Chapter 128 Mr. Lan

Luo Yang and Uncle Punishment easily entered Mr. Lan's laboratory.

Next to the operating table in the laboratory, Soldier Blonsky was lying on the experimental table with various transfusion tubes and electrodes inserted into his body!
Gamma rays aimed at Blonsky's forehead
Mr. Lan also stared closely at Blonsky's reaction.

You must know that this is the high-intensity radiation that ordinary people talk about!

And Mr. Lan is not worried about the green gamma rays emitted in front of him at all.

Hulk's high-purity blood is being sent to the soldier's body!The transformation has begun!
Frank made a decisive decision, raised his gun directly, and blew up one of the instruments linked to Blonsky!
Samuel Stern, that is, Mr. Lan, he was not at all surprised by the appearance of the two men in black, he just shouted:

"You are too late! His mutation has no way to stop!"

There was madness and pride in his eyes.

The willful demeanor of a mad scientist!
Did he see the soon-to-be-mutated Blonsky as his product?

Luo Yang and Frank worked together to turn off all the instruments on both sides and pull out all the blood vessels!
And Blonsky let out a painful roar!
With Bronski's roar, his muscles gradually began to swell, and his skin turned green.His bone horniness grows even more savagely!
The mutation made him extremely excited, but if he wanted to gain such a powerful power, he must pay a price.

Beastmen, but they became green-skinned only after drinking that disgusting mysterious green liquid.

Blonsky has mutated from an ordinary soldier to a monster stronger than Hulk, and he must also endure this experience.

Royan tried to freeze Blonsky with an ice ray, but his muscles exploded and he broke free from the frost!

A few seconds later, a huge green monster with a height of 3 meters stood in front of Mr. Lan.

Mr. Lan trembled and murmured:

". Stronger than the Hulk. But the gamma ray exposure is not strong enough, and it is a little unstable"

The super soldier Blonsky has completed the mutation and hates the world! !

Before Mr. Lan had time to appreciate his masterpiece, he was slapped away by the palm of hatred.

The green bone monster slammed the instruments around it at the same time, venting!

Anger ignited in his eyes, and he had only one goal, to overthrow Hulk.

Hate smashed the wall with a punch and leaped to the street!
In Mr. Lan's laboratory, only Mr. Lan, the Punisher and Luo Yang were left.

The air was filled with the void left by the departure of the abomination.The three people staring at each other were speechless.

And Mr. Lan, who was shot away by the hatred just now, collapsed under the can of Hulk's blood again by coincidence.

His temple was broken, and the blood seeping from the instrument was about to drip on his wound!

When Hulk's high-purity blood drips into his forehead, he will mutate into [Head], a super-intelligent villain in the Marvel Universe!

Time almost froze, Hulk's blood was about to drip.

Luo Yang shot decisively, and a weakened cone of ice precisely passed Mr. Lan's side!

The dripping blood was instantly surrounded by ice crystals, and the blood-oozing instrument was also frozen in ice.

The possibility of Mr. Lan becoming the leader was instantly wiped out by Luo Yang!

Mr. Lan, as a non-mainstream scientist, you are quite interesting, so don't be a leader.Because the head with the green head is too ugly.

There are not many Marvel villains with low appearance and poor aura.However, the boss is too ugly and wretched, which really lowers the average line!
on the delivery helicopter.

"...Our firepower can't suppress them at all!"

Rose's men reported to the general because two men in black entered the laboratory.

General Ross picked up the intercom and roared:
"Both of them can't be stopped? Could it be that the two men in black are mutants?"

"General, they are much more powerful than ordinary mutants." The soldier replied.

General Ross smashed the intercom angrily, and then commanded: "Send me a special team up. The snipers are all aimed at the laboratory."

After all, he still felt uncomfortable and added:
"Shoot me on the spot!"

After speaking, General Ross turned to Bruce Banner beside him.

"Two men in black? Who are they?"

"General, I don't know either."

Banner is quite respectful to his father-in-law.

"It must be the purifier who came to stir up trouble last time. I also brought a piece of information about this guy from SHIELD. His strength level has been classified as level 5 by SHIELD. The X-Men Cyclops, in their eyes, is only level 5."

Banner just smiled awkwardly and didn't respond.His hands tightly squeezed Betty Rose's hand.

Bruce Banner only had Betty in his eyes, and he desperately longed for his return to normal so that he could live a normal life with Betty.

For him, the size is too large is also an annoyance!
Not long after, General Ross's communication channel started to chatter again!
"General, the Hulk appeared on Fifth Avenue! The situation here is a bit chaotic!"

General Ross looked at Bruce Banner beside him in surprise, and Dr. Banner was even more innocent: "It must not be me."

Thunderbolt General Ross began to command: "Give me the surveillance video over there."

In the footage that has been recorded, the abomination shows off its unique skills such as catching missiles with its bare hands, throwing missiles back, kicking two SUVs with one kick, etc.
This stunned General Ross, even more brutal than Hulk!
In the real-time monitoring screen, Gambit and the Purifier are restraining the abomination, trying to lure the abomination to a secluded neighborhood.

This green skin is a brand new New York destroyer.After confirming the situation, General Ross was at a loss as to how to deal with another green-skinned monster.

"This Hulk, no, where did this green skin come from." Ross pondered.

Tarbert revisited Mr. Lan's laboratory, and he reported all the information to Ross:
"General Ross, Blonsky is missing. And this scientist named Samuel Stern told me that one of our people just threatened him in the laboratory and asked him to inject Hulk's blood into his body."

General Ross's face was ashamed. It turned out that the fucking Bronsky turned himself into another Hulk, even crazier and stronger than the Hulk!

"Blonsky, that's the monster"

Thunderbolt General Ross covered his face, facing the soldiers and his daughter facelessly, his arrogance was gone
Dr. Betty Ross was so angry that she stood up and shouted:

"The disaster in Harlem is all because of you, General Thaddeus Ross!"

"——You lied to Banner and described the super soldier experiment as an ordinary scientific test! Banner hid in South America, only thinking about purifying his blood as soon as possible, and getting rid of the trouble of transforming into Hulk!"

"—And what did our famous General Perak do?"

Betty Ross took a breath, and continued to speak fiercely:
"You keep hunting him down just to make super soldiers! Now look at what you made, are you satisfied now?"

"—Look at the green monster below, it's amazing! You made it!"

General Ross's face was turned blue and red by his daughter's words. He turned his back and continued to stare at the surveillance video.

"Okay, Betty, stop talking." The good old Dr. Banner looked distressed for Betty.

Betty was still angry after scolding, kicked angrily, and kicked on the parachute bag.

Sure enough, it is genetically inherited, and the aura of the female Dr. Rose's roar is comparable to that of the old general.

 Ask for a ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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