105 Lucky

After finishing the training, Royan, Strange and Modu went to the dining place of Karma Taj together.

Although the purifier is not an official disciple of Gu Yi, he can only be regarded as a practitioner, but the mages of Kama Taj now regard the purifier as one of them.

Although this is a sanctuary for studying magic and the mysteries of the world, the environment inside is extremely harmonious.Luo Yang also enjoyed the days of interacting with these mages.

After getting their dinner, the three of them sat down at a table in the corner.

Strange looked sadly at the Chinese food in front of him.His face was stretched longer due to his grimace.

He was not used to Chinese food, but Indian curry rice was even more unacceptable to him.

"Haven't you gotten used to it yet, Strange?" Mordo sneered.

"I'm not Chinese, how could I get used to the food here so quickly."

"I guess, a year ago, Dr. Strange ate red wine with steak, right?" Luo Yang said, eating goulash.

"At that time, I was tired of eating three Michelin stars. Who knew that a year later, I would be reduced to this state." Strange sighed, and frowned, taking a bite of rice.

Strange, who was once proud and conceited, has gradually understood the mysteries of Kama Taj.

"Purifier," Karl Modu looked at Luo Yang opposite, "Has the Ancient One started to teach you the spells of Kama Taj?"

"Kama Taj's magic, for me, is a new power system. I don't think I can master this power at the same time."

Whether the secret energy skills and Kama Taj's spells can be learned together, only the Ancient One knows the answer.

Stephen Strange is exceptionally studious. During these days, he has gradually mastered the spell of out-of-body spells, day and night, studying spell books and knowledge books at a glance.

Royan is different from Doctor Strange, he doesn't have Strange's memory.

You know, it turned out that he was just a college graduate with a high IQ, so Luo Yang's progress in his own strength and wisdom was not as fast as Strange's.And Luo Yang is also working hard to keep improving efficiency.

Time passed quickly, and three months passed by in a flash.It was late February 2009.

After another three months of training, no matter whether it was physical fitness improvement, melee combat, or systematic training, Luo Yang did not fall behind.

These days, he and Strange, under the instructions of Master Gu Yi, walked out of Karma Taj and went to Kathmandu for inspection.

This is already the third day that the two of them have been sent out.

Eldest brother Karl Modu, he is often sent out by the ancient master to walk the streets of Kathmandu.

And Modu is also happy to go out for a walk.If it wasn't for Karl Modu who was traveling outside, he wouldn't be able to bring Strange back to Karma Taj.

The Purifier Royan and the future Doctor Strange, both wearing ordinary hooded robes with the hood behind their faces covering their faces, wandered around the bustling monk temples in Kathmandu, experiencing Kathmandu, this pious city. The special style of the city.

"If it wasn't for Master Gu Yi's request, I really don't want to go shopping. I can still read a few more books."

Strange complained as he walked.

"It doesn't matter if you come out for a walk, I've been bored in Karma Taj for several months." Luo Yang didn't care, and scanned everything around him.

"I know there are many tourists in Kathmandu every year, and there is a strong culture of comprehensive education here," Strange snorted, "but Wang Ming's library is still interesting."

A shop on the side of the road suddenly attracted Luo Yang's attention.

He found some novelties in the shop.

"Stephen, the store in Kathmandu is actually selling Bagua mirrors."

"Bagua mirror? What is that?" Strange frowned, realizing that the matter was not simple.

Luo Yang and Stephen walked together to this street shop selling various comprehensive education products.

It seems that all kinds of comprehensive education products are sold here, whether they are Buddhist or Taoist.Even crosses are for sale.

Although everything is made_in_huaxia.

(Hey, I'm drunk, God damn huaxia.)
There is a high possibility that these gadgets were wholesaled by Yiwu, but the products in this store are indeed exquisite.

And the Chinese-American proprietress who runs the small shop is probably under 40 years old, with light makeup on, and a headband with a Buddhist pattern on her head.The young lady is in her middle age, and her charm still exists.

She was very enthusiastic, greeted Luo Yang and the two, and introduced them to the souvenirs that sold well.

Strange picked out a delicate bracelet with a yin and yang pattern, which he planned to give to a lady when he returned.

It should be that beautiful doctor colleague, Miss Palmer.But in normal times, Strange rarely heard about this female colleague.

Luo Yang took a fancy to a pair of very interesting gossip yin and yang earrings.

"Are you going to wear earrings? I didn't see that you have such a personality." Strange was overjoyed. "You big man must wear these earrings, and the effect will be very good."

"No, I want to give this pair of earrings to Miss Stardust."

Stephen Strange pretended to be mysterious, and murmured:

"I can see that you are interested in that Chinese girl surnamed Su."

"But to be honest, she is the mage of Karma Taj. And the female mage always reminds me of nuns and nuns." Luo Yang said half-jokingly.

"What? Even if Xingchen is a nun, nun, if you take the initiative to attack, she will still be tempted."

Strange, you are the future Doctor Strange, how can you get up casually, you are not human!

"Don't be joking, what conquered her in Karma Taj. Stardust girl is too cold, I don't expect any conquest." Luo Yang laughed.

Stephen Strange approached Luo Yang, and said mysteriously: "No, no, is she cold? I think her eyes have been paying attention to you."

It was not enough for him to finish, he added: "I am a doctor who has seen all kinds of women. You have never seen the real cold sex."

Well, you have read countless girls.

Royan paid for Strange and the accessories he wanted.Strange is poor now, besides a broken watch, a tablet computer and a bag containing sundries, there is nothing of value around him.

Strange had a big heart, snorted and took what Luo Yang paid for, without thanking him at all.

There is still arrogance in this guy's bones!

After Luo Yang paid the money and was about to leave, the proprietress who sold the jewelry suddenly stopped him:

"Wait, you look a bit like a Chinese."

Of course, this aunt refers to the half-breed Luo Yang on the left, and the faces of Chinese people are generally not as long as Strange.
(Thanks for the vote!)
 Both today and tomorrow.

  Thanks to the book friend 141011004135622 for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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