Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 137 Investigative Action

Chapter 137 Investigative Action

three days later.

Horizon base.

Uncle Punishment and Luo Yang studied the investigation progress of the Lisa Caso incident together, and sat face to face on the sofa.

"The results of the investigation are out." Luo Yang pulled out a photo from a pile of documents on the coffee table, "Dempsey told me that according to the current evidence, Lisa Caso's conspiracy points to a woman."

On the blurry photo is the slender figure of a woman.Wearing a dark green robe, with long black hair.

"This woman is called Leona Heath."

"—Nicknamed Mrs. Viper. Some people call her Mrs. Hydra." Luo Yang unfolded the photo and introduced it.

"This Dempsey, how did you determine the mastermind behind it?"

Frank was really puzzled, and studied the photos and document papers with wide-eyed eyes.

"He found a nurse in the hospital related to Lisa's incident. That nurse was bought by Leona Heath and provided her with convenience,"

Luo Yang said indifferently, "Of course, it was only after I read the report provided by Dempsey that I discovered that the person who acted exactly matched the characteristics of Mrs. Viper."

"Leona Heath, Lady Viper," the Punisher whispered.

Luo Yang looked at the document paper:
"Ms. Viper, I fought her once. An old woman who has lived for more than 80 years. For some reason, her appearance is still 30 years old."

"Is she a mutant? Or a superhuman?"

"A conspirator. One of the leaders of the Reconstruction Society. The Reconstruction Society, an organization, has implicated Hydra and the Weapon X project."

"Two years ago, she secretly kidnapped my 8-year-old daughter. She has been hiding until now." Frank said coldly.

Then Frank stared at the paper, focused on his goal.What to do next, he asked.

"With the help of Dempsey, I pulled out all the information about the Reconstruction Society and Mrs. Viper. I have sorted out the information about the police and S.H.I.E.L.D."

Then, Luo Yang took out a map of the United States with locations marked with red circles.

"All the suspicious hiding place data of the Reconstruction Society are here."

Frank shrugged: "There are so many lairs in Reconstruction, who knows where they hide Lisa?"

"There are three proven armories in Reforge that S.H.I.E.L.D. has been monitoring. There are also two locations where mutants are being held. They have been moved after a raid by Magneto's Brotherhood."

Frank asked:
"So where are they holding mutants and captives now?"

"There are suspicious locations and abandoned locations left in the records. And I found that the only strange place is this place." Luo Yang took out a document, "An air-raid shelter that has been vacant for 20 years, located in the suburbs of Boston."

"Xiao Hei, let me see."

Frank took it over and read out the text: "It said that in January 2009, the B-1 air-raid shelter was suspected to be the stronghold of the Reconstruction Society. After investigation, it was confirmed that it was abandoned. There were no personnel or materials left underground, and the entrance of the cave was sealed with cement."

Frank began to read carefully, looking at several documents that recorded suspicious locations of the Reconstruction Society.

He asked puzzledly: "These suspicious locations were inspected within half a year, and they showed that they were abandoned or vacant. How could Lisa Kaso and other prisoners be locked up?"

"The interior of the abandoned B-89 air-raid shelter is the most suitable place for the Reconstruction Society to hide the captives." Luo Yang said after thinking.

Frank snorted: "I don't think your analysis is useful."

"I deduce that there is another reason." Luo Yang calmly analyzed, "Any place that has been cleaned by Magneto's Brotherhood, the Reconstruction Society will definitely not dare to take root and use it again."

"But Reengineering will have a way to avoid the routine inspection of S.H.I.E.L.D., so based on the comprehensive information, this air-raid shelter is most likely to hold prisoners." Luo Yang pointed to the B-89 air-raid shelter on the map.

"Does the poker guy know anything about this location?"

"Remy said that he had indeed heard that B-89 held some mutants."

Hearing what Luo Yang said, Uncle Punishment rarely nodded in approval:

"If he says the same thing, then."

"Gambit doesn't joke about mutant brothers."

Frank breathed a sigh of relief: "That's right. Then this ghost air-raid shelter is most likely to hold prisoners."

After all, Frank Caso stared at Luo Yang:

"Well, tomorrow, take my car and leave?"

"Okay. But just the two of us? What we have to face is a Reconstruction Society base."

"I'm enough alone." Frank said coldly.

Uncle Punishment had the confidence to say this, but when he saw Luo Yang's embarrassed expression, he changed his mind and said, "I also need your help, Purifier."

When Uncle Punishment came to him with a letter, he could trust Uncle Punishment's words.

But Uncle Punishment, your embellished nonsense is so false!
Then Frank added: "Gambit, you can take him. He knows about the B-89 bomb shelter."

"Okay, then I'll discuss it with him later. He has a lot of free time, and he will definitely follow." Luo Yang said with a smile.

"I hope he won't make any trouble."

Early the next morning.

The Punisher drove a GM pickup to the downstairs of the Horizon Base.

In his rear compartment, there is a huge iron box fixed.

Luo Yang understood that this iron box contained Uncle Punisher's belongings, all kinds of firearms.

Gambit sat in the front row, while Luo Yang lay comfortably on the spacious seat in the back row.

The car shook violently, driving the heavy body with strong horsepower.

A new trip to the suburbs of Boston begins here.

"Luo, did I tell you yesterday that I have a friend who also came to help?"

"You are so mysterious, don't tell me it's Wolverine." Luo Yang joked.

"I brought a schoolboy to help, and I wouldn't call that shit a werewolf. Wolverine is a pig teammate."

"Who is that? Magneto?"

"Magneto, can I please? Don't be kidding, Luo." Remy, the king of cards, patted his leg.

"Not Wolverine and Magneto? I'm looking forward to it."

Uncle Fei's pickup truck passed through the empty New York City area, and even saw Times Square not far away.

While Luo Yang was still admiring the city in the morning light, the GM pickup just passed an overpass.

"What's going on?" Luo Yang, who was startled by the loud noise, shouted.

"Here she is." Gambit showed a mysterious smile.

Luo Yang turned his head and looked towards the pickup through the rear window.

However, what he saw was——

Miss sister's absolute domain?

For a moment, Luo Yang thought he saw Miss 2B.

This woman in a bathing suit holds a samurai sword.

Sure enough, Gambit invited her
The Punisher looked back.

In the back compartment of his beloved pickup truck, there was actually a lady wearing a swimsuit standing inside.

Wardfak?! ! !

Uncle Punishment was so angry that he patted the horn!

"Card player, where did this woman come from? Why did she appear in my car?" Uncle Punishment roared angrily.

"This is the helper I invited." Card Emperor Remy said indifferently.

Uncle Punishment immediately turned his head and took another look. Lingdie knelt down and waved to him? !

"Can this girl help? Is this the pole dancer you asked the night before?"

"A very skilled steel pipe dancer," Gambler said with a smirk.

Gambit and Luo Yang couldn't help but laughed wildly.

Frank couldn't understand the appearance of Psylocke, and even his driving became irritable.

"Hey, Frank, calm down first." Luo Yang immediately got up and patted Frank on the shoulder.

An angry Frank drives a pickup truck and forces his way through two cars, which is extremely thrilling!
Whoever was in the car would panic when they saw this scene!
Uncle Fei slammed on the brakes and parked the pickup truck on the side of the road.

Luo Yang bumped into the back of Frank's car seat, and Lingdie was caught off guard and fell on all fours!

Full of anger, Uncle Punishment got out of the car to look for Lingdie.

And Ms. Lingdie was also upset, and a carp stood up from the rear compartment.

She jumped out of the car, hands on hips, and glared at the driver, Frank.

"Who are you?" Frank looked coldly at Lingdie's whole body.

 Third more.

(End of this chapter)

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