Chapter 116 The Return

That night, Chinatown.

After returning to New York.Luo Yang also met a lot of friends. He remembered that it had been a long time since Uncle Fang went there.Fang Deyan is a good friend of his father, and treats him like his own son.

When I first came to New York, the house was rented by Uncle Fang, and he also contacted the community college. It's time to go to Uncle Fang's store and chat with him.After all, he had been away from New York for half a year.

Luo Yang came to the Xinglong Hotel on Canal Street in the Chinatown community alone.

It's late afternoon, and it's the busiest time for restaurants.

In the restaurant, all the tables were filled with diners, and it was extremely lively.Most of the local Chinese eat here, and a considerable number of white families also choose to have dinner at the Chinese restaurant.

Luo Yang quietly approached the middle-aged man with gray hair at the temples. He was slightly fat and slightly fat.

"Pack a rice bowl with shredded pork and green peppers! Boss Fang."

Hearing the familiar voice, Uncle Fang raised his head and squinted his eyes to identify who was coming.

"Roy?! How long have you been here! Quick, come here."

Uncle Fang who saw Luo Yang's appearance by accident was extremely excited!
Uncle Fang pulled little Roy to sit on the empty seat near the cash register, which had just been vacated.

Uncle Fang brought Sprite and shouted:

"Fry some dishes for me."

"—But remember, you must have shredded pork with green peppers!"

Fang Deyan turned around and said:

"Roy, Principal Adrian told me three months ago that you applied for a suspension of school and didn't go to school? Why?"

Luo Yang guessed that Uncle Fang would talk about it, so he definitely couldn't say that he went to Kathmandu for further studies.

"I've been traveling for a few months. Mainly in Asia, I also went to China."

Uncle Fang was stunned, and after hesitating, he continued:
"I asked your friend Calvin, only to find out that you haven't come back after leaving New York. I didn't expect you to go for so long this time."

"I'm back now, and everything is normal." Luo Yang took a sip of iced Sprite, "By the way, it seems that the restaurant business seems to be doing well recently!"

Uncle Fang looked around with satisfaction, and the guests greeted him cordially and called out his name.

"Average. It's about the same as before!"

Uncle Fang got up and brought the wine glass: "Roy, have a few drinks with me!!"

After a while, the food was served from the back kitchen.

Luo Yang drank wine with Uncle Fang and ate authentic Chinese dishes.The wine I drink is Wuliangye, which has a mellow taste but is also very punchy.Uncle Fang forced him to drink liquor, and the young man who had just turned 20 had no choice but to risk his life to accompany the gentleman.

After drinking for three rounds, time passed quickly. Gradually, most of the guests in Xinglong Hotel finished their meals, checked out and left the restaurant.Only a few Chinese men remained, still drinking, eating peanuts, and chatting.

The air was filled with the smell of dishes, and the electric fan above the head was shaking with difficulty, making an embarrassing sound of jamming.

The door of the restaurant was flung open.

Generally, few people come to the Chinese restaurant after the meal.

Luo Yang looked up and saw several Asian men wearing black vests with cigarettes in their mouths. They were strong.

The four of them pushed open the door carelessly and walked into the hotel.

"Brother Aaron of the Triad! Why are you here today?"

Uncle Fang immediately got up and went to meet him.He drank a lot, only half drunk,
The triad member, known as Aaron, sat down at the dinner table by the door.He looks like a mixed-race Chinese, with a green dragon tattooed on his neck.

"I'm short of money recently, so I came to Canal Street to collect money in advance."

"Yes, I see. I'll prepare now." Uncle Fang replied with an awkward smile.

Uncle Fang was about to get up to get the money, and he whispered to Luo Yang, "This is Aaron Zhou from the Triad Society. He is responsible for collecting protection fees in Chinatown."

According to his previous night operations in New York, he knew that the Triads had been collecting protection money.

Luo Yang looked at Aaron and his followers coldly: "How often do they come to collect protection fees?"

"Probably once a month to collect."

This group of people acted just like my aunt.
Uncle Fang went to the cashier, and that Aaron added:
"By the way, New York has become more and more chaotic recently, and all kinds of cats and dogs have come out. Our triad will cover you, and the protection fee will naturally increase."

Uncle Fang hummed, wondering how much Aaron wanted to extort.

"Now the protection fee of our triad society is at least 1200 US dollars at a time. Don't take less, Boss Fang."

These scumbags come once a month, sometimes in advance.Every time you have to extort protection fees of more than 1000 US dollars?Why are they?
There's no way these gangsters want to protect the store.They just use their power to extract every penny of hard-earned money from these ordinary businessmen in Chinatown.

And it is absolutely impossible for the street heroes who really protect them to charge any fees.

Don't give them money!Luo Yang wanted to say this very much.

However, I have to use my brain first, so as not to harm the future survival of Uncle Fang Restaurant.

Beat up the triads in this restaurant, or kill the four?Then it must be Uncle Fang and Xinglong Hotel who will suffer next.

Luo Yang just watched Uncle Fang count out the money and hand it over to Aaron.

While Aaron Zhou praised Boss Fang for his management, he left satisfied and went to the next store.

"Uncle Fang, I'll go out for a while, and I'll come back when I have something to do."

Without waiting for Uncle Fang to agree, Luo Yang opened the door and walked out.

He followed behind the four of Aaron.

After following and observing for a long time, these four triad members put on a show and yelled back and forth to collect protection fees from at least five Chinese shops.

There is a shop that specializes in buying and selling clothes and small commodities, and it is really hard to get cash at the moment.But Aaron Zhou was unambiguous, directly took out his gun, pointed at the other party's head and asked him to pay the money.

In the end, after a threatening meal, Aaron and his men got $500 and a valuable watch.He kicked the shop door hard and slammed it away.

Aaron, who speaks broken Mandarin, looks more like a man of Southeast Asian race.

Luo Yang was extremely disgusted by his ugly face, and the three Asian men around him were even more reckless, saying anything in order to collect protection money.

The four members of the triad left Chinatown and went to the parking lot to pick up their cars.

Luo Yang followed closely.

Aaron took his three brothers, drove away from Chinatown, and went to the nearest red-light district, squandering the funds they harvested tonight. I am afraid that this will allow them to find four top-notch Eastern European beauties.

Luo Yang waited patiently until the four of them finished spending and entertaining, and walked out of the feasting.

Aaron and his brother came out of the high-end club, drank some wine, and staggered on the deserted street.

At the empty street corner, Luo Yang stepped forward and shouted in a fit of spirit:

"Aaron Zhou."

Hearing the shout, the four of them turned their heads in unison.

They saw a tall boy in an ordinary student coat, a black mask, and his hands in his trouser pockets.He was standing not far away.
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 October.A new start, keep going!Double update today.

(End of this chapter)

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