The system asked me to be a teacher

Chapter 34 Zhiyuan's Personnel Changes

Chapter 34 Zhiyuan's Personnel Changes

It is said that a new teacher named Kong Meng stole the limelight of Zhiyuan Middle School in recent days.

In his first class in the class, he took dreams as the theme and conducted a profound ideological education to the students in the form of speeches.

As a result, the matter was paid close attention to by the school leaders, and it was broadcast to the whole school for public study.

Not only that, but the school motto question that has troubled Zhiyuan for many years finally has an answer.

This proposal was posted on the school bulletin board for publicity. The teachers and students were surprised to find that this "Encouraging Learning", which was highly affirmed by Mr. Ma Lao, the former principal of Zhiyuan, was also written by Teacher Kong.

The most shocking thing is not only that.

Grade 1 ([-]) class, a problematic class in a well-known school, actually changed the bad habit of skipping classes collectively on the third day after Confucius and Mencius moved in, and began to attend classes on time.

It is said that the learning atmosphere is unprecedentedly strong, and it almost tends to surpass the Zhen Xueba Senior Second (2) class next door.

It was nothing short of a miracle.

You must know that although Class 1 of Senior Secondary School also has the name of Xueba, but this title of Xueba is mostly ironic, similar to how some teachers like to name the bottom one, second, and third in the class as No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-].

But the sophomore (2) class next door is the real real student master!
Could it really be that speech that played a role?


Many teachers immediately dismissed it.

High school students are different from adults, they are in the most rebellious period.

Sometimes, the more impassioned you say, the more it backfires.

Otherwise, why did the students in my class also watch the video of the lecture, and what is the result so far?
Some mischievous guys also adapted "I Have a Dream" into various jokes.

For example: I dream that one day, my beloved homeroom teacher will no longer use the excuse of "the physical education teacher is seriously ill" to cancel the physical education class, because the guys in the first row really need to exercise to improve their height...

Another example: Let the beautiful class flower come out of the classroom, let the beautiful class flower come out of the dormitory, let the beautiful class flower throw away the school uniform and come out, let the beautiful class flower come out with white thighs...

All these kinds of things made the teacher dumbfounded.

Many class teachers are already hesitant to ask Confucius and Mencius to learn from his experience in managing students.

But soon, the attention of all the teachers shifted from Class Two (1) to the senior management of the school.

Because three days later, the school board of directors suddenly issued a document signed by Mr. Ma himself, ie the current principal Li Guohua and the three vice principals were removed from all positions.

Everyone was boiling instantly, this was undoubtedly a big earthquake for Zhiyuan!

Of course, there are others who see an opportunity.

No matter what the reason for the dismissal of the principal and the three vice principals was, Mr. Ma made the final decision in person.

The position of principal is vacant, and a new principal must be selected, and the annihilation of the three vice principals has also given hope to the middle-level leaders.

For example, Wang Yixin, the director of the Recruitment Office, or Liu Yi, the director of the Teaching Office...

Even if he can't become the principal, there is still a good chance of being promoted to the vice-principal.

And the low-level teachers are not without opportunities. Wang Yixin is promoted, so his position will be vacant?

Therefore, this is a feast shared by all the faculty and staff of Zhiyuan!
Of course, Confucius and Mencius didn't care about these things. It is said that two weeks have passed since he came to Zhiyuan to teach.

Since taking over Bai Yang, who was the most difficult to deal with that day, his work has not been relieved, but has become even busier.

It was fine at the beginning, but as time went on, he couldn't take it anymore.

Not to mention helping Wang Tong, Zheng Miao, Fang Zhenyuan and others with tutoring after school.

He is already looking for a substitute teacher, but unfortunately there are few results.

Good teachers are reluctant to come because of their status, and poor teachers are very moved when they know that they can get double class fees, but Confucius and Mencius look down on them...

I have to say that after activating the various science projects in middle school, this guy's vision has unconsciously raised several levels.

To his relief, the learning atmosphere in Class 1 (Senior Grade [-]) is unprecedentedly strong.

He conducted a math booklet yesterday, and more than half of the people passed the passing standard.

Although it is far behind the Zhen Xueba Class 2 next door, it is undoubtedly good news for a class that regards skipping classes as a common occurrence!

With 5 minutes left before the end of get out of class, Kong Meng hurriedly arranged a few words, and dragged his tired body out of the classroom.

Because Liu Yi, the teaching director, was standing at the door and beckoning to him.

"Director Liu, why do you have time to come here?"

Although the other party's questions during the interview were very tricky, Liu Yi was kind to him anyway, and he also tried his best to support the work of Class 1 ([-]) in the second year of high school, and Confucius and Mencius still respected him of.

"Hahahaha, I'm looking for you kid, of course there is a good thing."

At this moment, Liu Yi's face was full of red, and his shrewd eyes looked more and more pleasing to Confucius and Mencius.

There's no way it's not pleasing to the eye!
Others don't know how Li Guohua died, so how could he not?

On the day when the school motto was established, Mr. Ma approached him directly and asked him to collect evidence of Li Guohua's vegetarian meals during his tenure in Zhiyuan, and pointed the focus of the problem to Class 1 of Senior Two.

When he heard the news, his bladder trembled with excitement.

What does this mean?
Li Guohua is over!
And Mr. Ma's intention of not looking for others to look for himself is also very obvious.

He was the biggest contributor to the overthrow of Li Guohua. Under the merits and deeds, there is no problem with being promoted to the vice-principal.

If during the whole process, I show the unique ability of a leader and become Zhiyuan's next speaker, I will be more confident than others.

The root cause of all this is just a decision I made at the beginning: recruiting Confucius and Mencius exceptionally!

That's right.

If I hadn't thought about recruiting Confucius and Mencius, I wouldn't have "I Have a Dream" and wouldn't have caught Mr. Ma's attention. It was also impossible for me to get online with him with "Encouraging Learning", let alone what happened later. up.

So in Liu Yi's view, Confucius and Mencius are his lucky stars.

He patted Kong Meng on the shoulder: "Teacher Hai Qingguo is about to enter the teaching office, so the position of deputy head of the second grade section is vacant, and I am going to let you take over."

Kong Meng was taken aback, and shook his head quickly: "This is not good, I have only been here for half a month, and I can't recognize all the teachers in this grade. How can I be qualified to be the deputy head? You should hire someone else!"

Liu Yi laughed: "Mr. Kong, you are too modest, we Zhiyuan have always been able to go up to the mediocre, and never engage in seniority.

Although you have been in Zhiyuan for a short time, your management ability is unrivaled.Whoever refuses to accept it, let him come to class 1 of the second year of high school to have a look!

I'm not afraid to say this, if someone can have half your level, let alone the deputy head, I can give him the position of dean. "

Confucius and Mencius: "..."

This is so true, how can I refuse? ? ?

But Confucius and Mencius still shook his head: "It's not that I don't want to, but..."

He pointed to Class 1 (1) of Senior High: "It's just that I'm too busy. It's not like you don't know the situation of Class [-] ([-]) Senior High..."

"I understand, I understand, you are taking them six classes now, don't worry, the school will not lose a penny for the class time.

But my teacher Kong, you have to know that this situation is only temporary, sooner or later there will be teachers in other subjects taking over, and then you will be free!
By the way, speaking of teachers, let me introduce you to someone. "

As he said that, Liu Yi turned his head and said, "Mr. Xie, come here, let me introduce you, this is our star teacher Kong Meng from Zhiyuan Middle School.

Teacher Kong, this is Xie Meixuan, the newly recruited mathematics teacher from the Recruitment and Education Office. I am going to assign her to your sophomore (1) class! "

(End of this chapter)

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