The system asked me to be a teacher

Chapter 152 Poetry Title - Tomorrow!

Chapter 152 Poetry Title - Tomorrow!
"Everyone pay attention to the time!" Just as Yang Ziwen was about to open the third question, Han Qingyun's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

Yang Ziwen was taken aback for a moment, and then broke out in a cold sweat, because the countdown on his flat panel monitor had changed to 26:19.

Then Han Qingyun continued: "100 questions in 30 minutes, it is basically impossible to finish, this is because I didn't think carefully, but luckily I found it in time.

While you are hurrying up now, you must pick up the simple ones first, and get as many points as you can. "

Only then did Yang Ziwen understand that what Han Qingyun said was right for everyone.

Forced to cheer up, he continued to look at question 3, and then...

Well, let’s just answer the short-answer questions. As a top student, we are not picky.

Yang Ziwen has gotten used to it.

Confucius and Mencius here.

When the countdown to the game started and Long Aotian focused on the monitor, he couldn't help shouting: "Teacher Kong is amazing..."

In the middle of speaking, he realized that this is the scene of the competition, and quickly stopped talking.

Sure enough, Ma Ruoxi was looking at him with unkind eyes.

Fortunately, the time was tight and the task was heavy, Ma Cai only gave him a look, and then started to work on her own problems.

That's right, Long Aotian's first question is also a short answer question, but with Confucius and Mencius' previous analysis, he is very calm now.

Without looking at what was written in this question, Long Aotian focused his attention on the screen.

On purpose, he soon found an icon with an extremely vague logo in the upper right corner.

After clicking, a form pops up from the screen, with ten horizontal lines and ten vertical lines, and numbers from 1 to 100 on it.

Long Aotian clicked 100, the screen jumped again, and then it became a multiple-choice question, and it was a super simple multiple-choice question.

Hahahaha, let's see how Brother Long kills the Quartet today...

Ignoring the students' problems, Kong Meng turned on his teacher's computer.

That's right, since I have come to the conclusion that the questions are absolutely endless, I can give up the plan of instructing students myself.

Because time does not allow him to open his mouth to give instructions, unless one of the five people is willing to be his marionette, he will do the questions himself, and the puppet will wait beside him.

But in this way, this competition loses its meaning, and it is not cost-effective from a comprehensive perspective.

Although Confucius and Mencius activated the middle school Chinese project, the content of this competition is not limited to the middle school stage.

So even if Confucius and Mencius did the questions himself, he would be [-] points more than these top scholars.

As for writing poetry, he dare not say No. 1, the top 100 is absolutely no problem, maybe it can be even higher.

In this way, I can at least get 30 points, which is more important, at a glance.

The screen switched, and the title appeared, with only two words on it: Tomorrow!

Seeing this topic, Confucius and Mencius couldn't help being taken aback.

Originally, when he heard that Zhang Yue had no requirements for the subject matter of his poems, Confucius and Mencius' first thought was to copy an ancient poem.

Although I don't know the specific title, but in China's 5000-year history, there are so many good poems and words, no matter how you can find a corresponding one.

It's a pity that the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is very small. Confucius and Mencius have never heard of any ancient poet who used tomorrow to write poems.

As for modern poetry, does it have anything to do with tomorrow?

Maybe there is, but Confucius and Mencius couldn't think of it for the time being.

I won't capsize in the gutter today, will I?

You know, since all the students in class 1 of the second year of high school used the poems he encouraged everyone to write compositions, he is now only one of the famous poets from Zhiyuan.

While worrying, a voice behind him suddenly said: "Mr. Lin, isn't your Yunwu Mountain particularly fun?"

It's Deng Yun.

Because all the contestants were working hard on the questions, Deng Yun, who was waiting in the auditorium, felt a little bored.

Thinking of Confucius and Mencius' introduction about Yunwu Mountain, he couldn't help but ask Lin Zhi.

Unexpectedly, Lin Zhi shook her head: "It was okay when I first went, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the empty valley is quiet.

However, as time goes by, the constant traffic leads to extremely low productivity, and the cost of various resources and manpower is extremely high..."

"Isn't Teacher Lin a native of Yunwu Mountain?" Deng Yun obviously didn't expect Lin Zhi to say that.

Because if Lin Zhi grew up in Yunwu Mountain, her answer should focus on the details of her life there, rather than analyzing it from a high-level view.

Lin Zhi shook her head: "Of course not, I'm a graduate of Imperial Capital Normal University, and I went there to support teaching. I have stayed in Runxi Hope Middle School for almost 5 years!"

"5 years? Awesome! I admire it!" Deng Yun spoke the truth.

Now many normal universities are popular for teachers to go to remote areas to teach, and many students are very active at the beginning.

But when you get there, you will find the gap between ideal and reality.

The monotonous and boring life day after day will also make people doubt life.

Therefore, many supporting teachers will find a way to leave after not staying for half a year.

Those who can really endure hardships, have perseverance and perseverance will stay there for at most two years.

This is the standard number of years for normal students to sign a teaching teacher contract.

When the time limit is up, return home with honors, with flowers and applause, enjoy the praise and admiration of the past, and then start a new life journey with various preferential policies promised by the state when supporting education.

As for going back again, hehe, forget it, it’s not that we are irresponsible, but that we really don’t want to waste this wonderful youth.

Comparing the two, we can see how strong Lin Zhi is.

Deng Yun said curiously: "It seems that Mr. Lin really likes the customs and customs of Yunwu Mountain."

Lin Zhi shook her head: "Mr. Deng, do you want to hear the truth?"


"Yeah." Lin Zhi said calmly, "Actually, like most young support teachers, I don't like Yunwu Mountain at all. If possible, I'll stay there for half a year at most."

"Then you..." Seeing Lin Zhi looking in the direction of Kong Meng, Deng Yun's heart suddenly moved, "Is it because of Hu Die?"

"En." Lin Zhi nodded, then sighed: "I remember five years ago, in the first month after I arrived at Yunwu Mountain, I got lost on the mountain due to an accident.

Hu Die's older brother Hu Yue was with me at the time.

I remember that the mountain was very cold and cold at that time, and then we were attacked by wolves...

I thought I would die there, but Hu Yue saved my life with his own life...

Before Hu Yue died, he asked me to take good care of his 12-year-old sister.

There is only this one sister in his family, and I agreed. "

"That's right... I'm sorry!"

Lin Zhi suddenly smiled, very relieved: "It's okay, Hu Die is 17 years old this year, I will leave quietly when she is 18 years old."

Deng Yun stopped talking because he no longer knew what to say.

But Lin Zhi, who had been silent all this time, seemed to have opened up the chatterbox:

"Teacher Deng may not know, but I am actually a person who likes to run around, and my dream is to travel around the world.

I also like the ordinary life. I grew up by the sea when I was a child, and I often dream of going back there.

There, I wake up every morning and can go to the nearby market, buy rice and vegetables, and enjoy the rare afternoon time amidst the sound of the undulating waves.

Alas... Yunwu Mountain is really too backward. Even the most basic rice noodles have to be self-sufficient... Even if you have money, you can't spend it. "

"This..." As an old man, Deng Yun didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only say, "In fact, many things in life are still very beautiful."

Lin Zhi looked at him and suddenly smiled: "Does Teacher Deng think that I am pessimistic? Or is there a psychological problem?
You're wrong, I don't have any mental problems, it's just that I've been in that place for too long, and I feel a little bored and depressed.

I used to be the happiest optimist ever!

I like people who work hard and succeed in their careers. I hope that lovers will eventually get married. I wish everyone can find their true happiness. "

(End of this chapter)

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