The system asked me to be a teacher

Chapter 105 System Upgrade

Chapter 105 System Upgrade
Kong Meng no longer knew how he got down from the podium. Looking at the thick stack of hundred-yuan bills in his hand, his whole body was floating.

Can anyone tell me what's going on?

To be honest, what Kong Meng was most worried about before was whether he could pass Class 1 of Senior Secondary School. After he understood the difficulty of the test questions, his most intuitive feeling was actually similar to that of Luo Hao-this is the end of the calf!
Although his lectures are very in-depth and simple, and although all the students are studying hard, because he has never been formally tested, he can only estimate the level of these students.

But no matter how you estimate it, the students in Class 1 (Senior Grade [-]) are at most passing grades, and to win the first place in the simply ridiculous.

It took him a long time to recover from this state, forget it, the specific situation will be clear when the test papers are issued.

I believe that the board of directors, which has always been known for its strict selflessness, will not make some low-level mistakes.

Putting aside distracting thoughts, Confucius and Mencius focused on his bonus. Even if his personality was diluted, he couldn't help laughing at this moment.

This is 30 million!

With this money, my father will definitely be much more relaxed.

The last time I went back, although I had collected enough 80 yuan, this figure was barely enough to build a winery.

Later, he used the method of exchanging grapes for wine to buy nearly double the amount of grapes on credit, which again caused a shortage of funds for the construction of the production line.

After discussing with his father and younger brother, Kong Meng decided to build part of the production line first to see if it could be overloaded first.

If it really doesn't work, at worst, I will take out the finished version of "Tian Long Ba Bu" and send it to Hong Huang's editorial department to collect part of the copyright fee, or sell a few more songs to Lin Xiaoyu.

Well now, with this money, my father can build enough production lines in the early stage, and then construct multiple lines to avoid the loss of grapes due to rot as much as possible.

"Teacher Kong, Teacher Kong?" Xie Meixuan's voice rang in her ears.

"Ah?" Confucius suddenly recovered, "What's the matter?"

"What is it? Go up to receive the award?"

"What?" Kong Meng raised his head, and saw Mr. Ma Zhiyuan looking at him with a smile.

As if knowing that Confucius and Mencius were distracted, he repeated: "The one who won the No.1 average score in a single Chinese subject in the second grade of senior high school is Kong Meng, the teacher in class (1) of the second grade of senior high school!

The one who won the No.1 Chinese single subject progress award in the second grade of senior high school is ——Class Two (1) of senior high school, the teacher Kong Meng!

The individual grade No. 1 in the single subject of Chinese in the second grade of senior high school is—Long Aotian, a student in Class 1 of Senior Two ([-]), and Kong Meng, the teacher!

Congratulations to Mr. Kong! "

Kong Meng blinked his eyes, and then he remembered that the award for the excellent head teacher was just the beginning of the awards for the second grade.

Even if the arts and sciences were separated in the second year of high school, there would still be six individual subjects whose amount was not less than the head teacher's bonus.

Therefore, with his excellent Chinese performance in Class 1 (Senior Grade 30), he received another [-] bonus.

It's just... something doesn't seem right.

Long Aotian? ? ?
The Chinese No. 1 that President Ma just said was actually Long Aotian?

Just like Confucius and Mencius, when other teachers thought of this familiar name, which was actually the same as the name that was punished for flirting with the teacher in the examination room, only two words came out of their hearts——

What the hell!

In an exam, you spent half of the time teasing and coughing with the teacher, and you got the first place in the end...

Is that human being?
Everyone thought that Wang Tong was evil enough, but now they know what it means to be a little witch, what it means that a mountain is higher than a mountain, and what it means to be strong in the middle of the strong.

And the most annoying thing is that these evildoers are now in Class 1 (Class [-]) of high school.

No reason!

But everyone didn't stay in a daze for too long, Ma Zhiyuan had already switched the subject to mathematics.

Not surprisingly, Class 1 (Senior Grade [-]) once again won the first place in the three awards with a strong and invincible attitude.

Of course, it was Xie Meixuan who went up to receive the award this time.

The only pity is that Hu Feng, the top student in Class Two (2) also got full marks in mathematics, so Xie Meixuan could only share the bonus equally with the math teacher in Class Two (2).

Then there are four subjects: English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

Class 1 of the second year of high school once again swept all the No.1.

Although the single subjects of chemistry and biology still have to be divided equally with other teachers, it doesn't matter anymore. Confucius and Mencius' absolute dominance has become the biggest winner of today's reward distribution.

Except for the mathematics and biology that Xie Meixuan took over, all the prize money went into his pocket.

This also caused [-]% of teachers in the second grade of high school to return empty-handed, setting a new record for the proportion of individual recipients of bonuses issued by Zhiyuan Middle School.

When Ma Zhiyuan formulated the bonus, the reason why he divided the types so clearly and clearly was that he wanted to encourage most teachers with excessive money.

Since its inception, his program has achieved great success. Many education experts call it the most powerful teacher incentive program in history.

Unexpectedly, the advantages of this plan were completely destroyed by Confucius and Mencius.


After finishing the last single subject, Ma Zhiyuan patted Kong Meng on the shoulder vigorously, and said with a smile, "Work hard, young man, I am very optimistic about you!"

The old man was not at all offended that Kong Meng broke his bonus incentive plan.

In fact, there was no need for Ma Zhiyuan to be angry at all.

This situation of Confucius and Mencius is just a special case. Besides him, who else can be proficient in six subjects at the same time, and have enough energy to spend a day in the classroom giving lectures to students?

Not to mention, even the systematic Confucius and Mencius can only persist for a while, if it weren't for Xie Meixuan to help share his worries halfway, he might have been exhausted and collapsed.

"Thank you, Teacher Ma, I will definitely make persistent efforts to build Class 1 ([-]) into an excellent class with all-round development of morality, intelligence, and physical fitness, and contribute to Zhiyuan's tomorrow and the future of society.

After speaking, he walked to his seat again.

When other teachers saw Confucius approaching, they greeted him with smiles.

With Ma Zhiyuan's attitude, the future of Confucius and Mencius is absolutely boundless, and it is absolutely beneficial and harmless to have a good relationship with him now.

To these people's greetings, Confucius and Mencius just smiled in disbelief, and left quickly.

The teachers were a little embarrassed, but when they thought of Confucius and Mencius' abilities, they took it for granted. After all, people with abilities have more personality.

If Confucius and Mencius knew what these teachers were thinking, he would have cried out that he was wronged, because his thoughts did not belong to him and had nothing to do with these teachers.

Just after Ma Zhiyuan announced that Class 1 ([-]) of Biology had won the first place again, the system in his mind suddenly changed.

- Drip!
——Congratulations to the host for triggering the hidden task [Examination], and completing it with absolute perfection, and getting the ultimate reward of the system [All Discipline Mastery]!
——In the system reward method...

- beep!
——It is detected that the host has another ultimate reward [Complete Study Cases]!
——The ultimate reward is superimposed, and the fusion condition is met. Is it fusion?
--【yes】? 【no】

Seeing the rows of text appearing on the system panel, Kong Meng was a little dazed.

What's the situation?
Since the moment Confucius and Mencius got the [Super Teacher System], he was a little strange.

Different from other all-purpose systems with complete functions, his [Super Teacher System] seems to have nothing but triggering two hidden missions and a novice gift package during the teaching process.

For example, in the case of him taking care of six subjects, at least some stamina potion should be given to him to replenish his energy so that he can teach and educate people better.

But after half a month of hard work, Confucius and Mencius realized that they were thinking too much.

Except for the first [Ten Years Must Do Questions] and a [Tianlong Babu], he couldn't even find any supplementary books, let alone stamina potions.

If I hadn't unintentionally triggered the all-encompassing [Complete Study Cases], this system would really be abolished.

Unexpectedly, the system will have a new change at the end of the monthly exam.

Could it be that not only Zhiyuan Middle School, but also the system itself has an internship period for itself?
Only through practice can I increase the number of elements in the system?

Without hesitation, Confucius directly chose [Yes]!
— is merging.

——The integration is successful!
- Start upgrading!
--update successed!
——Congratulations to the host for passing the [Super Teacher System] Internship Assessment 1.0.

——[Super Teacher System] 2.0 is officially released. I hope the host will become the top people's teacher with the help of the system!
Sure enough, Confucius and Mencius suddenly realized.

(End of this chapter)

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