxious.

"That's right, someone stole the Cosmic Cube before us." Melinda was also dejected.

She confirmed the situation of Professor Selvig again, "Selvig is still alive! He was seriously injured, and I will send someone to rescue him immediately!"

"Okay, bring this truck back to S.H.I.E.L.D. Thank you, Agent May."

"Who is the one who stole the Cosmic Cube?" Tony asked suspiciously, "It can't be Loki, right? If it was him, he wouldn't kill his subordinates at all."

"I can't think of who would do it." Luo Yang shrugged, "However, I guess the insider of S.H.I.E.L.D. has made a contribution again."

Tony patted his thigh: "What the hell, Chief Ferry, you should definitely clear up these people under your command. Now even the Cosmic Cube is gone."

Fury said helplessly: "I know, I know"

He must start to rectify the plan, otherwise, the giant building of S.H.I.E.L.D., which he built with great difficulty, will be burned to the ground.

Alexander Pierce, the name Royan told him, was enough to give him a headache.He never imagined that his respected old comrade-in-arms, old colleague, could be the one who betrayed S.H.I.E.L.D.?

(End of this chapter)

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