The system asked me to be a teacher

Chapter 92 Lin Xiaoyu's Recording Studio Incident (Part [-]?)

Chapter 92 Lin Xiaoyu's Recording Studio Incident (Part [-]?)

Seeing that Wang Lu was about to rush forward and tear Fan Nannan apart, Lin Xiaoyu quickly pulled her back.

"Lulu, forget it."

"But Sister Lin, this is too unfair to you. You haven't produced any works this year, it's not that you don't want to, but you just haven't met the right one.

And even if you don't have any works, you still don't make less money for the company!
Commercial performances, announcements, and variety shows, I clearly remember that once, in order to catch up with the show, you only slept for four hours in three days..."

"Lulu, it's done!" Lin Xiaoyu's voice suddenly became louder.

When Wang Lu stopped talking, she turned to look at Fan Nannan: "Manager Fan, since I can't use the A-level recording studio at public expense, can I pay for it myself?"

"Sister Lin, don't..."

Wang Lu exclaimed, different from the public fee, those who use the recording studio at their own expense are the last resort of artists who have been completely abandoned by the company.

If an artist needs to record at her own expense, it means that her status in the company has plummeted.

The entertainment industry pays most attention to style and reputation. Once this person loses his status in the company, it will be difficult for her to stay any longer. The next step is to terminate the contract or be fired.

What's more, the price of recording at one's own expense is also not low. A minimum of 50 yuan for a title song in an A-level recording studio, plus the cost of other choruses, 100 million yuan will be gone immediately.

It's all money!

But there are also advantages to recording at your own expense.

Because if the recording is made at public expense, the income earned by the artist is shared with the company 3:7, the artist 3, the company 7, but the ratio of self-funded recording is just reversed, that is, the company 3, the artist 7.

This ratio is not bad in other industries, but it is dispensable for musicians.

As mentioned earlier, it is really difficult to make money by making music, unless your song is so popular that other entertainment companies or commercial consortiums fancy it and buy the copyright.

Fan Nannan's eyes lit up: "Sister Lin, have you really thought about it? Actually, I would advise you, it's only a song, and it's not impossible to use a B-level recording studio for a while.

Although the sound recorded in a B-level recording studio is difficult to refine, it is also lossless sound quality, and no one can hear it on the Internet. "

Lin Xiaoyu glanced at her: "Sorry, I'm a person who either doesn't do things, or does the best thing, even if I leave Yoyo."

After speaking, he left without looking back.

Wang Lu looked at Fan Nannan, then at Lin Xiaoyu who stepped out of the door, sighed, and chased after her.

When Lin Xiaoyu left, the hypocritical smile on Fan Nannan's face disappeared immediately, and she snorted disdainfully:
"It's just a slut who became popular by selling flesh and blood, what's the matter with it, die!"

Inside the office.

Wang Lu anxiously said to Lin Xiaoyu: "Sister Lin, you were too impulsive just now, in fact, as long as you fight harder, it is not impossible to get a publicly funded A-level recording studio.

Remember Xiao Wu?He was rejected more directly than you at the time, and later he and his agent went to dispatch Ruanmoyingpao every day, Manager Fan was annoyed by them, didn't he let go?
As a result, he really recorded a good song and achieved a turnaround from the Jedi.

If you want to speak nicely to Manager Fan, just leave it to me, as long as you give me a little time, I'm confident I can convince her..."

Lin Xiaoyu shook her head and interrupted Lulu: "It's different. Xiao Wu was just in a low state at the time, and Fan Nannan's embarrassment may not have the meaning of polishing his character.

And me, she really refused! ! "

"Huh? Why?"

Lin Xiaoyu said: "In the final analysis, it's because of profit. Although I have received a lot of notices in Yoyo this year, these incomes have nothing to do with music scheduling, so no matter how much money I earn, she won't get any of it.

But other musicians are different. As long as they record songs in the recording studio, the music scheduler can get a lot of dividends.

Now Yoyo's artists are saturated, I occupy a position, but I can't create any value for her, of course she will try to drive me away. "

"But aren't you going to release an album already? Will she get a dividend next?"

Looking at this silly little manager, Lin Xiaoyu shook her head:

"An old man who has never released a good song in a year, and a newcomer full of potential and creativity, which one would you choose?"

"This... Sister Lin, things may not be what you think, maybe she just wants to polish you..."

Lin Xiaoyu shook her head: "Forget it, whether she wants to polish it or she really refuses, I will not accept it.

In my dictionary, opportunity and success are obtained through hard work, not by others.Even if I pay a high price for this, I will not hesitate.

After a while, I will transfer the money to you, and you will hand it over for me, and then get ready, my album must be put on the Internet within two days. "


Long Aotian stretched himself, Nima's monthly exam was finally over.

Glancing at Luo Hao who had put away his papers and was about to leave, he blinked his humorous little eyes at him.

And Luo Hao gave him a hard look, turned his head and left.

Long Aotian laughed out loud.

Unexpectedly, when the second exam yesterday was only halfway through, Luo Hao appeared in the exam room again.

It's just that the other party's original arrogance disappeared, leaving only a helpless low-key.

Truth white bird!
The reason why he spoofed Luo Hao was not because of the old grievances between the two of them.

He had already taken revenge on that matter, Long Aotian is not a person who keeps grudges.

He is for Confucius and Mencius.

Luo Hao's fierce pursuit of Xie Meixuan is known to all the students in Class 1 (Senior Grade [-]), not to mention Long Aotian.

In his opinion, Xie Meixuan is young, beautiful, intellectual and elegant, and only Teacher Kong Mengkong can match her.

Although Teacher Kong did not show any performance in this regard, from the friendship between the two of them going to Shanghai and sending Bai Yang to the sports school together, and because of working together day and night, I believe that as long as you give it to time, it will naturally come to fruition.

But amidst all these beauties, there are some people who don't open their eyes and insist on being rat shit that pollutes the environment.

So for the sake of justice, Long Aotian can only act as a non-mainstream flower protector once.

The action is perfect, the effect is good, the impact is profound, the hero is nameless.

Jin Yi Ye Xing, not everyone can do it, if it is not for Confucius and Mencius, for another person, he would not be able to do it no matter what.

Putting away the paper, pen and eraser, Long Aotian took out his phone.

The exam is over, and the next two days are holidays, how should I spend it?

Long Aotian thinks it is necessary to plan carefully.

To be honest, for the past few days preparing for the exam, he was so busy that he was suddenly free, which was an unprecedented comfort.

How about listening to a song about love first?It can be regarded as a blessing for Teacher Kong in advance.

Open the cool cat music list, the first and second place are "Learning to Meow" and "On the Moon".

"On the Moon" is not suitable, Long Aotian chooses "Learning to Meow".

The sweet voice gurgles like running water, thoroughly washing his dusty heart, it is worthy of Teacher Kong's work, it is really good to listen to!
Soon the music ended, and he was about to click on loop to play, when he glanced down from the corner of his eye.

Huh? No.9 "Love Trading"?This is a new song?The singer... wait... the singer is actually Lin Xiaoyu?

Others may be very unfamiliar with Lin Xiaoyu, but he is very familiar with it.

Because just two days ago, the two parties met at Confucius and Mencius's house, and he also knew that the other party was looking for Teacher Kong to ask for a song.

Is it?

With deep curiosity, he pointed his finger up.

(End of this chapter)

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