Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 112 Iron Fist - Danny Rand

Chapter 112 Iron Fist - Danny Rand
The torture used by the Mandarin did not go to the point of cutting hands and feet, but Spider Girl's original clean face was cut several times on the left and right sides, completely disfiguring her face.

Mandarin. The Mandarin of this world commands the Ten Rings Gang under his command, and does everything he can.Not some Killian disguise at all.

I don't know his purpose of invading Kunlun, but now, the Mandarin has used a conspiracy to instigate the Steel Snake, and directly solved Lei Gong and disintegrated the Kunlun Seven Sons.The means are ruthless, and they will do everything to achieve their goals.

Xingchen stood on tiptoe and also saw the Spider Woman tied to the execution rack.Miss Xingchen couldn't help secretly feeling resentful, she gritted her teeth, and signaled to Modu and Luo Yang that she wanted to go down immediately to deal with these lackeys of the Ten Rings Gang!

"Wait a minute, look at that blond kid."

Luo Yang looked in the direction Modu pointed, and there was still one person tied up in the corner.What Luo Yang saw was not all Chinese faces just now.

This is a white man.He has light golden curly hair, a cynical and disdainful expression on his face, and he is wearing European and American mountaineering clothes.

Isn't this Danny Rand, the heir to Immortal Iron Fist? ?
Just when Luo Yang was surprised——

Danny Rand suddenly used his iron fist to break free from the chains that bound his hands!

Swish! !

Members of the Ten Rings gang noticed something unusual, and rushed over with submachine guns in hand!

And Iron Fist jumped up and started fighting with them!

At this time, it is the time for the three of Karma Taj to make a move!
Luo Yang was the first to fall from the high place, and raised his hand to release the Cone of Ice, freezing the four guards of the Ten Commandments Gang in front of them!

A swordsman on the left roared and charged forward!

Luo Yang raised his hand and blasted him several meters away with [Arcane Shock]!The swordsman directly hit the pillar not far away, and his internal organs were also shaken to pieces!

On the second floor of the lobby, there were two gunmen looking down and shooting at the three of Luo Yang!
Luo Yang immediately accelerated to the left to avoid the gunshots!

Immediately afterwards, Luo Yang flashed into the air and threw a ball of ice elements towards the shooter's position.

The two gunmen looked at each other when they saw the ice elemental body floating in the air in front of them.
After 1 second, the ice elemental ball burst and exploded!With the power of the shock wave of [Frost Nova], the two gunmen were directly frozen!
While Luo Yang was falling slowly, two arcane beams shot out, straight into the chests of the two Ten Commandments gunmen!
In a short while, the Kama Taj team took control of the main hall of the North Palace and eliminated all the defenders under the Mandarin.

Seeing his minions being massacred so easily by Luo Yang, I am afraid that the Mandarin will be as furious as Jin Bin, so please help me!
"Are you from Karma Taj?"

The curly-haired Danny Rand kicked away the bodies of members of the Ten Rings Gang and rushed forward.

Luo Yang glanced at him. This man is really similar to the Knight of Flowers in High Court, except that the Knight of Flowers is gay.

"I saw your weapons and the weird things you summoned. I guess you are the rescuers from Kama Taj." Danny added.

"That's right. Who are you?" Modu asked.

"Danny Rand, the apprentice of the Supreme Lord Lei Gong, the successor of the Immortal Iron Fist."

The tone of Iron Fist introducing himself was simple.

You Immortal Iron Fist is really a second grader, have you watched too many anime!
"Let's act quickly and take all these Kunlun people to the tunnel." Luo Yang walked towards the bound Kunlun disciples.

"Oh, I forgot about authenticity."

Iron Fist followed.

Luo Yang, Modu and Iron Fist of the Karma Taj team worked together to help all the Kunlun people untie their shackles and lead them to the underground passage.

And Xingchen carefully untied the spider girl.Save the injured Son of Kunlun.

A group of people used the fastest speed to enter the underground secret passage of the North Palace.

After leaving the Iron Fist Hall, he also searched for some healing ointments and medicines from the North Palace, and brought them with him.

Walking in the underground tunnel, Luo Yang walked up to Danny and asked, "Did you come back to Kunlun from New York?"

"I heard that something happened to Kunlun, so I rushed back immediately. But..."

"what happened?"

"I arrived here yesterday. My friend, Colleen Wen, was with me."

Colleen Wen, Luo Yang remembered that this woman was a beautiful Chinese girl with a hot body, but this woman's Mandarin was terrible.

Luo Yang couldn't help being curious: "What about Colleen Wen?"

"Master Mandarin took Colleen Wen away. The lone wolf of the Seven Sons of Kunlun is also missing."

"Wait, tell me first, what happened to Colleen, why was she taken away by the Mandarin?"

"I don't know, who knows what his purpose is? I regret it so much now, I shouldn't have brought her back to Kunlun!" Danny Rand frowned.

Luo Yang whispered: "I don't know where she will be locked up if she is taken away by the Mandarin."

Luo Yang went on to say: "Lei Gong was arrested by adults, but it's okay. You can see your master later."

"Lei Gong. How is he doing now?" Danny asked anxiously.

"Fortunately, Baihu accompanied him, helped Lei Gong to heal, and recovered a little."

"So, what about Steel Snake? Has he been rescued?"

"Steel snake?" Luo Yang snorted, "He betrayed Lei Gong. He colluded with Lord Manchu to frame the entire Kunlun."

"Steel Snake."

Tie Fist, who was originally talkative, was suddenly speechless, and he didn't seem to dare to believe it.

There are, in fact, more grisly details.

For example, the white tiger is also an accomplice of the steel snake, and the righteous dog has been killed.

In a short while, Luo Yang and Modu brought a group of Kunlun disciples to the underground secret room where Lei Gong was resting.

After seeing Lei Gong, Danny Rand rushed directly to Lei Gong and knelt down:
"Master, I'm late!"

Luo Yang couldn't bear to look directly at this Iron Fist, who didn't look like a martial artist steeped in Taoist thought in Kunlun.
Lei Gong waved his hand to tell Danny not to be so exaggerated.

"Tekken, you shouldn't be coming back here."

"But Kunlun is in trouble."

"Didn't I send you the letter? Order you to hide during this period of time? It's better for you to hit the man's gun directly."

Danny Rand argued that he hurried back because he was worried about his fellow students and fellow apprentices.

Lei Gong's spirit has basically recovered. When he saw the injured spider girl, he immediately asked the white tiger to heal the spider girl.

About 15 minutes later, the half-awake spider girl whispered to Lei Gong the information that the Mandarin was seeking to extract a confession through torture.

Lei Gong frowned at first, but when he heard the spider girl's words, his expression was even more gloomy.

 Hey, I'm heartbroken.

  I can't save manuscripts on October [-], and I have to go out with my wife. I will definitely keep updating by then, but I will have to type on my mobile phone to add updates.

  Recommendation tickets are the lifeblood of this book, and I hope everyone will support it!


(End of this chapter)

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