Chapter 27

"Bang... ouch, damn it..."

As soon as Dao Scarqiang's voice fell, the boy took the lead again.

This time his target was still Scar Qiang, but his fists were replaced by feet.

A flying kick directly left a size 48 shoe print on his shiny forehead.

It's just that he used too much force this time, and the big blade of Dao Baqiang's accomplice also slashed at the same time.


Although the boy tried his best to avoid it, he was still hit by a knife on his arm, causing a spray of blood.

"Ah..." The sharp voice rang in his ears, and Kong Meng was startled and turned around quickly.

But at some point, there was a young girl beside her. Who else is that "heavy taste" girl?

He was shocked and said, "If you don't hurry up, what are you doing here?"

The "heavy taste" girl blushed: " have helped me, I haven't thanked you yet!"

Just as Confucius and Mencius were about to speak, they heard several shouts in the alley: "Don't run, stop..."

It turned out that just now, the young man took advantage of the gap of the knife in his body and rushed out from the surrounding of those people, aiming at the direction where Confucius and Mencius were.

Kong Meng was startled, turned his head and ran away, but he had just run two steps when another scream came from behind him.

Still a "heavy taste" girl!
After Kongmeng ran away, the girl immediately followed him, but unfortunately she was wearing high-heeled women's shoes, and she sprained her foot with such force.

Confucius and Mencius sighed, and turned their heads to try to pull the other party back, but after this delay, the young man and the pursuers behind him had already arrived.

The boy rushed out with a whoosh, but Dao Baqiang and the others stopped.

The thin man pointed at Kong Meng and said, "Brother Qiang, this guy and that guy belong together."

Dao Scar touched the big shoe print on his forehead, his eyes gleamed coldly: "Really?"

But most of his eyes were on the "heavy taste" girl: "This chick is good, I didn't expect to buy one get one free, hehehehe..."

Hearing Dao Scar's obscene smile, the girl's face was as white as snow, and she subconsciously hid behind Confucius and Mencius, holding his arm tightly with her jade hand.

The corners of Kongmeng's eyes couldn't stop twitching, because these people didn't care about the running away boy, but surrounded themselves instead.

He bit the bullet and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Only then did Scarqiang look at him, and snorted, "What are you doing? Just now, that kid repeatedly ruined my good deeds. I wanted to cripple his legs. Since you are with him, of course you can't run away."

Kong Meng looked at the thin man and said, "Would you believe me if I said it was just a coincidence?"

The skinny man: "Anyway, I believe it."

Confucius and Mencius: "..."

"Bah!" Dao Baqiang said disdainfully, "That kid is so tough, I didn't expect his companion to be a coward."

After finishing speaking, he took a step back and waved his hands: "Destroy him for me... Also, don't hurt that chick, I want to be happy tonight..."

The girl's face immediately turned paler when she heard the words, and her soft body shrank back behind Confucius and Mencius.

Kong Meng looked intently at the few people in front of him and was thinking about what to do when he heard a voice not far away shouting:

"Let them go, there are grievances and debts, and if there is any debt, I will bear it all by myself."

It was that boy, but he didn't know when he ran back again.

Dao Baqiang didn't pay attention to it at all, and the people behind him were still approaching Confucius and Mencius.

The boy became anxious immediately, took two steps to run up and killed several people on his own initiative.

"Boy, I knew you would be fooled!"

Only then did Dao Baqiang and the others turn around. It turned out that they surrounded Confucius and Mencius just for show, in order to force the boy back.It is estimated that there was a lot of research on the personality of the teenager in advance.

The two sides fought together again, and then...

Then Scarqiang got another kick on the forehead.

That young man understood the principle of catching the thief first, so the others ignored him and greeted Scarface.

However, he was cut again on the thigh, and his body was inflexible, and he rolled to the corner unconsciously.

Dao Scarqiang's face was swollen at this time, he looked at the young man, and said viciously: "Boy, you forced me to do this. If I don't kill you today, my surname will be reversed!"

The boy stood up and smiled coldly: "Kill me? It depends on your ability."

As he said that, he wanted to rush up again, but the tossing just now was too exhausting, coupled with the pain of the wound, his feet slipped and he almost fell to the ground.

"Haha, he's dying, brothers fuck him!"

Kong Meng finally couldn't bear it at this moment and said: "Everyone, this little brother's wound needs to be bandaged in the hospital urgently, otherwise his life will be in danger.

You have retaliated and retaliated, you might as well take a step back and forgive others! "

Dao Scarqiang turned his head and looked at Kong Meng: "Oh, you have a strong sense of justice, don't worry, I will deal with you after I deal with him. Ouch..."

But Confucius suddenly took a step forward, his movement was as fast as lightning, and he punched Dao Baqiang three inches under the armpit.

Dao Scarqiang let out a scream, rolled his eyes, and lay down on the ground without moving.

Seeing this, his accomplices retreated one after another, looking at Confucius and Mencius with astonishment on their faces.

Kong Meng was also stunned, he grew up so big, he had never fought with anyone, but he couldn't help but stand up when he saw the young man's condition was worrying.

What he used just now was the move from the system [Shaolin Boxing Case].

He originally thought that this thing was at most a better-looking routine than radio gymnastics, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

Dao Baqiang's accomplices finally came to their senses, they yelled and slashed at Confucius and Mencius with their big blades.

The "heavy taste" girl screamed again behind him, but Kong Meng turned a deaf ear to it, and his attention was focused on the enemy.

It's now!

Twisting, punching, throat hitting, turning fists into palms, grabbing knives, turning elbows...

The action was done in one go, one of Dao Scarqiang's accomplices rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, and Kong Meng had an extra knife in his hand.

Throwing the knife on the ground, Kongmeng threw out his fist again, this time the target was another person's lower abdomen...

Different moves, but still crisp and neat, the teenagers in the corner were stunned.

Defeat the enemy with one blow?Take the sword with bare hands?This is the real Chinese Kungfu!
In a blink of an eye, only Confucius and Mencius were left standing in the middle of the field, and there were three more knives in his hand.

Throwing the knife on the ground casually, Confucius asked the boy, "Are you okay? Go, I'll take you to the hospital."

The young man turned a deaf ear to what Confucius and Mencius said, and just asked, "You... really know kung fu?"

Kong Meng was stunned for a moment, and said: "I have practiced for two years, but it's just some tricks and embroidered legs, it's nothing."

What he said in the latter sentence was the truth, because without deliberate training, even if Confucius and Mencius had reached the point of perfect understanding of [Shaolin Boxing], they could only exert one or two percent of its power.

Moreover, this kind of boxing is extremely exhausting. Although he didn't even take 30 seconds to make a move just now, he was so tired that he almost collapsed.

This is thanks to the fact that Dao Scarqiang and the others are just ordinary people, otherwise if they meet those Lianjiazi who are strong in fighting ability, let alone one-on-five, he may not be able to do one-on-one.

The young man's eyes lit up, and he struggled to get up from the ground, knelt on one knee and cupped his fists and said, "Brother... no, master, please pass on your kung fu to me, and I promise to carry it forward, except Evil promotes good, and restores the world to a bright future."

Confucius and Mencius: "..."

He said: "Little brother, your injury is serious, you should go to the hospital first..."

Hearing this, the young man immediately patted his chest: "Master, this little injury is nothing, as long as you are willing to teach me kung fu, even if you make two more strokes, I won't frown."

Confucius and Mencius: "..."

He never expected that this boy was still a martial idiot.

But Confucius still refused and said, "I'm usually very busy, so I don't have time to teach you."

He didn't mean to shirk on purpose, because of the lack of teachers, Confucius and Mencius are now lecturing all day long, and after school, there are still people waiting for tutoring.

What he wants to do most now is to go home and have a good sleep.

The young man thought that he didn't want to teach for nothing, so he hurriedly patted his chest: "Master, don't worry, the student is willing to pay the class fee, 3000... no, 5000 per class. The student lacks everything, except money."

Confucius and Mencius: "..."

Unexpectedly, if he was not careful, his ability to absorb money directly surpassed that of the sissy Jia Tiehan.

"It's not about money, it's because I really don't have time..."

Just as Kongmeng was about to refuse, a voice behind him gasped and said, "Teacher, you...why did you get here? I...I've been looking for you for a long time."

It was Long Aotian, he didn't expect that he just went to the toilet to put water, and when he came out, Confucius disappeared, and he couldn't be reached by phone.

Seeing Long Aotian, the boy couldn't help being surprised: "Xiaolong?"

Long Aotian also saw the boy: "Fang Zhenyuan? Why are you here? Teacher Kong and I are looking for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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