Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 286 Spirit Butterfly No. 2

Chapter 286 Spirit Butterfly No. 2

The team led by Alex Summers has the same purpose as Royan and the others, to find the mutant's laboratory!
Magneto and Mrs. Viper's experimental body should have already started fighting!But Luo Yang and Alex couldn't care less, they searched the buildings and warehouses according to the information in the Brotherhood, but they didn't see any victims at all!

Walking out of the Nth warehouse, Luo Yang, Alex, and Remy were at a loss. In the light of the fire, where should they go? ?
Alex looked at the battlefield in the distance and was hesitating when he suddenly slipped and fell backwards? ?
A blue wave of light flashed! !

Gambit, as well as several young mutants under Alex, all lost their balance and were inexplicably pushed to the ground! !

And behind Luo Yang, a strange force is also pushing him!Only this time, this force could not overthrow Luo Yang directly.
Behind him, a blue figure appeared faintly.
In Luo Yang's heart, he has already guessed who this shadow is.
Purification Shock! !

Luo Yang quickly gathered his spiritual energy, and then exploded from his whole body to the surroundings!

This will accidentally hurt Alex and Remy, but don't hesitate!
After the light wave of purifying shock——

The blue light and shadow disappeared.
A silver-haired young man fell beside Luo Yang.He wears a gray-blue tights with lightning stripes.

Through the appearance, it can be confirmed that it is Quicksilver——Pietro Maximov is correct.

At this time, shouldn't it be time to tell Eric Lao Wan that your son is rough!
Quicksilver ate the cleansing shock and couldn't recover for a while, and fell to the ground with Alex and Remy.
Luo Yang didn't want to give this guy another chance to show off, so he jumped forward and punched him hard on the chin.

There was a muffled bang. Kuaiyin, who was hit by the Purifier's ruthless punch, fell back and fell into a coma. This shot is like the punch that Captain America gave Kuaiyin back then!
It doesn't matter what number Kuaiyin is the experimental subject, let's deal with him first!
Before he had time to support Gambit, a group of gunmen from the Reconstruction Association attacked! !

From the corner of the warehouse on the side, a dozen gunmen suddenly shot out, led by an attacker with a katana sword, apparently coming to harvest Alex and the others!
The lead attacker was a young girl with black hair.She was wearing a dark purple thin dress, with only shorts on her lower body, revealing her white thighs.
Gambit exclaimed: "Spirit butterfly??"

But Luo Yang looked carefully, only to find that this girl was much younger than the real Lingdie!
She then showed almost the same special ability as Spirit Butterfly, her right hand formed a pink-purple mysterious energy blade. The only difference was that Spirit Butterfly used her left hand to control the energy blade, while the one in front of her was using her right hand to attack with energy! !

The lead Katana girl is apparently a clone of Psylocke.

Luo Yang unloaded the weapon from his waist.

A weapon that has not been used for a long time, Frostblade!
Under the urging of Luo Yang, this Karma Taj weapon, which is similar to the shape of a Tang knife, gradually spread into three sections.Silver-blue energy flows out from between the blades, and the blade's cold light catches people!
A clone of Psychic Butterfly, let's call her No. 2 Psychic Butterfly!The young girl turned her wrist, twirling the samurai sword in her left hand twice, stepped forward at a high speed, and charged at Luo Yang! !
Those gunmen behind Psylocke 2, targeting members of the Brotherhood, began to harvest.
From the top of the warehouse, a sniper bullet roared over, directly passing through the heart of the leading gunman! ! !

Nova is covering Royan, Alex and others from a height!Her sniping can easily deal with these ordinary gunmen!

Although Nova's skills [Holographic Decoy] and [Triple Hit] are already very strong, but if she can have the fixed-point strike in "Heroes of the Storm", wouldn't it be even better! ——Perhaps, it's because of the authority of the current system, such as fixed-point strikes and summoning the Hyperion Yamato Ship, which are particularly destructive technological skills, Luo Yang has not yet mastered them. (Just wait for the follow-up expansion pack~)

Nova shoots continuously!Three precise shots directly scared the group of gunmen away! !Alex and his men also reduced the loss of personnel.

Ding! ! !
After hesitating, the samurai sword of Spirit Butterfly 2 had already reached Luo Yang's eyes!He raised the frost blade, and caught Lingdie's slash with the blade!
The knife dancing girl withdrew her sword and continued to attack, stabbing left and slashing right three times in a row!

when!when!when! !

On the other hand, Luo Yang relied on his quick response to easily receive these three attacks! !

The girl wielding a samurai sword continued to draw her hand like a robot, and then quickly stabbed Royan in the heart
Luo Yang's wrist turned slightly.
While blocking the samurai sword, the frost blade stretched into three pieces, and the blade stretched a long way! !
Due to the reaction force, the protruding blade swung forward, instantly cutting a bloodstain on the arm of the knife dancing girl! !

Blood spurted out!Bright red blood dripped from her arms.
The girl didn't seem to care, and continued to chop off with a knife in her left hand.
Luo Yang swung out the frost blade and entangled her samurai sword!

It makes her unable to even draw her weapon!The katana is entangled in the Purifier's weapon, magical energy surrounds the blade!

The girl increased her strength, trying to draw the katana, but her efforts were in vain.Her weapon is entangled by the Purifier like it was rooted by an old tree!
This girl, who resembles a spirit butterfly, took shape with an energy blade in her right hand!
The pink-purple energy condenses into a cool long sword!

The energy blade hit Royan's left shoulder

Royan has already prepared the psionic blade generator.
The blue spiritual blade flashed, blocking the girl's energy blade in front of her! !

The pink-purple energy collides with the blue spiritual energy. It is also a light and shadow special effect with a strong visual impact.
Luo Yang's eyes were full of this girl.

A very clean looking girl.Compared with the charming and coquettish Lingdie, she is really a very delicate girl.Willow eyebrows, big eyes, a straight nose, and a slightly dull complexion do not affect her beauty.

Since she is a copy of Lingdie, maybe her body also has mysteries?Luo Yang guessed that not every ordinary person is suitable to become a copy of a powerful mutant.

Luo Yang let go of the samurai sword, pushed hard, and pushed away the girl's energy blade!

The girl backed away because of Luo Yang's strong momentum.
at the same time!

Havoc—Alex made a move!

He regained his form, blasting a swift energy wave directly from his left hand!
The energy wave was impartial, directly hitting the back of Lingdie No. 2!

His energy waves exploded on the girl's back.
The huge shock wave directly shattered the girl's skin and internal organs!
(End of this chapter)

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