Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 248 X-Men and Avengers

Chapter 248 X-Men and Avengers

Tony smiled bitterly: "Yes, I can't deny this. I hope to understand the situation this time. If the cold storage prison built by Stark Industries is really so vulnerable, I will start to overthrow the rebuilding plan."

"The director of the cold storage prison, as well as Victoria, will discuss this issue with your company. But this is not the focus today," Captain Rogers said, "The Red Skull has been resurrected from under our noses. How to deal with the current situation is what matters." the biggest problem."

While talking, footsteps sounded.The door of the conference hall was slowly pushed open——

The No.1 headed is the famous original member of the X-Men, Beast!
Beast is a mutant who is close to the age of Professor X, Magneto, and Mystique. Professor X and Magneto will gradually age, but Beast and Mystique do not see physical decline at all.Beast Hank is over 70 years old and still looks like a strange blue plush.But Hank with glasses looks more like a human than a 'beast'.

Beast Hank's current identity, in addition to the main members of the X-Men, is also the director of the mutant office of the American government. All mutant-related affairs are handled by this intelligent blue beast.

Hank the Beast opened the door for the professor, allowing him to calmly push the wheelchair into the conference hall.The two mutants greeted the members of the Avengers with a smile, and behind them was the one-eyed boss Fury.

Fury asked his adjutant Maria Hill to wait outside with S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and he entered the conference hall as the only S.H.I.E.L.D. representative.

Half a minute later, Uncle Wolf, who was covering his head, knocked open the door with a blank expression, and was the last one to come here.

At the black conference table in the conference hall, Nick Fury is naturally in the chief position, and he is definitely the host of the meeting.On his left are the three members of the Avengers, Big Steve, Big Tony and the young Royan.

On the right, three representatives of the X-Men followed Professor X into their seats. The X-Men are also rare visitors here. Being able to come here, Beast is very curious about everything, studying the new things in the conference hall that he has not seen before.As for Uncle Wolf Logan, he was listless, with a headache, and kept clutching his heavy temples.

"Professor, what is the result? We are all waiting for your answer."

After Nick Fury greeted, he began to ask Professor X.And his question was about Uncle Wolf.Was Wolverine tampered with the will of the mind by the White Queen? ?
"In his memory, there are indeed traces of being mind-controlled," Professor X-Charles said with a smile, "Logan, I had to check your memory, and it caused you a lot of pain."

"It's nothing, professor, go ahead and leave me alone." Logan rubbed his Edman gold temples.

"The mind reader who tampered with Logan's will used a very advanced telepathic control skill. For Logan, he was unaware that his mind and will had been edited and manipulated by others. The victim himself normally Living and acting according to the so-called free will, completely unaware that it has been infused with the instructions of others." Professor X analyzed.

"That is to say, Logan didn't want to kill the Red Skull, was it an order imposed on him by the mind readers of the Reconstruction Society?" Steve asked.

"That's right, Logan is affected by this kind of almost invisible mind control with endless troubles."

Professor X's analysis finally let the Avengers understand Uncle Wolf Logan's abnormality.Steve was very annoyed, how could he not find out?

Luo Yang followed Professor X's words and said: "It should be the White Queen-Emma Frost. Logan was influenced by the White Queen's psychological stress, so he wanted to forcibly kill the Red Skull, which led to a gap in the cold storage prison. .”

Steve turned his head and looked at Nick Fury: "The person who gave James Logan level 7 authority is our Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury, how do you explain this?"

Nick Fury looked innocent: "James Logan, as the X-Men, is also an important member of the Avengers in the future. He applied to me for permission to investigate in the cold storage prison, and I approved it without thinking too much .”

It sounds like Director SHIELD's approval is child's play!
"Director Ferry, are you looking at Logan as your comrade-in-arms?" Steve's eyes were sharp, "I should tell you his crazy ideas!"

Nick Fury: "Yes, Captain, why didn't you tell me about his plan earlier?"

"Because I thought you'd be smarter." Steve glared at Fury.

Luo Yang understands that Nick Fury is not brainless, he just wants to use the hands of Uncle Wolf to kill the Red Skull, and by the way clear the prison of the cold storage prison.

"Hey, can you stop arguing directly? SHIELD's face is about to be humiliated by Captain America and the director."

Tony Stark joked.

"You don't talk yet, dude." Steve gave Tony a white look.

"To be precise, my identity is more than just a playboy. Forget about arguing with you. Take your time to argue." Tony put on his sunglasses and looked at the ceiling speechlessly.

"Things are like this, there is no benefit in arguing." Luo Yang really wanted to question Director SHIELD from the perspective of the US team, but I am afraid that Director SHIELD cannot fully control many things.

Nick Fury's decision-making and behavior are not only his personal thoughts, but also mixed with other influences, Hydra in the shadows, and the World Security Council.From the current point of view, the Hydra in this world seems to be more ruthless than the ones in the MCU, both bright and dark.

Professor X leaned forward and said softly: "I think I have to tell you something, young Avengers."

Steve frowned. He didn't seem younger than Professor X, but he nodded and waited for the professor to continue.

"The person who tampered with Logan's memory should not be the White Queen. There is a more powerful mind reader behind the Reconstruction Society, or the Red Skull."

Another mind reader?Not only Luo Yang, but everyone present was staring at the two X-Men, Professor Beast and Wolverine, even more surprised!
"Isn't it the White Queen?" Luo Yang asked eagerly.

"I know Emma. I came to see her when she was 10 years old. Her telepathic ability is indeed strong, but she is still too young. Earlier this year, I happened to be negotiating with Reconstruction At that time, I learned about her telepathy level. With her current level, it is impossible to successfully tamper with Logan's will."

Professor X glanced around and continued: "Invading Logan's brain is already a difficult task. Even if I don't have auxiliary equipment, it is impossible to achieve this special mind control."

(End of this chapter)

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