Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 306 The Avengers and Loki

Chapter 306 The Avengers and Loki
"The cage is very nice," said Loki with a particularly sexy Cockney accent, "I don't think it was specially built for me."

"Of course it was built for people stronger than you."

"Oh~ I heard about it." Loki looked at the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., "He's a mindless beast, why don't you say he's a human being."

Loki then sneered, "How desperate are you that you would want to summon monsters like this to protect you?"

"How desperate am I?" The one-eyed boss said coldly, "You are trying to declare war on the earth, you stole the power that you can't control"

".You say you want peace, but you kill for fun. You forced me to act in such a desperate way! You will pay for what you have done!"

"It's on the edge of my mouth, and I was snatched away again. I must be very upset." Loki smiled evilly, "I'm about to get the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and I'm getting energy."

"That's endless energy!!" Loki became excited, "What are you going to use it for? A bright light? Illuminate all mankind?"

Nick Fury: "."

"You don't understand real power at all!" Loki roared!
"Okay. You're a 'real power'." Nick Fury finished complaining and was about to leave, but Loki stayed behind.

"Not only that, but the beast," Loki said, "you won't get either"

Nick Fury frowned and stopped: "What did you say?"

"Bruce Banner. That beast called the Hulk."

"He hasn't come here yet, but he will appear soon to find the whereabouts of the Cosmic Cube." Fury added.

Rocky: "No, I don't think he can come."

"Could it be that your people secretly controlled Bruce Banner?" Nick Fury's one-eyed eyes widened!
Loki sneered, "Director SHIELD, you're starting to get nervous"

Angrily, Nick Fury shook his hands and left Loki's cage.

If he was really Master Yundu in Star Wars, I'm afraid he would angrily use the Force and strangle this annoying Loki on the spot.

Soon, Nick Fury returned to the conference room.

The three bosses and the Purifiers were present, watching the dialogue between Nick Fury and Loki on the screen.

Tony Stark, Captain Rogers, Thor and Royan sat in four scattered seats around the conference table.

Needless to say, the absence of Hawkeye and Black Widow.Dr. Bruce Banner, who disappeared in India, was also absent.

Now, apart from the problem of internal personnel, there are still many problems that Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. have to face!

What to do with Rocky?How to deal with the psychic scepter?Where are the Cosmic Cube and Professor Selvig?

After Nick Fury walked into the meeting, he started pacing around the circular conference table.

"Yes, we must first welcome Thor's return." He said in a low voice, "You all heard what Loki said just now."

Thor immediately said: "Yes, this time, I came to prevent Loki from creating a disaster. I hope I didn't come too late."

Nick Fury said coldly: "He has killed more than 80 people in the past two days."

"It's a good thing I'm here, otherwise, he would kill more people." Thor joked.

"Shock the hero, even if you don't stop him, we will." Tony laughed.

"Shocking point?"

"You look a lot like the leading actor in the movie "Point Break," Tony smirked. "Forget it, it's nothing. You must have never seen it, Asgardian."

"Of course I haven't seen your Midgard stuff." Thor glared at Tony.

Thor went on to say: "We must cooperate to let Loki hand over the Cosmic Cube and end this chaos. Then I will bring the Cosmic Cube back to Asgard with him."

Nick Fury thought that he needed Thor's help, but the loss of the Cosmic Cube made him very unwilling.

Finally he agreed: "Okay. Let's start with your brother Loki and ask him to hand over the Cosmic Cube." Fury asked again: "Thor, what else do you know? Who is behind Loki?"

"As far as I know, Loki now has an army called Chitauri. The Cosmic Cube is the key to bringing this army to Earth." Thor folded his hands on his chest and said seriously.

Tony shrugged: "What should we do with Loki? If I were to decide, I think this guy should be tortured."

Luo Yang immediately said: "Forget it. He is not afraid of torture. I have a way to make him tell the truth."

Nick Fury asked suspiciously: "What way?"

"I know a friend who should be able to help."

Steve asked, "Tell me, Purifier, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to ask Doctor Strange to help. With him, Loki can't make any waves." Moreover, there are too many things worth digging out of Loki.Winter's Crate, Ring of Doom, and more.Royan needs the assistance of Doctor Strange to control these artifacts.

Nick Fury responded immediately: "Great! It would be great if you can hire the Supreme Mage!"

Nick Fury agreed immediately: "I will invite Mr. Stephen Strange for you now."

"Um, I'd better invite you." Now is the Internet age, Luo Yang can invite Strange through an online video~

"By the way? Then why haven't the wolves come yet? Could it be that the aircraft navigation is not turned on?" Tony remembered the Wolverine that Nick Fury said.

"This... Maybe he's coming soon. I don't know his situation yet." Nick Fury spread his hands helplessly.

At this moment, the iron door of the conference room was retracted with a click——

Wolverine just in time?
The one who walked into the conference room was Natasha, the black widow who quickly returned from Germany.

"Agent Romanov, long time no see, do you miss me?" Tony said frivolously regardless of the occasion.

According to the intensifying trend of the feminist movement in Europe and the United States, Tony's witty language, which is similar to "sexual harassment in the workplace", will definitely be caught by feminists.

Natasha maintained a polite smile: "Mr. Stark, long time no see."

"Agent Romanov~ I really miss the days when you worked by my side."

When you have something to do as a secretary, when you have nothing to do as a secretary?

Everyone envies this day
Natasha began reporting:
"Patton is currently resting in Germany. He has basically recovered. But I don't want him to participate in the next battle. I rushed back now, just to ask, how is the situation?"

"Loki was imprisoned by me in the glass cover that was originally used to deal with the Hulk. Don't worry, Natasha."

Widow: "Should I have a chat with him, maybe I can ask what his real purpose is?"

"Yeah, that's okay." Nick Fury lowered his face.

The widow said with a smile: "You guys just watch a good show here."

Luo Yang and Nick Fury stayed in the conference room, they waited, waiting for the widow sister and Loki in the video screen on the table to face each other!
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(End of this chapter)

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