Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 308 The Collapsed Evil God

Chapter 308 The Collapsed Evil God
"If the operation fails, you will release the Hulk in Banner's body and make him go crazy. This is the only plan that can revenge the Avengers." Loki said helplessly.

"I gave him a bottle of dark elf drink. It looks like Midgard's sports drink. If he drinks it, he will go crazy. It's just that the timing is difficult to grasp. Maybe he is taking the bottle right now Something to quench your thirst."

Loki nodded and said: "You did a good job, you still have special skills in this. Lorelei."

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who were monitoring Loki noticed something unusual and immediately reported to Maria Hill: "Commander, look, who Loki seems to be talking to!"

Maria Hill carefully checked the situation in the cage, and found that there was indeed something strange. Loki was obviously talking to someone!

At the same time, Doctor Strange, Nick Fury, and Royan are still walking in the long aisle!
"Director, there seems to be someone outside Loki's cell. He is talking to an invisible shadow!"

Nick Fury responded immediately: "Hurry up and perform an infrared scan, and I will take people there!"

"We have to speed up, Purifier, Supreme Mage!" Nick Fury shouted.

Alarms are ringing around Loki's cage!Infrared rays start to scan the entire area, looking for the invisible Lorelei! !At the same time, a large number of gunmen rushed to guard the exit of the aisle here
"Hurry up!" Loki slammed the glass hard.

Lorelei panicked and set out to leave here!

She carefully maintained her invisible state, climbed out of the railing, and slipped away quietly!
However, infrared scans have revealed some traces of her!

The gunmen began to shoot blindly, shooting towards Lorelei's position! !
The witches of Asgard had to add a shield to themselves to protect themselves from being swept away by stray bullets
At the end of the passage, Luo Yang and Strange arrived!
Lorelei's heart rose to her throat.
These two enemies have a narrow path, and they want to kill themselves.
Strange spotted the witch's position, waved his big hand, and summoned an energy body beside Lorelei to hinder her progress!
And Luo Yang was even more ruthless, directly smashing out the purification shock!
Lorelei's invisibility is broken! !
Lorelai, I was really helpless when I met these two great gods.
After she revealed her true form, she immediately cast a spell, used Apparition to flash to a high place, and continued to flee!

With a big wave of Strange's hand, Lorelei fell into the free-fall space he created!
Just like the spell he cast on Loki in Thor 3!
Lorelei's resistance ends here
Loki in the cage became even more desperate, clutching his bare forehead, dejected.

After restraining the witch, Strange let the witch fall into a prison cell on the Helicarrier after 5 minutes.After solving the problem, Royan and Strange moved on and came to Loki.

"Loki! It's me, the Purifier." Luo Yang walked to the glass cage and tapped lightly.

"I'm not blind! I saw you!"

"Loki, where is the Cosmic Cube?"

If he doesn't eat soft ones, he can only eat hard ones.

Doctor Strange is also eager to try, he wants to see, if his mental power is stronger than Loki, who is stronger?

Strange and Luo Yang waited for Loki to get up.

It lasted half a minute.

time passed slowly
In Loki's hand, a ring suddenly appeared.
Ring of Doom!


Royan pulled Strange back. But Strange just stared at the artifact!

Gradually, under Loki's control, the ring of doom began to emit red light and transform into red!At the same time, a column protruded from below, making the shape of the ring of doom into a torch.
Loki raised the artifact in his hand, and the glass cover in front of him suddenly exploded and cracked under the effect of the artifact!

The artifact in his hand easily broke through the high-density tempered glass of the glass cover!
Loki broke through the glass cover! !
He added an explosive blast!Then he flashed out from within!
"Mirror space!!"

Strange made a decisive decision and locked Loki and Royan together in the mirror space
Sudden decisive battle!
After entering the mirror space——

With a big wave of his hand, Strange moved the positions of the three of them to the outside.

Loki was on deck.

Royan and Strange stood on top of the two Quin-jet fighters respectively.The three formed a tripartite confrontation.

Loki grinned, raised the artifact in his hand, and blasted an energy blast at Strange!
Strange blocked it with the circular energy shields in both hands!He barely blocked the impact!
"The Devil's Eye of Avalon." Strange said coldly.

"Sure enough, the supreme mage knows the goods, even the devil's eyes of Avalon can recognize it."

Luo Yang looked at the artifact in Loki's hand suspiciously, wondering what the hell it was.

"The Devil's Eye of Avalon, also known as the Evil Eye of Avalon. It is an artifact that wanders in the universe. It is said that Dormammu and the One-Eyed Evil God all want to have this artifact. Unexpectedly, it actually On Earth, it's this thing called the Ring of Doom."

The artifact in Loki's hand is in the shape of a ring with a short stick attached to it. To put it nicely, it looks like a torch, but in fact the whole shape is a toilet plug.

"The Devil's Eye of Avalon has the ability to manipulate matter, and it can also provide time travel, warped dimensions, and destructive force fields." Strange said, "But it is said that the ring of doom can resurrect the dead, it seems It's a hoax. There's no way the Devil's Eye can be resurrected."

Loki said loudly: "To be precise, using this artifact to resurrect the dead is not a scam."

He looked proudly at the artifact in his hand: "I used the devil's eye and another scepter fragment to successfully resurrect Lorelai."

According to Loki, as long as you have two of the shards of the final scepter, you can bring the dead back to life? ?

Loki looked back and forth between the Purifier and Doctor Strange, he grinned violently:
"You don't believe it, do you?"

"—I lied to you about the resurrection of Lorelei. Any rumors of resurrection are nothing but hoaxes."

"—The Last Scepter brings nothing but destruction and death and cannot resurrect anyone."

"—Unless someone can gather all the fragments and regain the power of Kronos!"

Luo Yang sorted out his thoughts, and then asked back: "Loki, obviously you want to regain the last scepter."

"Anyone who owns the Infinity Gauntlet, the Heart of the Universe, and the Scepter of Destiny can rule the universe!" Loki said almost hysterically, "There is no hope for the Infinity Gauntlet, and the Heart of the Universe has long been hidden by God. The only thing left to fight for is the scepter."

[The Infinity Gauntlet is hopeless]. Loki is very desperate for the Infinity Gauntlet.

He may feel that he can't fight against Thanos!

(End of this chapter)

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