The system asked me to be a teacher

Chapter 183 Long Aotian's Sophistry

Chapter 183 Long Aotian's Sophistry
Just when everyone was stunned by Long Aotian's words, Director Qian next to him snorted:
“It’s true that the Youth Poetry Contest does not clearly stipulate that you cannot plagiarize other people’s works, but the absence of regulations does not mean that it does not exist.

If others found out that the champion of the poetry contest of our Ancient Chinese League was actually copied, what would they think? "

After hearing Director Qian's words, everyone couldn't help but nod their heads.

It is very reasonable to say that something that does not exist does not mean that it does not exist.

Just like the well-known legal provisions, in order to maintain social stability, the law regulates people's behavior a lot.

But if a person wants to fully integrate into society, does he only need to follow the law?
Obviously not, because the legal provisions are only the standards that restrict the lower limit of people's behavior, and have nothing to do with nobility.

Therefore, if you want to live better in society, make more friends, and gain more people's respect, you must also abide by another criterion, that is, moral norms.

In more colloquial terms, it is unspoken rules.

Therefore, although the poetry competition does not stipulate that copying poems is not allowed, copying poems is also not allowed. This is also an unspoken rule!

Seeing that he turned the situation around with just one sentence, Director Qian looked at Li Yifu with a sneer: "President Li, regarding this matter, I think you should give everyone an explanation?"

"This..." Li Yifu's face was extremely ugly.

Now that the fact of copying poems is confirmed, it is only natural that Team 1345 should be disqualified from the championship.

But what Li Yifu is worried about is not this, but the impact of this matter on this poetry competition.

Don't think there were only two people who cheated, but these two people defeated all the contestants they met with these poems.

Does that mean that those who have lost to the two of them are likely to advance to a higher ranking?

By extension, the top [-], top ten, third runner-up, and runner-up in this competition may be overturned?
As a result, the order of the entire poetry contest was completely disrupted.

Everyone present also stopped talking. Obviously, they also thought of Li Yifu's concerns.

They even thought of the most serious consequences of this matter, which is to cancel the honor and ranking of all participating players in the competition.

This is not alarmist talk. As the number one non-governmental organization in China that promotes traditional culture, [Ancient Chinese Union Association] attaches the most importance to fairness, justice and openness.

Therefore, even if there is a little bit of controversy, the official must take it seriously.

"President Li, how should we deal with this matter, why don't you say something?" Director Qian's voice sounded again.

Although he tried his best to keep himself calm, the joy in Director Qian's heart almost jumped out. As a member of [Ancient Chinese Union Association], he also knew the seriousness of this matter.

And he knew that as long as he gritted his teeth and did not let go, the only result of this competition could only be directly banned.

What does it mean to ban the National Youth Poetry Contest, especially with the participation of Shanghai TV Station?He knows it better than anyone.

In the previous competition of poems and prose in the association, my side has always been at a disadvantage. As a representative, Director Qian is a worry!
Therefore, he is always looking for opportunities to fuck the other party.

It's just that Li Yifu has always acted cautiously and meticulously. Ten years later, let alone opportunities, he was often led by the other party.

Just when Director Qian was completely desperate, he did not expect the opportunity to appear so grandiosely.

He was about to force the other party again, when Long Aotian's voice sounded: "This...Master Qian?"

Director Qian: "???"

Long Aotian smiled: "Uncle Qian, although I understand that you are eager to punish me and maintain the image of the [Ancient Chinese Union Association], what I want to say is that you are too anxious to do this, right?"

Looking at Long Aotian, Director Qian was stunned: "Worried?"

"Of course I'm in a hurry, don't you think you should listen to my reasons for doing this before punishing me?

If you think that I am unreasonable and punish you casually, I will never say a word more.

But if I am right, if you punish me again, hehe..."

"Do you still have a reason for plagiarism?" Seeing Long Aotian's cynical look, Director Qian snorted coldly, "Okay, then I'd like to hear your sophistry!"

Long Aotian stopped looking at Director Qian, but said to all the audience: "Everyone, just now I told Tiehan that we copied the poem, there is no problem with that.

But this poetry competition originally allowed copying poems?So I don't understand at all, what exactly does Director Qian mean when he says that copying poems is not allowed? "

"Nonsense!" As soon as Long Aotian's words fell, Director Qian scolded loudly, "When did the poetry competition allow copying poems? Why didn't I know?"

Long Aotian looked at him helplessly: "Master Qian, do you not know the rules of this year's poetry competition at all?
Don't blame me for not reminding you, this year's rules are different from last year's. Everyone will participate in the competition as a team. "

"Of course I know the team, and I'm not blind!" Director Qian was also angry at Long Aotian's words even though he had enough energy to nourish himself.

"Know? That's easy to handle. Let me ask you, this competition, if I can stand here and be commended by Mr. Li, it represents me personally, or the 1345 team."

"It's still a question, of course it's the team. Just like yourself, do you still want to win the award alone?"

"So I represent the honor of the team, that is to say, this No.1 is the No.1 of the team, not my personal No.1, no problem?"

Director Qian finally realized that something was wrong: "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that the poems I used to defeat other competitors, as long as they are written by our team members, are not considered cheating.

It can be written by me, or by the classmate Ma Ruoxi next to me, or even by the two of us together.

And before the start of the competition, we also went through a period of preparation, so even if these poems were written during the preparation, they cannot be considered as cheating.

Am I right? "

"This..." Director Qian immediately realized something was wrong, but he still argued, "But you were sent by your team at the time, and these poems came from your mouth."

"That's right, I was indeed the one who played at that time, but you didn't ask who must come, did you?
Let me simulate the scene for you again. Before the poetry contest, my teammates and I started preparing for the competition.

In order to achieve the final victory, we each made some poems in advance and recited them all.

Later, in a certain session, I was duel with representatives of other teams, and the question I encountered happened to be written by one of my teammates, so I read it out. Is this not okay? "

After speaking, Long Aotian looked at everyone again: "Actually, I have always been confused about this matter, because many of the poems read by each member of our team during the competition were not made by ourselves, they were all prepared in advance.

If you must think this is cheating, I have nothing to say, I can give up the championship honor now. "

Everyone: "..."

Seeing the eloquent Long Aotian, everyone was speechless.

Is your so-called plagiarism this plagiarism?

But what happened to your tsundere attitude just now, are you teasing us?
You can't blame everyone for complaining, because the situation Long Aotian said was originally allowed by the game.

Li Yifu changed the poetry competition from the original individual mode to the current team mode. In addition to increasing the intensity of the competition, the most important purpose is to cultivate the teamwork spirit of each contestant.

This kind of cooperation not only refers to the mutual encouragement in each link when confronting opponents, but also the common inspiration in poetry creation.

Director Qian used plagiarism as an excuse to attack, pointing out that the poems of Long Aotian and others came from works of other unrelated social figures, and the two are not the same concept at all.

Director Qian: "You..."

If he didn't know that he was tricked by these two boys until now, he wouldn't be able to become a director of the [Ancient Chinese Union Association].

He snorted angrily and said, "Okay, then I would like to ask, who did you compose "Linjiang Fairy" with? Could it be the classmate Ma next to you?"

(End of this chapter)

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