The system asked me to be a teacher

Chapter 144 Temporarily Modified Competition Rules

Chapter 144 Temporarily Modified Competition Rules

Kong Meng never expected that when he brought Fang Zhenyuan and Long Aotian back to the hotel, he was greeted by Zhou Qianqian's face as dark as a pot.

"Where are you guys going? Do you know that there is a competition this afternoon?"

"Ah? I..." Kongmeng wanted to explain, but he didn't know what to say.

In his heart, Zhou Qianqian is the kind of lively, cheerful and optimistic girl. Even if she accidentally makes her angry, she will hum at most, how could she be so angry?
"Ms. Zhou, don't be angry. I insisted on going with Mr. Kong. If you want to blame, you can blame me."

Behind him, Long Aotian hurriedly made amends: "Besides, you probably haven't eaten yet, right? See what I brought you?"

As he said that, he and Fang Zhenyuan put the big and small bags in their hands on the table: "This is a special meal for the sprint team of the Shanghai Sports School. It is not only low in calories, but also balanced in nutrition. It is said that no matter how much you eat, you will not get fat!"

The last sentence obviously hit Zhou Qianqian's weakness, she gave Long Aotian an angry look, and she beckoned others to take out the lunch box inside.

When the lunch box was opened, everyone couldn't help being amazed.

As Long Aotian said, these foods are all composed of fish and lean meat high in protein and vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins. Not only are they less oily and salty, but the staple food is also mostly coarse grains.

In fact, this kind of food is available on the Internet and in some high-end restaurants that promote health, which is not uncommon, but the healthy meals of Shanghai Sports School are completely different.

The combination of vegetables and meat, the combination of red and green, the fish fillets are soft, and the fruits are crispy, which looks very attractive.

Pick up a piece and put it in your mouth, the taste is not much better than the signature dish of the big hotel.

Long Aotian smiled and said: "It's delicious! You don't know, I have worked hard to bring these dishes back."

After making an appointment with the sprint team members to teach them, Kong Meng originally wanted to take the two of them away immediately.

However, this group of young men were so enthusiastic, they not only took the initiative to pull them to eat lunch, but also stuffed them with a bunch of big and small bags.

Although the Shanghai Sports School is not very far from the hotel, it is still thousands of meters away.

The three of them came back with food, Kong Meng and Fang Zhenyuan, who were in better health, were better, but the thin and small Long Aotian was exhausted.

Zhou Qianqian glared at him: "Really? Don't think that you will be fine by bribing me with these things. If our team is dragged down because of you in the afternoon game, you are the sinner of Zhiyuan Middle School."

"Ah? A sinner? Mr. Zhou, it's just a poetry competition, isn't it so exaggerated?"

Zhou Qianqian turned to look at Kong Meng: "Teacher Kong thinks so too?"

"This..." Kong Meng was taken aback for a moment, obviously not quite understanding Zhou Qianqian's words.

Ma Ruoxi, who was always quiet by the side, suddenly said: "Long Aotian, I will be with you this afternoon. If you behave well, I won't bother with you about getting angry with my car, but if you lose the chain in the middle, we have a new account." Let's settle the old accounts together!"

Long Aotian was stunned: "What? Are you with me?"

Confucius and Mencius reacted faster, he frowned and asked Zhou Qianqian: "Could it be that the rules of the poetry contest have been changed?"

Although it was the first time for him to experience this competition, Kong Meng knew that last year's poetry competition was fought on its own. Judging from Ma Ruoxi's tone now, it is most likely that the organizers have revised the rules of the competition.

Zhou Qianqian nodded: "That's right, just three hours ago, I received a call from the [Ancient Chinese Union Association].

They said that in order to increase the attention of the competition, the National Youth Poetry Competition has changed from an individual unit to a group competition led by mentors. "

"Group competition? Still led by a mentor?" Kong Meng was a little confused.

"Yeah!" Zhou Qianqian nodded, "The rules given by the other party are as follows, all contestants form teams freely in groups of five, led by a mentor.

There is no limit to the qualifications of the participating mentors. The organizer suggests that it is best to be a member of the public who is jointly recommended by five people. Of course, if there is no candidate, the organizer can also provide personnel. "

Listening to Zhou Qianqian's introduction, Kong Meng couldn't believe his ears.

Isn't the National Youth Poetry Competition just about writing poetry?How does it compare to grouping five people into a group?
Just grouping is enough, but you still need to find a mentor?

Please, this is a poetry contest, not The Voice of China!

Seeing Kong Meng's expression, Zhou Qianqian certainly understood what he was thinking.

She smiled wryly: "When I first heard the organizers say this, it was difficult to understand. But the explanation they gave was to increase the heat of the competition.

You may not know it, because poetry is too unpopular. In recent years, there have been fewer and fewer contestants or followers of this competition, and it will soon be discontinued.

In order to revive the competition, they had no choice but to do it. For this reason, Li Yifu, the president of the [Ancient Prose League Association], also contacted Shanghai TV Station specifically, planning to make a program for this purpose.

The organizers vowed that although the rules have changed, the excitement and intensity of the competition will only increase and not decrease, and the rewards for the winners of the competition will also increase on the original basis. "

Listening to Zhou Qianqian's explanation, Kong Meng couldn't help thinking of how he met Li Yifu twice in the last Voice competition.

Combined with the actions of the Shanghai TV station this time, he finally understood a little bit why a master of poetry participated in that kind of talent show variety show.

Although it was still unacceptable, Confucius and Mencius expressed their understanding.

Unlike famous sports such as basketball and football, competitions such as poetry competitions and idiom competitions, if they can't make new ideas, basically no one will pay attention to them.

In particular, the modern Internet is becoming more and more developed, and people's entertainment methods have become more diversified. Novels, short videos, live broadcasts, and online dramas are filling every aspect of our lives.

Without enough gimmicks and eye-catching highlights, the only end is to be submerged in the sea of ​​flooded information.

From hearing the news to accepting the news, Confucius and Mencius' reaction could not be described as unpleasant.

He was about to ask about the situation of the nine contestants from Zhiyuan Middle School, Zhou Qianqian said again: "Mr. Kong, I will do my best to lead the second team, but the first team will be left to you.

Although I don't know the specific rules yet, I believe that with your ability, you will be able to help Zhiyuan get a medal back. "

"Please me? Will I also participate?" Kongmeng fell into a daze for a moment.

Zhou Qianqian gave him a white look: "Otherwise?"

"But I'm not prepared at all!" Seeing the other party's swearing, Confucius and Mencius became a little anxious.

In the previous plan of the three, although Kong Meng also came to this competition, the experienced Zhou Qianqian was still the main player.

So his mentality has always been to follow behind to play soy sauce, why did he suddenly become the main force?
He even waved his hands: "Absolutely not, Mr. Zhou, I think you and Mr. Deng should lead the team. I'll just follow behind and cheer..."

But before he finished speaking, Deng Yun interrupted him: "Mr. Kong, do you think I don't want to lead the team to participate in the competition? I dream about it now, but the students don't like me!"

Confucius and Mencius: "???"

Deng Yun explained: "Maybe it is still in the groping stage. The organizers have no restrictions on the mentors of this competition. Their only requirement is that the mentors must be voluntarily selected by the students.

I asked the five students in Group A, and they all voted for you to lead the team. I said that Mr. Kong has other things and I don’t have time to play with you. Let me, a talented Deng, follow you!
Guess what happened?Of the five of them, four abstained directly.

What do you think I can do?I am also very desperate! "

Confucius and Mencius: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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