Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 204 Life and Death

Chapter 204 Life and Death
Two Gu Yi's disciples came to Gu Yi's side.

At the same time, they noticed a subtle change in the face of the Supreme Mage.

"Look at Gu Yi's forehead." Carmodo was extremely surprised.

Gu Yi's eyebrows are the runes of the dark space
The supreme mage actually draws power from the dark space!
"Our master, indeed absorbs energy from the dark space." Modu's voice also began to tremble.

Does the Supreme Mage have an ulterior deal with Dormammu? ?
Casillas has always claimed before: Ancient One is also the running dog of the Dark Lord.And asked Strange: Why did the ancient one live so long?

Mordo and Strange would not have believed it at the time.

Now the evidence is overwhelming.

Kar Modu's world view collapsed.

Probably the so-called mental breakdown.

It is said to deal with the dark boss Dormammu, but master, you use the energy of the dark world yourself!
Gu Yi didn't care about Modu's eyes, but stared at Casillas opposite.

When the ancient one confronted Casillas——

The mirrored space behind is still in turmoil, splitting, rotating, and changing!

It's like an infinitely rotating kaleidoscope..
"Cassilias." Gu Yi whispered
"When I came to you, I was broken and helpless. However, you deceived me. You deceived everyone!" Casillas said angrily.

Casillas paced and continued: "However, I now have a new mentor. He will not deceive me like you. He can generously give us eternal life!"

"I'm here to protect you. Dormammu is really deceiving you." The ancient master looked melancholy, "Believe me, if you really have the eternal life he promised—"

"You'd rather embrace death."

Be it Gu Yi, Casillas, or even the disciples of Kama Taj, they all speak in a polite manner.That is to say, Strange, the Yankee, can sometimes be a little less serious.

"No, I won't believe a word of yours."

"You don't want that kind of eternal life." Gu Yiyu persuaded earnestly, just like an experienced head teacher trying to persuade a thorny boy in his class.

Casillas yelled: "Trickster!"

Then he took two confidantes of fanatics, and the three joined forces to attack the ancient one mage
Casillas brought his two melee mages to fight again.

Gu Yiliang showed the semicircular protractor weapon in his hand.

No nonsense, that weapon really looks like a protractor.The rune on it, and its semicircular shape.The whole thing is a huge protractor used by a Huaxia student.

The imprint between Gu Yi's eyebrows is "π", with a protractor in his hand, and his bald head is a round sphere.
In short, it is inseparable from mathematics.

If you are not good at math, how can you become the supreme mage!Strange, his proud disciple is also a top student
Gu Yi showed his protractor weapon, and Casillas also re-summoned two void blades.He is basically a cos betrayer - Illidan Stormrage.

Ancient One and Iker Casillas started a melee mage duel!

On the other side, Luo Yang also jumped onto the platform, ready to join the battle.

A fanatic who hadn't made a move spotted Luo Yang on the side, and turned around to attack!

The purpose of the fanatic is naturally to prevent him from interfering with the boss Casillas' battle.

After Gu Yi and Casillas played against each other for more than ten rounds.

Casillas took the opportunity to make a dirty trick. He was going to use his fanatics as a shield, penetrate through his men, and stab Gu Yi to death with the Void Blade!
Then kick Gu Yi into the portal!

At the moment when Casillas was about to succeed——

Luo Yang pushed away the fanatics around him, and a violent ion ray shot out!

The ionic current transformed from psionic energy spewed out from Luo Yang's fingertips. Time and thoughts almost stopped at that moment. (Director: Quickly give slow motion!)

At the moment when he shot the ion beam, he also realized how important the impact of this blow was.
This will directly avoid the death of Gu Yi!
What is the butterfly effect of the ancient one's immortality?Luo Yang didn't have time to think so much at the time.

His attack hit Casillas! !

Casillas was overwhelmed by the sudden psionic current!

Twitching all over! !
And Gu Yi also escaped a catastrophe.

Gu Yi, the supreme mage, flew out with a fierce kick, kicking away the fanatics who were standing between him and Casillas!
Then Gu Yi slapped Casillas on the face with the semicircular weapon in his hand, almost deforming his entire face!
Luo Yang strengthened the ion beam, which made Casillas covered in bruises!

The boss of the Zealot struggled to retreat!The zealot stepped forward in time and blocked Luo Yang's attack with the rune disc.

Casillas' wounded parts turned black, and shone with crystal galactic brilliance.

It's the same as the makeup on their deep-set eye sockets.

He started yelling!
Not because of pain, but because of pride!

"We have succeeded! You cannot stop the coming of the Dark Lord! He will bring us eternal life!"

"Dormamu won't care about your life." Gu Yi replied coldly.

"Dormammu promised to give fanatics a place! In the new eternal world!" Casillas seemed to be mad.

"No Casillas." As a mentor, Gu Yi was at a loss for words as he watched the disciples he had single-handedly trained walk the path of darkness.

"Everything is irreversible." Casillas barely stood up, "The New York Temple is already in our pocket. During this time, my people have already succeeded."

Casillas is secretly making a portal at the same time!

Sparks fly!

Strange quickly blocked it and interfered with the portal!

And the remaining two zealots help their boss escape
Karmodo started to move, he jumped up, picked up a long sword on the lower platform, and threw it hard at Casillas' back!
Casillas, who was seriously injured, clutched his wound and fell into the portal he made.

He was bound to die, and it was a miserable death!

The moment Casillas fell into the portal.

Both Luo Yang and Strange noticed something strange!
Wasn't the long sword that hit Casillas Stardust's?
Luo Yang immediately looked towards Xingchen.

In the heart of Xingchen, there is a sharp blade of void.
Before that, she had already died under the attack of fanatics.

"No!!!" Strange couldn't accept this scene!

Miss Stardust died just like that?
Time slowed down again.

Even the movement of the second hand seems to be infinitely delayed.
Luo Yang's sight stopped on the Infinity Gem on Strange's chest - the Time Gem!

The green stone in the Eye of Agamado shone with crystal luster
 Thank you for the 300 rewards of the proton accelerator~

(End of this chapter)

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