Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 135 Investigative Action

Chapter 135 Investigative Action

Luo Yang thought for a moment and said:
"First of all, you can't kill Nick Fury. Fury has many enemies, but he has always been in a high position. And there are so many protections around him, it's hard for you to do it."

"Yeah." Frank looked up.

"Second, even if you kill Director SHIELD, you may not get Lisa back safely. They will use Lisa to control you."

Hearing what Luo Yang said, Frank Cassel's brows gradually relaxed.

In extreme cases, people are likely to lose their sobriety and reason.

Even the big super players are sometimes controlled by Lex Luthor.

Frank, whose daughter was controlled by others, was also in a state of trance.Now, he gradually regained his sanity.

So now, Luo Yang decided to help to the end.

"Xiao Hei, you are right." Frank slapped the armrest next to him fiercely, "Now, I need to investigate the situation clearly. In addition, I also need a few capable teammates to help me rescue Lisa."

"From tomorrow, we will launch an investigation." Luo Yang replied.

"I will rush to that hospital tomorrow. I will not stop until I find out the truth." Uncle Punishment said harshly.

"Don't be like this. You are only thinking about Lisa now, and rushing to kill her will only make the situation worse." Luo Yang analyzed calmly.

Uncle Punishment was silent for a while, then leaned weakly against the wall.

"Yes, that's why I need your help."

"You must not act alone." Luo Yang said coldly.

If Frank went to investigate alone, or even went straight to Huanglong, he would only get angry because of his impatience.

"Can Tony Stark help?" Frank asked anxiously.

And Luo Yang could only shrug his shoulders helplessly: "He went to Monaco to participate in Formula 1 racing."

"F1 car???"

"That's right, Hubby Hogan told me personally."

In other words, Tony will soon meet Ivan Vanko, the "whip rope"!

"We need a helper who knows the hospital and the police and can look up official information," Luo Yang thought. "There is a person who owes me a lot of favors, and I am going to let him solve this matter."

the next day.

New York Police Department.

Luo Yang and Frank stepped into the gate of the General Administration.

Upon entering the Police Headquarters, just as the policewoman at the front desk was about to ask questions, Luo Yang put one hand on the front desk.

"We're coming to Detective Dempsey Wood."

"Yes, he is in C2 of the police detective's office on the third floor, please register."

If it is an ordinary police station in a certain district, I am afraid no one will stop it.There are a bunch of tough cops in the police station, and all of them are equipped with guns. No one dares to rush in and make trouble.

Dempsey Wood is a detective from the General Administration.He has special authority to consult official information and has a wide network of contacts.

Luo Yang and Uncle Punishment are now racing against time.To find Lisa Ka Suo as soon as possible, it is necessary to rely on the help of some people.

Luo Yang took the pen handed by the policewoman and wrote down his name.

Frank Cassel's code name is: Matthew Stewart.

Matthew Stewart is the nickname he has always used.

Passing the front desk, the two quickly went upstairs and arrived outside Dempsey's C2 office.

duo duo duo -

"Please come in!"

Dempsey was dumbfounded when he saw the two people coming in through the door.

"Mr. Luo??"

Dempsey let Luo Yang sit on the sofa and locked the door behind him.

He only recognizes the Purifier, and Frank, wearing sunglasses and a peaked cap, is unrecognizable.

Now that Luo Yang came directly to the door, the detective knew that there must be something important.

Dempsey put two bottles of mineral water on the table, and said, "Please sit down, both of you."

"You all came to the General Administration today," Dempsey spread his hands, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Before Dempsey finished speaking, Frank slowly took off his sunglasses.

"do you remember me?"

After a few seconds, Dempsey responded slowly:

Although he and the Punisher only had a chance to save the Big Daddy once, the Punisher, who crazily killed criminals, could be considered very famous in New York City.

Frank Castle clenched his hands into fists and smashed them on the coffee table in front of him:
"I know that half the police in New York City want to arrest me. Which half are you?"

"The Punisher. I have my own principles." Dempsey hesitated.

"What the hell, Xiao Hei, it was a mistake for you to find this idiot!" Frank stood up angrily.

Demps continued: "My principle of doing things is that I support the side of justice."

Frank stopped and listened to him go on.

Luo Yang frowned: "Then, what do you want to express?"

Dempsey turned to Uncle Punishment.

"Punisher, you are the focus of discussion in our police station. I am afraid that one-third of the police have regarded you as an idol. We want to solve crimes heartily, but we don't have the courage and ability."

The implication of Dempsey's words is that he is also a member of the Punisher fans?
"Now I need someone with resources to help me quickly investigate the truth. I just want to see if you, a detective, are willing to help." Luo Yang said quickly.

"I can help with the investigation. But the police force under me may not be able to participate in the operation." Dempsey said indifferently.

"Don't worry about the manpower." Luo Yang responded.

The Punisher's combat power alone is already amazing, but Luo Yang's own abilities are more comprehensive.

"Felicia was captured because she accidentally killed an innocent person. In our opinion, everything the Punisher did was right. Of course I am willing to help."

Luo Yang glared at the police detective: "You really talk a lot of nonsense, next time you can just ask for help!"

"Okay, okay, I talk a lot of nonsense." Dempsey said indifferently.

This guy didn't dare not help.

Then, Luo Yang began to tell Dempsey the ins and outs of the Lisa Caso incident.

Dempsey picked up the letter in his hand and carefully examined Lisa Castle's photo.

"This girl is 8 to 10 years old. She has a pale complexion, dark bags under her eyes, poor sleep quality, and dehydration. There are no obvious injuries on her whole body, but there are marks on her wrists that have been dragged by gravity."

Dempsey took a first glance and analyzed it.

Hearing what Dempsey said, Frank couldn't hold back anymore. He slammed the sofa hard, and a hole was punched out of the hard armrest of the sofa.

"I know what you see." The punisher continued.

"Cyan painted walls in the background. Appears to be a private interrogation room."

"We can all observe these, Inspector." Luo Yang said softly.

"Look here."

Dempsey pointed down on the photo:

"On her arm, do you see a white wristband?"

"What's wrong with this wristband? I don't think it's anything special. Maybe it's just some kind of marking." Frank looked at the photo with a frown.

"What did you find?" Luo Yang asked.

Dempsey replied:
"I took a closer look at the wristband Lisa was wearing, it was a surveillance device."

Following Dempsey's instructions, Luo Yang looked at it carefully.

In the photo, Lisa Cassel's left wrist is wearing a white wristband.

Royan originally thought it was just a decoration for the little girl, or a mark that Frank said.

But after a careful comparison, you can find that there are light holes on the white wristband, and even shimmering.Basically, it can be determined that it is a monitoring device.

Dempsey stood up:
"You just said that you trust me as a police detective. Then, I will help you investigate the relevant information in the photo."

"Excuse me, Inspector." Luo Yang replied, "But we still need you to take us to the medical center under the Imperial University of New York to see if there are any clues about Lisa there."

Dempsey glanced at the photo of Lisa Castle on the coffee table, and said:
"For such a lovely child, I will continue to accompany her."

Frank Castle patted Dempsey on the shoulder vigorously: "Thank you, detective."

Forehead!Pain pain!Dempsey was desperate in his heart. This man without superpowers must have strong hands!

Touching his swollen shoulder, Demps walked towards his desk: "I'm in the medical center of Imperial University in New York, and I know a few friends who can help."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go." Frank pointed to the door.

 First more.

(End of this chapter)

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