Chapter 304
Germany, Stuttgart.

Private banquet hall on Kooning Street.

A state-level orchestra is playing Schubert's famous piece - "Rosamunde".

Accompanied by the melodious music, a man with an extraordinary bearing in a black scarf and windbreaker walked down the stairs quickly.

He has greasy black hair, and although his hairline is slightly higher, he is still handsome.

In the hands of the man in black, there is also a scepter with a blue light shining on the top.This man has a subtle temperament of an elite mage all over his body.

It was Loki.

He went down the stairs, shot suddenly, and knocked down a bodyguard of the banquet host!
Immediately afterwards, Loki grabbed the host of the banquet who was giving a speech, and dragged him directly to the marble table next to him.

You know, this marble sculpture table worth millions of euros is one of the collections specially placed here by the host of the banquet for the guests to enjoy. Ironically, it has now become his own altar.

Loki raised his mouth slightly and his eyes were full of joy.
He took out a weird machine, and decisively inserted the high-speed propeller part of the machine into the eye socket of the banquet host!
The surrounding elites were stunned, and those women in fancy clothes vomited directly.vomit--

The host of the banquet, who was still giving a speech two seconds ago, was pinned down on the marble stage by an elegant man, and was poked blind in one eye??!
Most of the upper elites began to flee frantically.

Men, regardless of their image as upper-class people, run out desperately, women, who don't need elegance and nobility, drop their scarves and decorations, and rush out screaming.

A few middle-aged people froze in place.Maybe it was because I was scared, maybe it was because I peed my pants and couldn't move
None of these elites dared to step forward to stop the crazy Loki!
At the back of the mansion, there is a high-grade safe storage room.

Here, you can also hear the orchestral music in the banquet hall, and you can also hear the noise and screams of the guests.

Hawkeye led a few men, easily broke through the security, and reached the door of the safe storage room!

He took out the imager that matched the mechanism in Loki's hand!

Press the button.

Soon, the imager was activated, simulating the iris of the host's eye for inspection by the security system.

Within a second, the simulated eyeballs were fully formed, and the safety door opened smoothly!

Hawkeye sneaked into the safe room familiarly, and found the most valuable property here - the rare metal ~ iridium.

This is a special metal that can form antiprotons.Professor Selvig is going to use this metal to cooperate with the Cosmic Cube to build a portal!

When he was about to call it a day and leave after admiring this special metal——

Behind him, a dark figure appeared.
Out of the corner of Hawkeye's eye, something is wrong!

He put down the rare metal, and immediately held the bow behind his back in his hand! !

A quick roll to the left! !Then Hawkeye shot a swift arrow towards the comer!
The arrow was firmly held by the man in black.
The bomb at the tip of the arrow exploded!

But the man in black stood still, unscathed!
Hawkeye saw the comer clearly. A tall man in black-gray armor with a gray cloak behind his back.

The man was wearing a half mask, his face was unrecognizable!
The man in gray suddenly disappeared on the spot and turned into a cloud of black mist
Even Hawkeye was stunned. What about people?

Half a second later!
The man in gray appeared behind Hawkeye!

He punched Hawkeye hard, hitting him on the back of the head.Hawkeye, who was suddenly attacked, fainted instantly!
The gray-clothed man said coldly: "This is the purifier, target No. 2 has been taken care of."

Luo Yang was in charge of dealing with Hawkeye who came to steal rare metals.Precisely because he has the huge advantage of the golden finger - the prophet of the future!
And the flash that was cast just now is Zeratul's skill ~ [Shadow Flash]! !

The cooldown of Shadow Flash is faster than Mage Flash, but the distance is slightly shorter, and the consumption of psionic energy is also large.

After Luo Yang put the lump of metal back in place, he walked out of the safe room with Hawkeye on his shoulders.

The widow has been waiting outside for a long time. She is chewing gum in tights and leaning against the wall by the door.

All the men brought by Hawkeye were easily knocked down by the Black Widow, knocking them out one by one!

Luo Yang told the widow to take Hawkeye away, and then return to the Helicarrier to rendezvous.

The widow also agreed with Luo Yang's idea.She has prepared a Mercedes-Benz SUV and headed to the German Security Service, and will help Hawkeye return to normal in the next time.

Hiding Hawkeye is firstly to play with Loki, and secondly, to prevent Hawkeye from being affected by the spiritual scepter again.

After taking care of Hawkeye, Luo Yang returned to the Quinjet fighter plane and enjoyed the battle between the captain and Loki.

He knew that it wouldn't be long before the tyrannical, wealthy, and iron man Tony would suddenly appear and subdue Loki.

However, this is exactly Loki's purpose.

The corners of Luo Yang's mouth raised slightly~ Next, Rocky, let's have a good fight.

Not long after, Iron Man descended into the night sky of Stuttgart with a golden tail flame!
Tony Stark came here in seconds, fighting side by side with the captain!

Loki didn't struggle much, and after eating a few Iron Man missiles, he was caught!Steve wondered how could Loki surrender so easily?But Tony didn't care. He happily took Loki to the Quin-jet fighter, ready to take it back to the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The Quinjet fighter quickly lifted into the air, and the small cabin was full of people, rock star Rocky, two women's federation bosses, and young purifiers.If Hawkeye and Widow Sister stayed here, it would be too crowded.

duo duo duo -

With the influence of the airflow, the fighter plane was slightly bumpy.
Rocky, who was bound by the simple seat belt, actually didn't say a word after getting on the plane.

"Loki, are you really not going to say something?"

Loki just glanced at Luo Yang, and then looked forward firmly.

"I remember you fled to that, the land of no man..." Luo Yang recalled, "Now, you returned to the earth with a strange scepter, I am curious, in such a long time, what have you experienced what?"

"—Have you seen an alien race? Have you seen an alien overlord? What about the ring of doom, do you have that thing with you?"

Loki's mouth twitched a few times, and he regained his composure. He resisted the urge to bicker with Luo Yang, and just gave Luo Yang a fierce look back.

In the next two fights with Royan, Loki suffered a lot, especially when Royan pulled out the Mjolnir Hammer and was humiliated by putting it on his chest. No matter how thick-skinned he is, he can't bear it~~
Royan stood closer to Loki. At the same time, Loki's hands couldn't stop shaking.
This purifier. Hateful ants! !I was so humiliated by the ants! !

Loki's anger is about to reach a critical point! !
at this time--

Thunder suddenly sounded in the air! !
(End of this chapter)

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