The system asked me to be a teacher

Chapter 164 Routine, all routine!

Chapter 164 Routine, all routine!
"What? 9.5? Isn't it 5.9?" Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this.

"Ahem..." Zhang Yue himself couldn't believe it when everyone questioned him.

He read it several times before saying: "You may not have heard it clearly just now, let me repeat it again, the poem written by Long Aotian is called "Looking for Flowers by the Riverside", and the [Poetry Score] score is - 9.5! "

Everyone: "I mmp, mmp, mmp..."

At this moment, everyone finally understood that Long Aotian entered the implausible song "Su Muzhe" on stage just now, absolutely on purpose.

His purpose is to let himself be fooled, so that he can choose to follow the question after Confucius and Mencius grab the question.

For this reason, Long Aotian even did not hesitate to fight with the inventor of "Poetry Grading Device".

No wonder this guy sneaked away after Ju Yiqing changed the subject. At that time, I thought the other party was timid, but now it seems...

At this point, everyone couldn't help but admire those tutors who didn't choose poems.

This time there are 100 teams, even if Long Ao is cheating, only 18 teams choose to follow the question, which shows that smart people still make up the majority.

In this situation, if other people just scolded themselves for being too stupid, then Han Qingyun's face at this table would be wonderful.

Especially Han Qingyun himself.

When Zhang Yue put the poems on the big screen, he realized that Yang Ziwen used his own works.

Yang Ziwen's behavior made him very embarrassed. Although Yang Xueba's behavior was just a personal behavior, he was the other party's teacher after all.

But for Han Qingyun, there was more joy.

8.9 points!

This is a strong affirmation of his works. He believes that, except for a few poetry masters, there will be no one else in the world who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

Hey, invincible is so lonely, so empty...

Unexpectedly, before he was complacent for a few seconds, his mentality instantly became heaven and earth...

This is what Zhang Yue said: "The dragon contestant's poem score is 9.5. Is there any problem with this score? Please watch the big screen."

Hearing this, Han Qingyun immediately concentrated his attention.

Now, more than anyone else, he wants to see what kind of poem can get such a high score.

"Looking for Flowers by the River"

Ma Siniang's house is full of flowers, and thousands of flowers are pressed down on the branches.The lingering butterfly dances from time to time, and the free-spirited warbler sings.

Han Qingyun: "..."

At his level, he can naturally make a fair evaluation of this poem.

This is a poem describing scenery in a classical style, but the language is easy to understand and just right.

For general scenery poems, in order to sublimate the poetic flavor, it is necessary to embody emotion in the scenery and use the scenery to express emotion.

But this poem completely abandons the word "love", and only through the scenery, it vividly shows the unique charm of the poem itself.

One of the most subtle is the use of overlapping characters such as "Qianduo Wanduo", "Shishi" and "Chacha".

In people's usual consciousness, this kind of words and sentences are not suitable for use in poetry, because it will reduce the style of poetry and give people a vulgar impression.

But in this poem, these words are the finishing touch. "Dancing from time to time" and "Qia Cha singing" make the beauty of the family liven up directly.

After a long silence, Han Qingyun slumped down on the chair. He realized that he had lost, and he had nothing to say.

Originally, he wanted to wrestle with Confucius and Mencius again, but he found that he could not even compare with his students, really...

Yang Ziwen looked at Long Aotian who was still smiling without any superfluous expression, and suddenly said:
"You said just now that I am the number one poet in the world, and that my poems have never been compared to anyone so far. Could it be that you want to set off yourself by exaggerating my greatness?"

Long Aotian patted Yang Ziwen on the shoulder: "The parents who gave birth to me, brother Yang who knows me!"

Yang Ziwen: "..."

He is so depressed now!
I thought I could use the teacher's hand this time to win Long Aotian once, so as to get back the ridicule in the previous session.

I didn't expect to be tricked by the other party.

The most depressing thing is that he has already been tricked once in the previous session...

A person cannot stumble over a stone twice. Is this a negative example of not repenting?
Yang Ziwen couldn't laugh or cry.

Different from the changes in mentality of everyone in Han Qingyun's team, Kong Meng's table is another scene.

Zhen Tiehan looked at the calm Kongmeng, and then at the triumphant Long Aotian, and there was only one word in his heart: Shameless!

Others don't know, but he knows very well that this song "Looking for Flowers Alone by the Riverside" is not Long Aotian's own work, but a new work by Teacher Kong.

At that time, Confucius and Mencius quoted this poem casually when he was explaining the usage of overlapping characters in class 1 of the second grade of high school.

For the lectures of Confucius and Mencius, everyone will now carefully take notes, so Zhen Tiehan is also familiar with this poem.

It is undeniable that this is his favorite poem among all the poems written by Confucius and Mencius. Unexpectedly, Long Aotian, a stinky and shameless guy, got the right to sign it first.


If you have a chance, you have to copy one yourself.

Unlike other people who are full of negative emotions, Ma Ruoxi's eyes are fixed on the big screen at this moment, and her quiet pupils are shining brightly.

Like Zhen Tiehan, as soon as she read this poem, she found that she fell in love with it hopelessly.

"Ma Siniang's house is full of flowers, and thousands of flowers are pressed down on the branches. The lilian opera butterfly dances from time to time, and the free-spirited oriole sings just right."

What a lively scene, what a wonderful artistic conception, the most important thing is that this poem begins with a Ma Siniang.

In ancient times, Niang did not refer to the mother, but the girl.

Although Ma Ruoxi is an only child, with her uncle's siblings, she just happens to be fourth.

So, isn't Ma Siniang talking about herself?Not to mention there is a trailing word behind it.

Could it be that this poem was specially written by Long Aotian for himself?
Ma Ruoxi had a pretty good impression of the son of this father's enemy.

Later, knowing that he was the culprit who inflated her car's tires, Ma Ruoxi's impression of him changed drastically, so that no matter what she said or did, she targeted him everywhere.

She wanted to never forgive the other party, but now... it seems that it is not impossible to discuss.

When everyone was thinking about it, Zhang Yue said with a smile: "I don't know if you have any objections to the rating of this poem? If not, then I announce that the only winner of this poem is the 1345 team, Long Ao sky!

His score is 39.8 points, congratulations to the 1345 team, plus the basic points, your final score is 99.8 points! "

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air.

99.8 points, that is to say, with another 0.2 points, the 1345 team will qualify ahead of schedule?

Originally, everyone thought that if all the top 10 were to be selected, there would have to be at least a dozen or so strong duels.

But according to the current momentum, don't say dozens of times, at most half an hour, this round is probably over.

Just when everyone thought they would start answering the next question immediately, a voice suddenly said, "Wait! I have objections."

It was McCarthy with a Western-specific scumbag in his voice.

"I remember that classmate Long just now thought my [Poetry Score] was not accurate enough, so does he think that this time the score is also wrong?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Long Aotian.

Although everyone understands the purpose of Dragon Player's anger with McCarthy on stage just now.

But they still didn't expect that Mr. Mai, who chose to endure just now, would suddenly attack at this juncture.

Long Aotian glanced at McCarthy, and said in a low voice: "This time, you will be regarded!"

"Scoring this time? What about before that? Is there any problem?" McCarthy obviously didn't want Long Aotian to be fooled so easily.

(End of this chapter)

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