The system asked me to be a teacher

Chapter 178 Director Qian's Tit for Tat

Chapter 178 Director Qian's Tit for Tat
Hearing what the other party said, Confucius and Mencius suddenly realized that, yes, there is only a trophy and an honor left and right, and the [Ancient Chinese Union Association] would not be stingy here.

The people gathered together, and Confucius and Mencius and his party took another car to go to today's destination - 【Fenghua Xueyue Clubhouse】!
When Confucius and Mencius saw the six huge lantern characters at the gate, he was speechless.

Especially when he went in and found that the decoration inside had nothing to do with [Feng Hua Xue Yue], he didn't know what to say.

There is no imaginary splendor, no singing of birds and swallows that should be there, and the decoration style here is only four words: pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

The walls of the hall are covered with calligraphy and paintings of various celebrities, such as square Song scripts, elegant cursive scripts, elegant lower script scripts, and mysterious seal script scripts, to name a few.

Not only the calligraphy and painting, but also all the tables and chairs are very retro style. Although Confucius and Mencius activated the linguistic case, they still can’t explain the specific details.

The only impression is that it looks like the study of the ancients - a king-size study.

There are already people sitting in twos and threes in the study room, they are either sitting independently, or talking in twos and threes, the atmosphere is peaceful and quiet.

Therefore, when Confucius and Mencius and his entourage came in a crowd of fifteen or sixteen people, it immediately aroused everyone's ideas.

Of course, the first thing everyone saw was not Confucius and Mencius, but Li Yifu.

"President Li, I didn't expect to see you in person after half a year."

An old man in his 60s who was older than Li Yifu spoke first.

"Director Qian, due to my personal reasons, I have indeed paid little attention to the affairs of the association. I apologize to everyone."

Li Yifu's voice was very sincere.

Unexpectedly, Director Qian on the other side didn't buy it, he snorted:
"Personal reasons? Everyone has personal reasons, but can this be a reason for you to leave the association?"

"I... this..." Li Yifu looked dumbfounded when asked by the other party.

Kong Meng suddenly said: "This...Director Qian, Mr. Li has been in Shanghai all this time because his son is terminally ill.

But even so, he didn't pull down anything from the association.Is it not good that you are so aggressive? "

With the character of Confucius and Mencius, he would not have said these words.

But seeing with his own eyes Li Yifu who was struggling and suffering because of his son's illness, he felt that he should speak up.

It is true that, as Director Qian said, personal reasons are not a reason to abandon the affairs of the association, but the situation should also be considered.

It is very inhumane to force a father whose son is about to die to work, and this is not the style that Confucius and Mencius thought [Ancient Chinese Union Association] should have.

Director Qian was obviously taken aback by what Confucius and Mencius said, but he didn't answer, but instead asked, "Who is this?"

Li Yifu said: "Sorry, let me introduce, this is Mr. Qian Zhouqian, one of the three permanent directors of our [Ancient Chinese Alliance Association].

This is Confucius and Mencius, the author of the song "Shang Li Yong". "

"So it's you!" Qian Zhou snorted, "Boy, don't think that you are so great just because you write a good poem. It's far away!"

Confucius and Mencius: "..."

He was a little helpless, he was just helping Li Yifu to say something fair, why was he suddenly attacked personally?
Seeing that Kong Meng didn't know how to answer, Li Yifu smiled and said: "Director Qian, Kong Xiaoyou has always worked hard. This time, the poetry team he led won the No.1 competition."

"Really?" Director Qian was stunned, apparently hearing this for the first time.

Li Yifu: "Not only that, Xiaoyou Kong also pointed out a big problem with [Poetry Scorer], which was highly praised by Mr. McCarthy..."

As he spoke, he explained Confucius and Mencius' actions in the poetry competition in detail.

Director Qian was also a little shocked after listening to the amazing performance of Confucius, Mencius and Disaster in the Poetry Contest, especially the song "Facing the Sea, Wearing Warm Blossoms", which directly made him swallow what he wanted to say.

Taking a deep breath, Director Qian turned his target to Li Yifu again: "Old Li, I also know something about your son, and it's not without sympathy.

However, after so many years of development, the association is the result of the joint efforts of several generations. You can't keep delaying it, can you?
If you really have more than enough energy, you might as well entrust others to take care of your affairs, so that you will have more time to spend with your family, right? "

After listening to Director Qian's words, Li Yifu nodded: "You're right, I didn't think carefully a while ago.

But starting tomorrow, I can continue to work, and the association's affairs will no longer be delayed by my personal reasons. "

"Ah?" Director Qian was taken aback by Li Yifu's words, "Could it be your son already?"

He immediately thought of a possibility.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Confucius and Mencius actually saw a fleeting joy on the face of Director Qian.

"That's right, Director Duoliaoqian is worried. This afternoon... the dog's condition finally showed signs of improvement." Li Yifu suddenly let out a 180° gasp.

"President Li, your condolences...what, your son is alright?"

"Of course, thanks to the help of a doctor with excellent medical skills, otherwise I can't do anything." Li Yifu smiled very happily.

"...In that case, congratulations to President Li. I still have something to do, so excuse me first."

Seeing Director Qian leaving in a hurry, Kong Meng couldn't help asking Li Yifu: "Old Li, do you have a problem with this person?"

From the very beginning, Confucius and Mencius saw that Director Qian seemed to be coming in a bad way, especially after Li Bin's illness, which made him even more at a loss.

Confucius and Mencius would be really stupid if they didn't see that there was something wrong with the other party.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Li Yifu said helplessly, "It's not a festival, it's just that the two sides have different ideas."

Then he explained: "[Association of Ancient Chinese Union], as the name suggests, focuses on the study of ancient texts, and ancient texts are divided into many categories.

Chief among these are articles and poems.

Everyone has always disagreed on whether to focus on research articles or poetry.

Some people think that the writing logic of the article is strict and careful, and it is recommended to focus on the article; some people think that the poetry is catchy, well-known, and easier to be accepted by the public.

Because of these two differences, the [Ancient Prose Alliance Association] gradually divided into two factions, and there have always been conflicts and conflicts between the two factions.

And this kind of conflict reached its peak before the selection of the president of the last [Ancient Chinese Union Association]. "

Confucius was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect there to be so many stories here. He asked, "Then Mr. Li should belong to the poetry school?"

Li Yifu nodded: "That's right, I always thought that poetry is obviously easier to be accepted by the public than those classics and history articles, so I have been working hard according to my own ideas.

At that time, with a little talent, I quickly became the leader of the Poetry School, and Director Qian was the representative of the Article School.

Later, in the selection of the president, according to my popularity, I was not as good as Director Qian, but then the old president pushed me to the top despite all the arguments.


Nodding his head, Kong Meng finally understood that it was Li Yifu who robbed him of his position as president, no wonder he was targeted like this.

(End of this chapter)

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