The system asked me to be a teacher

Chapter 172 Kong Meng VS Doctor Shi

Chapter 172 Kong Meng VS Doctor Shi

Thinking of this, Dr. Shi felt that he could no longer let Confucius and Mencius talk nonsense.

Although Li Yifu would rather believe a brat than believe that his behavior made him very angry.

But no matter what, the two are good brothers who have been friends for 50 years, and he can't just watch Nephew Bin being tossed around.

"This... I don't know if I should call you Teacher Kong or Doctor Kong?"

Seeing Dr. Shi who spoke suddenly, Kong Meng was taken aback: "Oh, I don't have any special address, you can call me whatever you want."

"Really? Then I'll call you Teacher Kong!" Dr. Shi was not at all willing to admit that Kong Meng was his colleague, "Mr. Kong, I would like to ask, on what basis do you judge that nephew Bin is poisoned? "

Kongmeng said strangely: "Of course it's because of hearing and questioning. Mr. Li's brows are gloomy, his voice is slightly hoarse, his pulse is intermittent, and there is a slight heart failure. These are all symptoms of poisoning."

Dr. Shi stared: "Nonsense, do you think I don't know Chinese medicine? These are clearly signs that cancer cells are about to spread. I have studied cancer for 36 years, and there is absolutely no way I could make a mistake."

"Uh...these two symptoms are indeed very similar, and you really can't tell them apart unless you judge carefully."

"You mean I'm blind!" Dr. Shi immediately said angrily.

Kong Meng couldn't help sweating, he didn't expect this old man Shi to be stubborn, and his words were even more stubborn.

And as I said, the symptoms of the two are really similar, and there are no records of similar signs of poisoning in general Chinese medicine works.

Therefore, if Dr. Shi had never seen this symptom, it would be difficult for him to explain it clearly even if he tried his best.

After thinking for a while, Confucius and Mencius decided to change the method: "Doctor Shi, since you are an expert in traditional Chinese medicine, have you read "Shen Nong Jing"?"

"Shen Nong Jing" is an ancient medical classic in this world. It is somewhat similar to the "Shen Nong Herb Classic" in the previous life, except that the author of "Shen Nong Baicao Jing" is Shennong, and the author of "Shen Nong Jing" is Cai Shennong.

The two are similar on the surface, but there are still many differences in the specific content.

Hearing Confucius and Mencius's question, Dr. Shi snorted disdainfully.

"Shen Nong Jing" is the earliest medical classic in the history of China, and it is also a major subject for students of traditional Chinese medicine. He has also been a full-time lecturer of this subject, how could he not know.

Seeing Dr. Shi's expression, Kong Meng heaved a sigh of relief, since you know it will be easy.

He pointed to Li Bin's hand and said, "Doctor Shi, now please take a closer look at Mr. Li's Laogong acupoint."

"Laogong point?"

Dr. Shi was taken aback, and stared at Li Bin's palm. Because of his old age, he even wore reading glasses.

"Floating veins are blue and purple, palms are thin, and there is an obvious dark halo in the three inches of the labor palace. According to the theory of "Shen Nong Jing", this is obvious poisoning..."

Halfway through speaking, Dr. Shi was stunned, and it took him a long time to look at Kong Meng in disbelief: "This... Nephew Bin is really poisoned? But you should also know that because of the long history of "Shen Nong Jing", many theories Lack of scientific basis..."

Dr. Shi's voice became lower and lower, until he could barely hear himself in the end.

"Shen Nong Jing", one of the top ten medical classics in ancient China, is recognized as an authoritative work. Although some theories in it will be questioned by modern medicine, but if you really want to produce evidence to deny it, no one can come up with it.

This is not because modern medical workers dare not question traditional classics, but because many medical theories in "Shen Nong Jing" are very vague.

Some people have some symptoms, but some people don't. If you say it is right, it may not be right, but if you really question it, there may not be a problem with it.

Dr. Jian Shi still didn't believe it, and Confucius and Mencius didn't refute it with traditional classic medical scriptures, because even if you can tell flowers with just one mouth, it still lacks enough convincing power.

He asked Dr. Shi, "I wonder if you have any silver needles here?"

"Silver needle? Then you have to wait a moment, I'll make a call and someone will send you a..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a crisp voice: "No need, I have it."

It was Wu Qing.

Ever since learning acupuncture from Confucius and Mencius and receiving results from Wang Lin, Wu Qing has been using the silver needles all over her body now, and it finally came in handy.

Nodding and taking it, Kong Meng took out one, then looked at Li Bin, thinking about how to persuade him to do what he said.

Unexpectedly, Li Bin smiled and said directly: "Doctor Kong, you can feel free to administer the needle, and I will cooperate with all my strength."

Different from Dr. Shi's questioning, Li Bin has already believed [-]% in the judgment of Confucius and Mencius.

The other party's judgment on his preference for fugu and poisonous mushrooms was really too accurate.

It’s okay to say that the puffer fish may have been revealed to him by his father unintentionally, but the poisonous mushroom is different.

Because he was afraid that his family would worry about it, he kept it secret all the time. Apart from two or three close friends, even his father didn't know about it. He didn't believe that Confucius and Mencius could understand everything clearly before this.

Then the only possibility is that he really judged it by feeling the pulse.

Kong Meng nodded, turned Li Bin's back to him, twisted and twisted the long needle in his hand, and pierced the opponent's back.

It is also miraculous to say that the needle used by Confucius and Mencius is 15 centimeters high, but when he rubbed it with his index finger, it disappeared into Li Bin's body in an instant, as if it had never appeared before.

Thirty seconds later, Kong Meng gently pressed his fingers, and the long needle was pulled out by him again.

When Dr. Shi saw the shape of the silver needle, he was stunned, because the surface of the long needle that Confucius and Mencius pulled out was as black as ink.

"Really...really poisoned?"

If Dr. Shi could deny Confucius and Mencius' judgment on the grounds that "Shen Nong Jing" was not allowed, now he has nothing to say.

"It is as black as ink, and its color is bright" is the unified judgment of the signs of human poisoning in the ancient medical classics.

"And if the conclusion that Li Bin was poisoned is confirmed, then..."

Dr. Shi was completely stunned, because if he carefully deduced it according to the theory of Confucius and Mencius, many problems that happened to Li Bin before would instantly have a solution.

Unlike ordinary cancer patients, Dr. Shi discovered at the very beginning that Li Bin's disease was more stubborn than others.

Just like chemotherapy, Li Bin seems to have an extraordinary immunity to this method.

He needs at least 3 to 4 chemotherapy treatments to achieve the effect of one chemotherapy treatment for others.

There is also the effect of white mushrooms.

Because the study of this fungus was earlier, Dr. Shi's use of the anti-cancer substances it contains is still very effective.

But Dr. Shi had no choice but to find that the white mushroom, which had been invincible in the past, was almost ineffective when used on Li Bin.

How can this be?

So Doctor Shi hurriedly informed Li Yifu to collect as many white mushrooms as possible, and he needed more detailed research.

As a doctor with ideals and pursuits, besides treating Li Bin, Dr. Shi wanted to find this strange phenomenon more than anyone else, otherwise he would not even be able to sleep.

Unexpectedly, the thing he couldn't figure out would be broken open by a brat.

Kong Meng didn't have time to pay attention to Dr. Shi's emotions, so he turned to Li Bin and said, "Mr. Li, to be honest, the poison in your body will greatly interfere with the effect of anti-cancer drugs, especially the effect on fungi like white mushrooms is more obvious.

Therefore, before treating cancer, you must first detoxify you. Only when the toxins in your body are completely removed can the next treatment plan be implemented. "

(End of this chapter)

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