Chapter 22 New Base

Outside the Warner Theater, people were coming and going, and it was very lively. Cars honked and drove past, raising a gust of dust.

Obadiah's big party is coming to an end.The back door of the theater opened slowly, and Mrs. Gao walked out of the door under the escort of a Chinese bodyguard.

When Mrs. Gao got into the luxury car, a strange person sat in the co-pilot seat.The driver was unconscious.

Mrs. Gao remained calm, as if she had known about Daredevil's arrival for a long time, she didn't even say a word, but waved her Chinese bodyguard to wait at the back of the car.

"Mrs. Gao."

"Good evening, devil of Hell's Kitchen," Madam Gao said indifferently, "You must have something important to come to me, so tell me."

Seeing Mrs. Gao being so straight to the point, Daredevil Matthew didn't talk nonsense, he said: "Even if your drug deal is exposed, it is still going on in secret. It seems that someone is protecting you."

Mrs. Gao sneered: "That's right, Ye Mo. Don't you think you can solve us by yourself?"

"I've been in Hell's Kitchen for so many years, I know how deep you're buried."

Mrs. Gao continued: "Daredevil, do you think that this city will be better if you save people at night and eliminate a few street gangsters?"

"—Do you think that cutting off the drug channels of the triads will reduce the drug consumption in New York?"

Matthew asked himself, and he couldn't answer Mrs. Gao's question.He just yelled, "I got it!"

Madam Gao glanced at her cell phone that had just rang, and said with a stern expression, "Demon of Hell's Kitchen, do you know what happened just now, south of Manhattan?"

"I've heard news from the Police Channel that there's been a shooting on the south side of Manhattan."

Mrs. Gao: "It's not a simple shooting, but a massacre feast."

Matthew clenched his fists, he was speechless.

This city is out of his control, what he can do is very limited, and he has no assistants.

Mrs. Gao continued to ask: "It's definitely not because of this matter that you came to my place, Ye Mo, what are you hiding?"

Matthew still sat still: "How much do you know about those people in the hands and meetings?"

Mrs. Gao whispered: "Now you still want to fight and meet? Although I don't like the way the Japanese do things. You know, as long as you are of Chinese descent, you don't like the Japanese."

"You tell me everything you know about your opponents and clubs. As for how to do it, I have my own rules!" Matthew continued to roar.

Mrs. Gao laughed softly: "Shouhehui, and the weakness of Yoshioka Shin. Then I have to think about it."

Brooklyn, evening.

Royan put on his hat and combat uniform, and went to the so-called "base" prepared by Peter.He was very curious, what kind of vacant house would Harry Osborn provide Peter?
It took Peter four or five days to complete the "new base". It seems that his relationship with Harry is really good.But Peter did not say that this new base was provided by Harry Osborn, maybe he has other methods.

About 30 minutes later, Royan, who was walking briskly, arrived at the address Peter Parker told him.

This is a residential area in the northwest corner of Brooklyn.

The vacant room Peter found was located on the top floor of a commercial shop building.

The top floor is all vacant, and the bottom three floors are only used as warehouses, and basically no one enters or exits.This place is truly amazing!Because it is the top floor, Luo Yang and Peter can easily go to the rooftop, and the signal will be much better, so they won't worry about the lack of signal in the basement.

When Luo Yang stepped into the huge empty room, there was only Peter Parker, busy.He used a big box at home and dragged in many electrical appliances that he had improved and repaired.

What Luo Yang brought in was just an old oven and an old coffee machine from Uncle Fang's restaurant, and he couldn't bring out any more useful things.But Luo Yang can still make money, and he can buy anything he needs in the base.

About 2 minutes later, Luo Yang realized that he had made a wrong judgment.

Daredevil Matthew is lying silently on the sofa in the corner
Luo Yang was taken aback by the figure on the sofa: "Ma Night Demon, why don't you speak."

Daredevil Matthew said softly: "I just dealt with a few gangsters outside, and I'm a little tired."

Peter Parker took off his mask and came over to greet Daredevil.

"Demon of Hell's Kitchen, I admire you so much!" Peter imitated Daredevil's punching appearance, "You are always so fast, accurate and ruthless with your punches and kicks!"

Matthew no longer hides himself, he pushes up the devil mask to reveal his face: "I just do some tiny jobs"

Peter was surprised to find out: "So you are still blind?!"

Matthew smiled: "That's right. Because of a disaster, I was blind in both eyes, but my other senses were also strengthened."

Luo Yang pretended to be mysterious: "Peter, do you know what Matthew does during the day?"

Peter couldn't figure it out, and shook his head helplessly. He really didn't know what a special blind man could do.

"Mr. Matthew Murdoch is also a well-known lawyer. His Nelson-Murdoch law firm can be a very famous firm in Hell's Kitchen."

Peter admired Lawyer Ma even more: "I didn't expect you to be a lawyer! Use the law to support justice during the day, and implement justice with your own actions at night!"

Matthew just smiled, he was used to this kind of life, as if it was his innate duty.

Seeing that the room was too dark, Peter walked to the side and turned on the old fluorescent lamp in the room to make the room a little brighter.

Matthew said: "And you are the flying spider. I have heard of you, and many people appreciate your actions."

Peter started shaking his head and waving his hands, and he kept saying he wasn't as good as Daredevil.

"Okay, okay. You don't have to argue. I think you are all behind-the-scenes heroes in New York." Luo Yang stood up and patted Peter on the shoulder.

In fact, in the comics, Little Spider and Daredevil have always been a good pair of CPs. They fly together at night, which can be said to be a very common scene.

Facing Luo Yang, Matthew said, "Recently, I heard that a mysterious purifier came to Brooklyn. You have done a lot recently, Luo Yang."

"A person's power is limited after all. We will support each other starting today." Luo Yang laughed.

Then, Luo Yang looked at the mess in the entire empty room and said, "There is a hall and two large rooms here, let's start tidying up together. And at least let the bathroom work today."

"Okay!" Peter seemed to be full of energy, and immediately responded to Luo Yang's call and began to clean and organize.

Of the three, Peter was the one who did the most, because he moved things without any effort.

And Matthew Murdoch, with his extraordinary senses, repaired circuits and water pipes.Even Matthew himself was amazed that I am still suitable for this job! ?

Luo Yang's strength is not weak either. Apart from moving things, what he can do is to create freezing air. Cooling electrical appliances is a very simple matter for Luo Yang, but if he is not careful, the machine will be frozen
It took a full hour for three heroes with different abilities to finish tidying up the room.

And their small base finally took shape, and the three heroes formed a small group.

However, in order to make more contributions, in order to catch up with Daredevil, Royan and Peter still need more training.

Peter suddenly remembered something: "What do we call this new base?"

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(End of this chapter)

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