The system asked me to be a teacher

Chapter 87 Zhiyuan's Exam Rewards and Cheating Punishments

Chapter 87 Zhiyuan's Exam Rewards and Cheating Punishments

For most students, the most painful thing is the exam.

Especially in Zhiyuan, it is an extremely headache, because after each exam, the school will hold a corresponding parent meeting to tell parents the details of the students in the school.

Thinking of that scene, the poor students' scalps tingled. Usually, the teacher can't stand it in singles. If the parents play mixed doubles, who can stand it?

It's a pity that some things won't come if you don't want them.



It is no exaggeration to say that the examination of Zhiyuan Middle School is the strictest in the whole province and even the whole country.

Even if it is just a monthly exam, its formality is no less than that of the college entrance examination, especially the discipline of the exam, even worse.

The three grades in the whole school are all disrupted, and then they are evenly distributed to each examination room in the form of lottery, and it is guaranteed that the number of students in the same class in each examination room does not exceed 5.

In other words, among the 30 students in an examination room, there may be senior ones, second graders, and third graders.

To be honest, it was the first time for Confucius and Mencius to see this style of examination, especially when the examination room where he was going to invigilate had to receive three different examination papers, he was totally confused.

However, Zhiyuan Middle School obviously has rich experience in this, because each examination room is equipped with three invigilators, each in charge of a grade, although it is chaotic, it is extremely orderly.

The reason why it is so strict is that in addition to showing the school's emphasis on students' cultural education, it is also closely linked to money.

Such as teacher evaluation and bonuses.

The salary of teachers in Zhiyuan Middle School ranks among the top three in the whole country.

In addition to the high basic salary, this is a variety of bonuses.

For example, in this monthly assessment, there will be awards for excellent head teachers, excellent teachers, excellent teacher progress...etc.

These rewards have two characteristics, one is that there are many tricks, and the other is that there are many bonuses.

Not to mention other things, just take the Excellent Class Teacher Award. There are three places for each grade. No. 1 will be rewarded with 10 yuan, No. 28, and No. 35. All bonuses can be superimposed.

There was once a teacher in Zhiyuan who won 4 awards in one go, and the amount of prize money was as high as 28, which was a sensation.

There are also student scholarships.

Compared with the teacher's bonus, the student's scholarship is slightly worse in terms of individual amount. For example, the first place in the whole year is 5, the 2nd to 4th is 3, and the 5th to 10th is 1.

But there are too many student scholarships, because the top [-] students in the total grades are all rich, and there are various rankings in various subjects, all of which add up to an incomparably huge number.

Thinking of the coveted money, Confucius and Mencius regretted it for a while.

If I can get so much money when I go to school, I will never just take three exams.

Shuimu and Qinghua aside, 985, 211 should not be a problem.

But then again, the wool comes from the sheep, and there is no high tuition fee that students pay when they enter school. Not to mention various bonuses and scholarships, it would be good if the teacher's salary can be paid on time.

Shaking his head and interrupting all kinds of unrealistic thoughts, Confucius and Mencius focused his eyes on the examination room again.

His current task is not to lament Zhiyuan's wealth and wealth, but to strictly enforce discipline in the examination room and prevent students from cheating.

For Zhiyuan, exam rewards are important, but what is more important is exam discipline.

The last thing it tolerates is cheating on exams!

Once discovered, not only the students will face punishments such as warnings, repeating grades, staying in school for observation, persuading them to drop out of school, forced to drop out of school, etc., but the corresponding teachers and class teachers will also be punished.

Looking around the examination room, Kong Meng nodded. He was not sure about the other classrooms, but the students in front of him were still very obedient.

Luo Hao sat in front of the podium with a gloomy expression.

His thoughts went back to the scene of yesterday morning.

When Kongmeng succeeded in inviting Xie Meixuan to dinner, especially on weekends, when he knew that the goddess he had tried so hard to invite but failed was with Kongmeng all the time, he was full of mixed feelings!
Mr. Ma's warning was just a pretext for Luo Hao's willingness to restore relations with Confucius and Mencius. His main purpose was to use Confucius and Mencius as a springboard to pursue Xie Meixuan.

His plan is impeccable, such as getting some personal hobbies and information of Xie Meixuan through Confucius and Mencius, and by constantly showing off his infatuation in front of him, to prevent the other party from guarding and stealing.

He thought of everything, the only unexpected thing was Xie Meixuan's own feelings.

Because it was Xie Meixuan's initiative to go to Shanghai on weekends, and it was also Xie Meixuan's favorite to agree to eat with Confucius and Mencius.

He remembered a little love story about an infatuated man who sent gifts to the girl he liked every day for love, and later the girl married the courier.

In fact, the courier is also wronged: I deliver courier to so many people every day, why do other girls look down on me?
Shaking his head sadly and angrily, if sadness can flow upstream into a river, he is undoubtedly the most oceanic ocean now.

Taking a deep breath, Luo Hao clenched his fists tightly and his eyes were cold.

Thousands of mistakes are all the fault of Confucius and Mencius. If this guy doesn't show up in Zhiyuan, wouldn't everything be all right?

He secretly vowed that if God could give him a chance, he would definitely teach Confucius and Mencius a bloody lesson, let him understand what is benevolence, righteousness and morality, what is keeping promises, what can be done and what cannot be done.

Luo Hao came back to his senses suddenly, because he saw a familiar face, it was Long Aotian!
Why is this guy in his own examination room?

Luo Hao became even more angry. He clearly remembered that because of this guy, he had now become a negative example for Zhiyuan.

Not to mention the grievances and grievances between the two of them.

and many more……

When Luo Hao was furious, he suddenly saw from the corner of his eye that Long Aotian's left arm moved unnaturally, and his neck also became unreasonably stiff.

This action is all too familiar to Luo Hao, who is proficient in educational psychology.

The other party is cheating!
For cheating, the general teacher's choice is to walk over quietly and give students a quiet warning without anyone noticing.

Although this is not in line with school rules, it is more in line with human feelings.

After all, even adults make mistakes, let alone minors whose physical and mental development is immature.

Therefore, giving a student a chance to prevent him from making similar mistakes is also a manifestation of the teacher's alternative education.

But Luo Hao didn't do that.

He looked up at the front with a natural expression, without squinting, as if he had no idea that there was a student not far away who was doing something extremely disgraceful.

As the footsteps moved, Luo Hao suddenly took two steps to the left.

Sure enough, because of the angle problem, he finally saw clearly the space under Long Aotian's arm.

It was a note, a note full of handwriting!

When Confucius and Meng received the news that Long Aotian had cheated, the first language test had already ended.

The person who notified him was Zheng Miao.

"What's going on, can you tell me clearly?" Kong Meng frowned, he didn't believe Long Aotian would cheat at all.

Zheng Miao shook his head: "I don't know the specifics, but one of my fans came to tell me."


"Yeah." Zheng Miao was a little embarrassed: "Since the song "Learning to Meow" I sang entered the top ten of Kumao music charts, all the boys in the school have been honored as the campus goddess. They also created a special group, To maintain and improve my public image."

Confucius and Mencius: "?"

Campus goddess?A group of fans?What's all this mess?By the way, what kind of public image do you have as a middle school student?
But he knew that now is not the time to worry about this: "Where is Long Aotian now?"

"Teaching Office." Seeing Kong Meng leaving the classroom quickly, Zheng Miao hesitated, but followed him and said, "Mr. Kong, although I don't know the specific situation of Long Aotian, my fan told me that if you catch Long Aotian The person who cheated is none other than Teacher Luo Haoluo."

"Luo Hao?" Kong Meng paused, knowing that the situation had become complicated again.

Although he didn't know Luo Hao's hatred for him, and the relationship between the two seemed to have eased, it was not difficult for him to sense the other's faint hostility.

Is the other party targeting you on purpose?Kong Meng shook his head helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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