Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 290 The 2 armies face off!The Red Skull Appears!

Chapter 290 Two armies face off!The Red Skull Appears!

On the left side of Mrs. Viper's cheek, there is a shallow scar, which is also her unique mark.She has slender shoulders and a thin waist, with a slender figure, and she has the aura of an iceberg beauty wrapped around her body.

Although Leona is a pretty woman, if you look closely, her heavy makeup can't cover up the smell of plastic.Just like those web anchors, even with heavy makeup and beauty shots, you can still feel the unnaturalness of their faces.

Her beauty has been maintained for so many years, and it is inevitable to pay the price of time.

"The purifier of the metropolis." Madam Viper lifted up one end of her short cheongsam, revealing her beautiful legs wrapped in black stockings.
If Deadpool saw the seductive look of this woman, his nosebleed would definitely not be able to stop!In front of me, didn't he clamor to spend the spring night with Mrs. Viper?Don't you want to compete with Wolverine and start a love triangle?
"Agent Zero, Saber-toothed Tiger, Subject No. 9, Subject No. 17, Subject No. 33, Subject No. 78, and Baron von Strucker." Mrs. Viper sneered, "They will either die or be killed by you. Take it away. These accounts are all on you and your friends." She turned her head away again: "You are very annoying. Really annoying."

Madam Viper actually said lightly that the Women's Federation was very annoying, and she couldn't stand it.If Thor and Hulk become permanent staff, plus the three of Luo Yang, they can turn the Reconstruction Society upside down.

But Reconstruction also has its strengths. They are very resilient, and they have almost unlimited financial support. Probably a lot of funds were cheated by Jason Stryker with his telepathic ability~

Mrs. Viper continued with a smile: "What Avengers organization, what SHIELD, the Brotherhood, you can't stop us in the end."

Her weird giggle echoed in the middle of the battlefield.


Luo Yang walked out of the team alone.

He and Mrs. Viper are facing each other right in the middle!
There are more than 30 Brotherhood mutants behind Luo Yang, lined up.And behind Leona, the experimental subjects, gunners, and cyborgs of the Reconstruction Society are another team!
All eyes were on the two people in the center.The entire battlefield fell into an awe-inspiring silence, only the faint murmurs of the mutants' weapons could be faintly heard.
Luo Yang didn't respond to Mrs. Viper's words, but yelled at the group of minions behind Mrs. Viper:

"Members of the Reconstruction Society! Look at those dead gunmen, look at the reformed people who have died, what's the point of you following Mrs. Viper? When you need to die, Mrs. Viper will throw you out again! "

His words caused quite a commotion among the group of minions.
The continuous flow of low-level cannon fodder in the Reconstruction Society is definitely the strong men captured by the Reconstruction Society's people from various places. He believes that no matter how powerful the mind reader Jason Stryker is, it is impossible to control such people at the same time. Too much.

Mrs. Viper also noticed the change of her subordinates, and she was a little angry. Ivan Vanko, who was behind the Viper, couldn't hold back, and showed his long whip with both hands!
He is a mecha maniac with the name of 'Sang Whip'!

Ivan Vanko turned around, flashed two energy whips that were shining white, and glared at his subordinates!

"Isn't that the case? The reengineering society only cares about the experimental body. It just wants to create your ultimate experimental body. By the way, there is a plan to clear it! Other people are just dispensable." Luo Yang said coldly , "Ms. Leona Heath, in fact, we all know what you do."

"It's like, you look like you are only 30 years old, or even in your 20s, but we all know that you have lived for a whole century." Luo Yang added a knife!

While he was speaking, the red void spirit was mobilized and rolled all over Luo Yang! !
Madam Viper pretended to be calm, and responded: "You think you know everything—"

In the middle of Mrs. Viper's words, Luo Yang had already taken a step!He used [Deadly Charge] to directly throw himself out! !

All the mutants and gunmen on the battlefield saw Luo Yang turn into a red light and cut across Madam Viper's side!

Lady Viper froze.
Neither she nor anyone in the Reconstruction Society had expected Royan's surprise attack.Even if Jason Stricker played again, he still couldn't predict Luo Yang's actions!
The move was sudden, perhaps base.If Madam Viper could be killed, even if she was criticized as despicable, she would not hesitate to do so.

From the corner of Mrs. Viper's mouth, blood flowed
Her waist, including the jacket and cheongsam, were quickly cut open by Luo Yang's light blade!

In an instant, the flesh and blood were bloody and blood flowed!

At the moment when [Deadly Charge] was released just now——Luo Yang showed his light blade at the same time, so he was able to directly injure Mrs. Viper!
Amid the astonishment of the crowd, Luo Yang turned back and inserted the light blade into Madam Viper's throat decisively!

Royan killed Baron Sterak and Madam Viper in the same way! !

The four 'Red Guards' of the Red Skull Guards immediately reacted, raised their weapons, and rushed towards Luo Yang!

The leader is a warrior holding a long sword!
Luo Yang raised his hand and blasted out an ion shock!
Swish! !

The blue ion energy hit the Red Guard's chest, sending him flying!

The other three Red Guards stopped and looked at Luo Yang with weapons in their hands.They knew in their hearts that they were no match for the Purifiers
Ivan Vanko was in a state of confusion for a moment. He looked around and even Mrs. Viper was dead. He didn't know what he should do first.

And the group of minions from the Reconstruction Society started to disperse, and automatically made way for them.
John Schmidt, appeared at the end of the Reconstruction crowd!
He was still wearing the dark green Nacuan military uniform, with a narrow black cloak behind him.Whether it is the cloak or the chest, there is the imprint of Hydra!




Stepping on military boots, Red Skull calmly walked to the center of the battlefield and stood there.With the arrival of the Red Skull, the battlefield became even more dead.

The supreme leader of the Reconstruction Society and the Hydra finally showed up!


Now, only the hissing of wild beasts and birds in the surrounding jungle remained in my ears.

It was almost dusk, and the sun slowly penetrated behind the hills in the west.

The appearance of the Red Skull happened to step on the last few rays of sunshine!
The peaceful evening sun shone on John Schmidt's face.

What everyone saw was not the terrifying face of the scarlet skull, but a handsome middle-aged man with a straight nose.

Except for Luo Yang, no one else may recognize who this man in the military uniform is.Luo Yang remembered very clearly the face of the actor-Hugo Weaving.It's so recognizable! (In addition to playing the Red Skull, Hugo Weaving also played the Elf King in Lord of the Rings and the villain in The Matrix.)
After the Red Skull was resurrected, he actually put a piece of human skin on his face first?This is a very interesting place.

The Red Skull looked at the Purifier and the members of the Mutant Brotherhood with great interest, and he smiled and called Madam Viper's name: "Leona Heath."

Then, he suddenly took out a rifle from the back cloak!
Luo Yang immediately assembled the plasma shield in front of him to prevent the Red Skull from attacking
To the surprise of both the Purifier and Magneto, Red Skull actually shot Mrs. Viper's neck viciously! !

Mrs. Viper is dead, do you need another shot?
(End of this chapter)

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