Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 229 National Idol Luo Dadun

Chapter 229 National Idol Luo Dadun
After consumption, Captain Rogers carefully put away the old faded jacket.

"I think you look familiar."

Before leaving the clothing store, the black female clerk next to the three of them suddenly mentioned something.

"Who are you referring to?" Peter Parker smiled.

"Of course it's the handsome guy in the black hat. I seem to have seen you on TV."

Captain Steve Rogers has been in the limelight a few times since he returned to the United States.Even the president met the captain immediately.People across the United States were also delighted at the resurrection of World War II heroes.

"No, no, you must have admitted your mistake." Steve forced himself to smile calmly.

Leaving the clothing store, the hungry Peter Parker proposed to have dinner.Hearing Peter's mention, Luo Yang also felt hungry!
Soon, Peter picked a mid-range Italian restaurant in Macy's.

"Okay, this is the one." Luo Yang smiled wryly, "I'm really tired, so go in quickly."

"Going shopping is more tiring than fighting." Captain America nodded.

Captain Rogers had put on his new clothes and held his old jacket in his hand.

He pushed open the heavy door with one hand, startling the attendant at the door.

"Sir, our side door has a button." The young waitress looked at the strange man Steve and said tremblingly.

Steve looked up and saw that the suction door lock on the top had been completely destroyed by his violent push just now.

"Sorry! I will definitely compensate for this," Steve dug into his pocket, "How much should I pay?"

"Sir, our door will cost at least $500 to repair."

"I only have 200 yuan." Steve was cash-strapped, "This"


Luo Yang took out his wallet and was about to step forward, but Steve held him down.

"If there is no other way, let me wash the dishes for you?"

Wash the dishes for you? ?
Fuck me, captain, your awareness is really high. You are ready to work for others before you eat.

"I can help you pay in advance, team."

"No, no, you will never be allowed to pay this money." Rogers looked resolute.On the other hand, Peter Parker held back his muffled laughter, almost suffering from internal injuries.

While the three of Luo Yang were arguing at the door, a pair of parents took the little boy out of the interior and left the Italian restaurant.

The little boy passed by Captain Rogers and shouted to his father beside him, "Dad, look at that man."

The little boy's father naturally replied in doubt, "What's wrong?"

"That guy is a bit like Captain America!"

In the clothing store just now, Steve Rogers was almost recognized by others.Now, when the little boy yelled, he could tell with a discerning eye, isn't this person Captain America?
After all, the US team does not have a halo of mental retardation, and cannot wear a pair of glasses to disguise itself like Clark Kent
"Captain Rogers?"

The young waitress stared at Captain Rogers' handsome face under the peaked cap with wide eyes.

"It's really Captain Rogers!"

Another waiter next to him immediately jumped over and stared at Captain America: "Are you really Steve Rogers???"


Now not only Steve, Royan and Peter are starting to panic a bit.

The scene is going to be unstoppable!
"Boss, Captain Steve Rogers has come to eat with us!"

"Girl, don't, don't call me that!"

Rogers looked helpless and bitter.Girl, you make it difficult for me to be a human being when you call me like that!
"It turned out to be the captain, no wonder you can push the locked door open!" The two waitresses said happily to the Latino waiter who came next to him.

More and more passers-by and customers in the restaurant rushed up.
"Captain America! It's Captain America and his two friends!"

"How did Captain Rogers have dinner with two college students? Shouldn't he be having dinner with the President of the United States?"

"Captain Rogers is so handsome!" "It's really Captain America, exactly like the guy on TV!" "Nonsense."

"Who is that handsome half-breed guy with brown hair next to him?"

"That person seems to be about the same height as the captain, but a little younger!"

Luo Yang stepped back to avoid the hot eyes of the girls, you should just look at the captain.As for Peter Parker, he didn't know which table he hid in the restaurant for a long time.

Steve Rogers was left behind by two companions and was trapped in the doorway of the Italian restaurant.He was in a dilemma.

Around, more and more people crowded over.Young guys, beautiful girls, excited children and even all kinds of uncles and aunts, all surrounded Captain Rogers!

"Don't squeeze me like this." Rogers looked helpless like a good old man.

A girl squeezed beside Captain America, fumbled her hands up and down, and opened her mouth in an obscene O-shape.
"And this girl, where are you touching me, stop! If you do this again, I will call the police"

Rogers' hat was touched by someone, and his white face began to turn red.

". Sign me an autograph! I'm your fan!"

"Captain! Sign my name on my neck!"

".Can I take a photo with you?"

"Let me in, I want to touch the captain's body!"

A group of fans and aunts are going crazy!

But the uncle, the boy and the boy were not to be outdone, and joined the ranks.The crowd was so crowded that their chests were pressed against their backs, and all kinds of salty pig hands, dragon claws, Hong Kong feet could no longer be distinguished.

It can only be said that Captain America is really a popular idol, men, women and children.

At the critical moment when Steve Rogers was in crisis——

A pair of big hands reached out and saved him!

The owner of the restaurant, a big American guy, pushed aside the crowd, grabbed Captain America from behind, and dragged him into the Italian restaurant!

The boss yelled: "This restaurant is full, others can't wait to enter the restaurant!"

Under his domineering roar, the three young male waiters forcefully pushed the crowd out of the restaurant through the side door, and even blocked the door with a cabinet!
The American people outside can only look at the ocean and sigh, constantly knocking on the glass, trying to attract the attention of the American team
The owner of the restaurant actually appeared domineering and decisively rescued the captain!Luo Yang thought there was another mutant coming from somewhere
"Thank you, thank you so much."

Steve Rogers looked at the boss, "Excuse me, I also broke your door."

The boss is a thin-haired middle-aged man with a burly figure and a kind smile on his face.

"It's okay," the boss said hastily.

"No, the trouble must let me repay through my personal labor!" Steve Rogers held the boss's big hand.

"No, no, how could my old Hanks let Captain America do such rough work."

He looked at Captain America dotingly, and invited him to eat in the restaurant.

"Your two friends, the skinny boy and the Chinese, have already sat down."

"OK, thanks."

Boss Hanks turned his head and shouted angrily: "Put a [Respite] sign at the main entrance. When Captain America is eating here today, I don't want too many people to disturb him!"

A group of guests in the restaurant surrounded Captain Rogers and came to their seats
Even in the restaurant, a group of people begged to take a photo with Captain America.

They gathered around the dining table of the three of Luo Yang, and kept begging.

A fat man in a suit took out a stack of dollar bills and threw them in front of Peter Parker: "Can I buy your seat with $2000?"

Peter Parker opened his mouth slightly, staring at the local tyrant: "Of course."

Luo Yang pinched Peter severely: "What the hell, are you short of money?"

Peter immediately changed his words: "No, no, this."

"3000." The man in the suit took out another 10 US dollar bills and stacked them up.

Peter: "Uh"

"Why don't you add $5000 to it?" He seemed to be a diehard fan of Captain America, and would rather buy a seat with $5000 and buy a chance to have a meal with Captain America.

Peter Parker has already reached out to touch the dollar bill. The "$" symbol flashed in his eyes.

Hey bug, pay attention to the impact, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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