Chapter 192
three days later.

177 Blake Street.

New York Sanctuary.

Today, Luo Yang came here at the invitation of Doctor Strange.

When he came to the door, Luo Yang, who had just knocked on the door, came to the hall of the Holy of Holies in an instant!
The setting of the Holy of Holies is very similar to the Order of the Phoenix in Harry Potter.
"Purifier, welcome!"

Strange floated down the ladder in his cloak.

Beside him is the Stardust Mage in a brown robe!
Stardust Girl looks more like Strange's sidekick.

Her appearance has not changed in any way from Karma Taj.

Fair skin, a pair of beautiful delicate eyes.Two strands of long hair fell from both sides of the forehead and raised gently~
Strange, who has become the most beloved disciple of Master Ancient One, now seems to be the guardian of the Holy of Holies in New York!
"Stephen." Luo Yang looked at Xingchen again, "Long time no see, Miss Su."

Xingchen smiled and said, "Miss Su? It's been a long time since anyone called me that."

"You two." Strange looked at Luo Yang and Xingchen with strange eyes.

Luo Yang was really worried that this Doctor Strange would suddenly say something that would make a match or not.

"Come and sit down here. Have a cup of tea."

The scene around him changed instantly, and it became the living room again!

Luo Yang found himself sitting on the sofa, holding the Longjing tea he drank in Karma Taj in his hand!

"Now you are the guardian of the New York Temple?"

"Master Dennis Bloom returned to Karma Taj. I took his place."

"It feels good to be back in New York."

"There is no time to leave here. I spend most of my time monitoring the changes in the Pacific Ocean and North and South America to prevent any incidents that threaten the safety of this plane."

Think about it too, the various abilities of Doctor Strange and Master Karma Taj are quite against the sky.

Space transfer, space teleportation, mirror space, as well as making weapons and obtaining energy.

With great magic and power, comes great responsibility.

Any sudden powerful ability will not be a piece of cake from the sky.

There are always side effects.Even negative effects!

"I heard that you have opened a film company now?" Xingchen also sat down with a cup of hot drink in his hand.

Miss Stardust seems to be drinking milk tea?
Girls in Huaguo are always so obsessed with milk tea!
"Small company, small company, just do small things." Luo Yang took a sip of tea.

"It's amazing. Boss Luo." Xingchen's vermilion lips moved slightly as he fiddled with the strands of hair that hung down his sides.

"Film production requires special effects. But our New York Temple can provide you with special effects for free." Strange said half-jokingly, "For the sake of the Purifiers."

Damn, Strange, you have such a brilliant mind!It really is the Great Master of Wisdom, why didn't I think of it?

Luo Yang became excited: "This can't be better. I need your magic special effects very much."

"You can also create special effects yourself. That kind of lightning, ice and snow." Stardust complained.

That's right.
"But in that case, it would be weird for me to be one of the producers."

Stardust laughed again and said, "Think about the end of your movie, type out a line of subtitles, special effects production: Doctor Stephen Strange."

"It's going to be fun, lol."

After resting, Royan followed Strange to take a look inside the Holy of Holies.

This is the only mysterious place on earth.

In the Holy of Holies in New York, there are too many mysterious treasures, artifacts and magical items stored.Behind each object is a complex secret and a history spanning an extremely long time.

Strange was playing with an artifact in his hand, a piece of brown jade similar to Hetian jade.

The most special thing is that the shape of this stone is a regular geometry, like a regular octahedron with a hollow center that stores energy.

"A dark omen."

Luo Yang didn't understand Strange's unreasonable words for a while.

"what happened?"

"The color of this Tianxuan Stone is getting darker and darker. It heralds the strengthening of the forces of the dark space."

This jade is definitely a magical artifact handed down from China's ancestors!
Strange: "It must be that some people have enhanced the connection between the real world and the dark space, which makes the Sanyang Stone appear dark."

"Is it related to Casillas?"

Strance stroked his beard: "I'm also worried about Casillas' activities. He has been drawing power from the dark space."

Royan stayed in the Holy of Holies from morning until noon.

There are countless secrets hidden in the entire sanctuary. It is also very interesting for him to chat with Strange about the secrets of magic and the world!
At noon, the Purifier and Doctor Strange sat on the top floor, drinking tea and snacks, and watching the sea view.

This sea view was created by a magical space door!

In the quiet sanctuary, the phone rang suddenly.

The loud rock sound instantly filled the entire Sanctuary.

Great sound!

Stardust girl flashed upstairs with a black mobile phone.

"It's your phone. I never listen to Coldplay's songs."

"I know, you like Taylor Swift and Katy Perry."

Luo Yang took the phone.

Detective Dempsey's dejected voice came from the other end. Hearing his voice, you knew nothing good was going on.

"...Purifier! The masked man Cui En you mentioned yesterday, he appeared at Imperial University in New York."

"Are you sure? It's Imperial University of New York?"

"That's right. According to information, this masked man, Cui En, has killed two security guards at Imperial University of New York. The entire campus is in chaos now!"

"Okay, I'll be there in about five minutes."

Luo Yang hung up the phone and got up immediately.

What is the purpose of this Trien of New York Imperial University?
"Strange, Stardust. I have to go there." While searching for the Purifier armor in his backpack,
"An enemy of Daredevil actually appeared at Imperial University in New York. I am very worried about my friends there."

If it wasn't for the Imperial University, Luo Yang wouldn't be able to care about Cui En.

S.H.I.E.L.D. had previously told Royan that Thor and Jane Foster were in the School of Astronomy and Geography at Imperial University in New York.

Besides, Raymond, Betty Ross and Gwen are all in danger.

Strange stood up.

"Do you need our help?"

"No, I can take care of this matter, and I don't need to trouble your New York Temple at all."

A villain who is stronger than Daredevil, why bother Doctor Strange?
"I'll take you there." Strange directly created a portal.

Without waiting for Luo Yang to thank him, he pushed lightly, and the portal completely surrounded Luo Yang, sending him to the Imperial University.

After stepping out of the portal, you will be surrounded by sunshine and grass!
Quiet campus, familiar youthful atmosphere.

 Thanks for the 500 tip from θαμα!

(End of this chapter)

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